Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 859: Naval battle

This idea actually got Gan Ning's response immediately. After all, if he alone said he was fighting a war, he would naturally be very good at it, but he still wanted a consultant for things like strategy.

At this time, Qin Shuo wanted to use this battle to train Xu Shu a little, and wanted to see if he was capable of such an important post.

The position is also very important, and it can even be said to be the most important position after all the military staff.

The point is that Qin Shuo's support for them is also great, so the navy is not short of money at all, and even a lot of money is left every time.

In the past, when Qin Shuo was short of money, he actually did not fall behind in the development of the navy. At that time, they sometimes even fished themselves and became self-sufficient. But now the situation is completely different. .

Economic development itself is a propeller of military development, and it is also a propeller of technological development. If it is not economically feasible, then what is military or science and technology?

"In fact, Zhou Yu and Cai Hao still have some relations. They used to be under the name of a master. The relationship with him in the past was pretty good."

At this moment, Xu Shu suddenly remembered this and said directly.

"I also know this, so this time I also sent Gan Ning and Zhou Yu together. Although leading the navy is only the navy of the first legion, there are two leaders."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

"Actually, I don't mean anything else. I believe in General Zhou Yu very much, but will the opponent say something about it because of this incident?"

Xu Shu glanced at Qin Shuo and said.

"What can the current strength on the opposite side bring out? Soldiers come to block, and water comes to cover. If they really dare to do it, then I will definitely cut off their hands."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Xu Shu, he spoke.

"I definitely don't doubt this. I also know that the lord has such a strength, but I have a strategy. Let's just do it, and then add another countermeasure."

Xu Shu smiled slightly, and the goose "feather" fan in his hand also shook slightly. It seemed that he had already figured out some strategies.

"Jiang An out?" Qin Shuo asked when he looked at Xu Shu.

"Although I remembered it wrong now, I have already thought it out, but in many aspects it is not perfect. Wait until I and Bong Hyo, Yuan have a little discussion with them, and then in the evening, I will give you a plan."

Xu Shu also spoke.

Qin Shuo naturally nodded. At this moment, a soldier suddenly came in outside the door. This soldier also said that the navy has already reached the port of the Yangtze River and is now fully prepared.

The current Gan Ning is still presiding over the overall situation there, but the current Zhou Yu on the other side is already in the barracks and wants to ask to see Qin Shuo.

Qin Shuo naturally let him in the first time.

"What's the matter with Gong Jin?" Qin Shuo asked after looking at Zhou Yu.

"I just want to find the lord to report on the current situation outside." Zhou Yu said.

Zhou Yu's appearance is also very handsome, not at all the same as when Qin Shuo saw him for the first time. At that time, he was a child with a snotty nose.

In fact, Gan Ning and the others had just received the battle book from Liu Biao. After receiving the battle book, he immediately tore up the battle book, and then directly killed the messenger who had sent it.

The opposite party is naturally very angry, so now the opposite party is also presenting a momentum of wanting to take the initiative to attack, and Gan Ning and the others are also retreating.

On the current Yangtze River, whether it is the navy in Jingzhou or the navy in Qin Shuo, they are all trees that cover the sky and the sun. Although the terrain has expanded so many times, all of them are on the Yangtze River now. It is those ships.

Perhaps this time is the largest water battle in the entire Han Dynasty. Although there have been many water battles in the past, they were often small-scale. In the past, the ships were not too powerful, but now they are It is already very powerful.

Although Qin Shuo and the others have not fully succeeded in their research on the Big Treasure Ship, they have improved a lot on the building, and they have successfully created a type of ship that was only available during the Sui Dynasty, the Wuya Ship.

In the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, once let Yang Guang command a waterway army of almost 500,000, and together they captured the Chen Dynasty. Among these water forces was a five-tooth ship.

Moreover, this five-tooth ship was still the main battleship at the time. As the name suggests, the five-tooth ship is actually a five-story warship. With ancient manufacturing techniques, it’s actually pretty good to be able to create such a large ship. .

A variety of weapons are also placed on these ships, which can be used in naval battles, and can even attack enemies on land from the river.

But this power is very limited. After all, the current gun "powder" is still not completely created. Although Qin Shuo has obtained the formula of gun "powder", but now due to system limitations, it is said that these gun "powder" "It can only be used to change the terrain.

If you want these gunpowder to be used in combat, then you must have the system further lifted the imprisonment, but this is not a simple matter.

If someone goes to the river to see it, it can be seen that the warships on Qin Shuo's side are common, one size larger than the one on the other side, and they are more prestigious and look stronger.

However, these are not the most shocking. The most shocking thing is that Qin Shuo has some ships that are actually wrapped in thick iron.

Whether it was the people who came to look around in a hurry, or the spies on the opposite side, they were all very surprised after seeing this kind of ship. They didn't expect iron to float above the water.

However, the number of such ships is relatively small, and the size is relatively small. I don't know what these things do?

In addition, there is still a main assault ship called the sea-coated ship. This thing was actually invented during the Tang Dynasty, so it is more advanced than the previous Sui Dynasty, but the number is also greater. The lesser ones are just developed after all.

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