Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 846: Raiders in Jingzhou

"But you have to know that the princes under the world are also watching us closely, so we should also pay more attention. In the current process, Cao Thief is also holding the emperor to make the princes, but his current The target should be Yuan Shao, so we can feel a little relieved about this."

Guo Jia on the side first spoke.

"But we also have to be careful in our actions, otherwise it will be easy to be impeached by them. It is best not to fully reveal our full strength."

Guo Jia on the side also spoke.

In fact, Liu Biao has always been an individual talent in governance. When he was in Jingzhou, he used both kindness and power and recruited talents. He also had a very high reputation in the local area and was surrendered by all people.

In history, it also killed Sun Jian first and resisted Cao Cao later. If it wasn't because he died too early and spoiled his wife Cai, then maybe he would be better in Jingzhou.

However, he is suspicious of nature, and he has no big ambitions, so he does have a very high talent in governance, but he is average in marching and fighting.

He also has a lot of civilian generals in his hands, especially in history, he has more civilian generals, but now many of his civilian generals have been recruited by Qin Shuo.

At present, he still has military commanders, Zhang Xian, Cai Huang and other generals, and the civil servants have Kuai Yue, Chen Sheng, Zhang Yun, Kuai Liang, and Kuai Yue.

But if Qin Shuo didn't show up, in fact, Gan Ning, Huang Zhong and even Liu Biao belonged to Liu Biao's. If calculated like this, then Liu Biao's strength is very strong.

And it still occupies two states, with hundreds of thousands of persevering people, which can be regarded as a very powerful prince, and there are few in the whole world that can compare.

"But now what I need is to quickly attack them. Anyway, it's best for Liu Biao not to participate in this matter. If Liu Biao participates, then I will take him and destroy it."

Qin Shuo said coldly, everyone knew what Qin Shuo meant.

"Lord, let us plan a little bit first. You don't have to worry too much about this. If it can be done, we will definitely do it."

The subordinates below also spoke, seeming to believe in Qin Shuo very much.

In their eyes, what Qin Shuo wanted to do was basically correct, and this time he attacked Jingzhou, he was not a hot head. Before, they had already made a perfect plan.

If they could attack Jingzhou this time, it would also have a lot of benefits for their overall situation. This was the plan Qin Shuo had made before.

Today's soldiers and horses have already entered Changsha County, so in fact, many people are already ready to fight, and the opposite is also the same.

This time the battle must be fought and must be fought. If you say that you don't fight it, although there is no loss for Qin Shuo, it has caused Qin Shuo to lose a huge opportunity. In addition, in the current Nanyang County, there is also such a situation. The Second Army has actually been deployed there, but this news has never been told to others.

Nanyang County itself already had such a big Qin Shuo original. It left a lot of soldiers there, and now it finally comes in handy.

"Now that you have said so, the rest is up to you to decide. As long as you can decide well, then the rest,"

Today's Jiangxia County and Wuling County are in Liu Biao's hands, while Lingling County is in the hands of Xuanyuan.

Even if he occupied these three counties, there was actually no way. After all, Qin Shuo's territory had completely surrounded it.

Of course he also had a breakthrough, but this breakthrough was Liu Bei's Southern County, and it is very likely that these three forces merged together.

After all, even if Liu Bei didn't want to provoke Qin Shuo now, after Qin Shuo took all of their three counties, he would definitely attack Nanjun.

So the current thing is not that Liu Bei wants to make a move, but the current situation "forces" him to only make a move.

In Qin Shuo's plan, this Liu Bei might announce that he would unite with the remaining two forces. But Qin Shuo has not received any news until now, which makes Qin Shuo have some doubts.

But think about it carefully, now Liu Bei's side has already forgiven him, otherwise, maybe there will be many variables now.

Qin Shuo had always had a fear of Zhuge Liang. In his previous life, Zhuge Liang had also taken refuge in Liu Bei. Although Liu Bei was suppressed by recruits everywhere, Zhuge Liang never left him.

In the end, Liu Bei was forced to find a place in the "chaotic" situation, and finally occupied Yizhou. Although they also directly ceded several counties when they attacked from other areas, but the remaining half The strength of Yizhou is also very strong.

So many people say that Zhuge Liang actually has the ability to change fate against the sky, and Qin Shuo has always believed in this.

So now that Liu Bei didn't unite with them, maybe it was what Zhuge Liang thought of. As for what he thought, Qin Shuo couldn't think of it anyway.

But if they didn't take action, it would be a good thing for Qin Shuo, at least there would be no more casualties, but Qin Shuo wouldn't be grateful for it.

When an opportunity is found, Nanjun will still be occupied. In this way, the richest Jingzhou will also fall into Qin Shuo's hands.

At that time, Qin Shuo's power could be completely described as horror, but it was not like that at the moment. There were still many obstacles in front of Qin Shuo.

But Qin Shuo was not afraid of the challenges he had to accept in front of him. For these things, Qin Shuo was very used to it anyway, and on the whole it would not produce any negative effects.

Now Qin Shuo's army is already in a hurry to complete, and his own counsellors are also there to discuss how to attack them.

In fact, the opposite side is also waiting. This battle may determine the future trend of Jingzhou. If they fail in the future, then the entire Jingzhou will belong to Qin Shuo.

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