Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 848: Unparalleled

The opposite seemed like they didn't believe it. Even though what they said was so clear, they still didn't want to. This made Qin Shuo a little angry.

In fact, there is not much time left for himself, so Qin Shuo didn't talk nonsense with them either.

Those messengers were actually not easy. When they came over, the attitude of the whole person was conscientious. After not hearing Qin Shuo's words, he just ran away.

After all, in this era, sometimes one way to go to war is to kill the envoys sent by the other side, so generally speaking, the envoys who come here are determined to die.

But if you were lucky enough to survive, you would naturally be grateful. Qin Shuo just didn't have that kind of interest to kill evil, and there was no such need.

Qin Shuo is now preparing to let the Ma Yuan lead soldiers of the First Army to attack the opponent. After all, Qin Shuo certainly believes in the strength of Ma Yuan, and it is now fully mature.

So Ma Yuan was already fighting hard and preparing for the next battle.

The current location of Changsha County is actually very embarrassing. It is sandwiched between Jiangxia County and Guiyang County, Lingling County to the southwest, and Wuling County to the west.

If Liu Bei is still cooperating with them, then Qin Shuo is going to have some headaches, but now Liu Bei is not cooperating, then the situation is much better.

In fact, apart from Nanyang County, the largest county town is Wuling County, followed by Changsha County.

But according to the ranking of strengths and weaknesses, then Nanyang County is the strongest, then Changsha County, and finally this Wuling County.

But now Wuling County has a faint feeling of surpassing Changsha County, after all, this is Longteng's territory, and Longteng is not lacking in resources at all.

Just like when Qin Shuo was upgraded in the early stage, sometimes it was very short of population, but the population on the side of Longteng was too large, and even sent out to other places.

After all, there are millions of soldier players under their hands. The quality of these players is higher than that of ordinary players, and their qualifications are still higher.

In the later stage, the entire world is the player's world. In fact, this sentence is not wrong at all, and even some players underestimated it. In fact, in the mid-term, it was already the player's world.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of Qin Shuo's abnormality, perhaps the world now is much more complicated. If there are dozens of more princes, it is estimated that there will be more than a dozen princes.

Qin Shuo encountered that kind of scattered sand in the early and late stages. In fact, such a situation is a very abnormal situation for Qin Shuo.

In the previous life, it was actually because of this reason that the entire Dahan district clothing was so weak, and now it is completely integrated.

In fact, there were many regrets in Qin Shuo's previous life, so now Qin Shuo is also preparing to slowly make up for those regrets.

If it can be remedied, then it is natural. If there is no way to remedy it, then there is no way.

I must do my best anyway. Only in this way can I be ashamed. I finally got a chance to be reborn. Then I must do something in this world.

The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit.

Perhaps this was a sentence believed by Qin Shuo in the previous life, but now Qin Shuo is indeed different. After all, he has a sublimation in his mentality.

Qin Shuo now wants to integrate the entire district service, so that when he defends against foreign enemies, there will be no internal worries inside.

In fact, even if it can't be completely integrated within two years, it will have to be handed over to internal forces and turned into one, two, or three shares, or three shares at most.

If the number of people is relatively small, then it can be unified a little bit. If the number of people is really increased, then the unification is also a very troublesome thing.

After Qin Shuo figured out this matter now, he didn't care about these things anymore. After all, there is no way to dream now. Only by slowly acting can he finally make achievements.

"Actually, if we want to attack now, it is still a more troublesome thing. The army on the Nanyang side has not been fully deployed, but I feel that we can still attack Jiangxia County first."

After Ma Yuan glanced at the map, he spoke.

The current Jiangxia County is to the west, Nanyang County, Qinshuo’s Nanyang County to the north, Qinshuo’s hinterland Lujiang County to the west, and to the south is the current location of Qin Shuo, Changsha County.

"But now the most important thing is to hand in Sun Jian's antidote first to grab it, so you can only attack Lingling County anyway. You don't need to think too much about this."

After Qin Shuo opened his eyes to everyone, he said.

"But if the lord attacked Lingling County now, it would not actually be the best opportunity!"

Xue Rengui on the side also spoke.

"I know it's not a good time now, but I have nothing to do. My main purpose this time is to save people, not for anything else. In fact, occupying the entire Jingzhou is also a secondary problem."

Qin Shuo said.

At this time, the people nodded. Although they were somewhat puzzled about this kind of thing, they still admired Qin Shuo.

In fact, there is a compassionate lord and a ruthless lord, so everyone must be biased towards the latter.

In ancient times, what he emphasized was benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom and faith. Basically, Qin Shuo took all these five items by himself.

Naturally, it goes without saying that Qin Shuo has always been committed to people’s livelihood. The people living under him are all extremely happy. This is to put people into practice. It's not those who only talk in words.

Righteousness, Qin Shuo was able to attack Bian aggressively for the son of a dead brother. Although this is also an excuse, it can be seen from the side that Qin Shuo has some righteousness.

The etiquette is average, but Qin Shuo is not from this era, so it is understandable.

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