Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 842: Holding Qin Qing'er?

A young man in his twenties or thirties was also sitting in it, his face was "exposed" with a serious expression. Unlike Long Teng, Qin Shuo always felt that this person always showed " It reveals such a stereotyped breath, which is very unusual in young people.

"You're Xuanyuan Haoyue, right? So let's get to the point directly. I'm pretty busy anyway. How do you want to solve this matter?"

Qin Shuo directly found a chair, and then just finished it.

"Actually you should know that according to your military rank, you should call me the leader, and what do you mean by this?"

Xuanyuan Haoyue said with an upset face.

"According to the strength of the two of us, you should call me grandpa, what do you mean?"

After hearing these words, Qin Shuo was also full of discomfort. He was about the same age as him, and he was still demanded by others, so he said that he had come to be a named general.

When I saw the big chief, the big chief was always polite to him, but he didn't expect that the little boy in front of him would be ostentatious to himself.

I think I didn't kneel down when I saw Han Lingdi. Not to mention how it is possible to be polite to this person about his age here.

"You stand up for me."

Xuanyuan Haoyue said, it seemed that he wanted to give Qin Shuo a good start!

"If I say I won't stand up, what can you do?"

Qin Shuo smiled and said.

"I heard that you also know some martial arts. Like others, we are actually a family of martial arts, so this time I want to ask you a little bit. I heard that you are a martial artist of innate level, but I Do not believe."

Xuanyuan Haoyue said, looking at Qin Shuo with shining eyes.

After he said this sentence, he suddenly felt a chill in his ears, as if a process passed through his ears.

I "touched" the hair around my ear a little, and suddenly found that it was bald.

I myself hadn't felt any luck in Qin Shuo before, and I couldn't see any movement in him, it seemed that all of this came from nothing.

"If you ask your parents to compete, then I will still be a little bit more concerned. But why are you looking for death here? A martial artist of acquired rank wants to compete with me?"

Qin Shuo also spoke unceremoniously, but there was actually no sarcasm in what he said, as he was telling the truth.

"This person has the power of a grandmaster, he is really a grandmaster."

A warrior in ancient costume beside Xuanyuan Haoyue suddenly leaned against his ear and spoke.

"I didn't expect this person to be so young, he really is a great innate master, I didn't expect, I didn't expect.

Xuanyuan Haoyue also exclaimed and said.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Now let's discuss our affairs."

Qin Shuo said directly.

"In fact, there is nothing worth considering about that matter. After all, it is on the battlefield. This time I won and he lost. That's it. What do you want?" Xuanyuan Haoyue glanced at Qin Shuo, then spoke.

"If you dignifiedly defeated my nephew on the battlefield, then I won't say a word, but you are not like that, and you used a very despicable means, so you won. Got him."

Qin Shuo said, looking at Xuanyuan Haoyue, his face was full of upset.

"I met him on the battlefield. During the war, did everyone use conspiracy? Is it impossible to use conspiracy? And you must remember that you are my subordinate, you The current military rank is lower than mine. I promised to discuss with you this time because it gave Longteng face. Don't be so ignorant."

Xuanyuan Haoyue said, a trace of anger already appeared on her face.

"Actually, I said this sentence. Do you think I want to be a lieutenant general? If it weren't for the chief commander who insisted that I be the general, I wouldn't bother to participate in your military affairs."

Qin Shuo said.

"Anyway, no matter what, this time you give me a face, so don't participate in this matter."

Xuanyuan Haoyue said.

"Is your face very valuable? I and you are not familiar with each other, why should I give you face? Now I give you two choices, you can decide, one is to join me in the game Sun Ce apologized, and the other is to accept my revenge."

Qin Shuo said, anyway, he gave Xuanyuan Haoyue two choices.

"Do you want to start a full-scale war with me now? Don't you think about the consequences of this incident?"

Xuanyuan Haoyue's eyes were also slightly a little, and she said.

"Are there any consequences? In reality, do you have any way to fight me? In the game, if I want to attack you, then you will be defeated."

Qin Shuo said, it seems that it is not a negotiation now, but a unilateral notice from Qin Shuo.

"Don't you think about your own sister?"

After Xuanyuan Haoyue smiled, she spoke meaningfully.

After Qin Shuo heard these words, there was also a panic expression on his face: "What did you do to my sister? How do you know where my sister is?"

"You don't need to think about this. Anyway, what is the current choice in front of you? It's up to you."

Xuanyuan Haoyue spoke, but after he finished saying this, he felt his throat tighten. Qin Shuo, who was originally ten meters in front of him, suddenly appeared behind him and strangled him. throat.

"Do it, shadow."

Xuanyuan Haoyue nervously called the guard next to her, and said.

The guard had just prepared to attack Qin Shuo, but was directly knocked into the air by a powerful air current from Qin Shuo.

"A little Congenital Grandmaster, why do you dare to be so arrogant in front of me?"

Qin Shuo spoke, and glanced at the guard on the ground.

"Now release my sister quickly, otherwise, I will let you know what the fear of death is."

Qin Shuo said, he already felt that Xuanyuan Haoyue's legs were already shaking slowly, and he seemed to be very afraid of Qin Shuo.

"In fact, there is no need for us at all. We can still talk about this matter properly, don't be so impatient." Xuanyuan Haoyue said.

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