Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 862: Countless

"Now the general will not come here to be a lobbyist? If there is such an idea, then I just want to say that it is impossible."

Cai Tao said.

"The two of us have such a deep friendship, how could I harm you? What's more, your lord is next to you now. If I were a lobbyist, I would definitely not say these things next to him, anyway. Sooner or later it will be wiped out by my lord."

After Zhou Yu laughed twice, he said directly.

"Zhou Gongjin, listen to whether these words you said are human words? They are human words? If you are not afraid of falling heads on the item?"

After Liu Biao heard these words, he became frustrated and directly said loudly.

"Since I'm being blamed this time, then I will definitely hold a determination to die. If you really want to kill me, then you can do it now, not to mention that I myself want to retell the old casually, which It’s as complicated as you think. If you kill me, you probably won’t be able to keep it."

"You don't really think that my lord can't attack you? He just doesn't want to lose so many soldiers, so he has been waiting for a better time, otherwise, it depends on your skills. It’s really not enough for my lord to train."

Zhou Yu also said so many things in one breath, and there seemed to be a kind of sarcasm in the words, and the sarcasm was also very strong.

After Liu Biao listened to these words, he was already so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, pointing at Zhou Yu and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"If Zhou Gongjin came here just to say these things, then I still want to ask you to leave. Once we were classmates, that was the same thing. Now we are our own masters, so don't say Don’t come here again to mess with our mentality!"

Cai Tao said helplessly, and then glanced at Zhou Yu.

"I know all of this, so this time I came here just to say a few words casually, I hope Liu Zhoumu will not mind too much, even if you mind, then you have nothing to do."

Zhou Yu said again.

"Then what are you doing here this time? Is it really for reminiscence?"

Cai Tao said.

"I just want to come over and see you. Now that there is nothing wrong, then I will leave."

After Zhou Yu laughed twice, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Do you really think of this place as your own home? Is this place where you can come and leave? Since you have already come, then you will never be here."

Xuanyuan, who had always been sitting next to him without speaking, finally stood up at this time. After looking at Zhou Yu, he also smiled directly.

"Can you do anything to me?"

Zhou Yu glanced at Xuanyuan and said.

"Immediately asked me to catch him, and then immediately pushed out and cut it." has always been provoked after hearing this sentence, Xuanyuan also began to shout.

"The general must not be able to do this. The two armies will not be cut in a battle."

After hearing these words, Cai Hao also panicked a little and said.

"When our messenger went to them, wasn't he also killed directly? Where did you start this sentence? Is there really any deal between you and him? Or you are simply them. Is it just a spy sent from there?"

Xuanyuan asked loudly.

"If you want to think so, that's okay. If you kill me, then this place will definitely be razed to the ground, and you can't run away."

Zhou Yu's attitude was still not half weak, and he said loudly.

"Zhou Gongjin, you'd better go now. If you want to say these things here, the lord knows what you mean. It's just to provoke the relationship between our monarchs and ministers. I tell you it is impossible."

At this time, Cai Hao directly provoked this sentence and told it outside.

"Just like General Cai said, do you really think I will be fooled? I'm not a fool. In other words, since you are here, then don't want to leave."

Liu Biao said.

"The main attack must not be this way. If this is the case, then we will have endless troubles, so let's put it back. Anyway, the coach is not him."

Cai Tao said again.

At this time, Liu Biao was also spinning rapidly in his brain, thinking about whom he should listen to. In the end, he nodded helplessly: "Zhou Gongjin, let's go now, I won't be embarrassed by you."

"Knowing you will be like this, then I will go first."

After Zhou Yu nodded, he spoke.

"And you, I don't know why you have been helping him to speak, if you let me know what is really involved between you and them, then you can wait for me."

Now the distrust of Cai Hao has reached its extreme. It is a suspicious person by nature. What's more, with Zhou Yu’s performance today and Cai Hao’s performance, all of this illustrates a problem, maybe they There really is a deal between two people.

It was said that Zhou Yu had just walked out of their barracks and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't expect that he really came back alive.

Just when he wanted to go back, the man in black directly surrounded him, and then took Zhou Yu to a small house, searched all over his body, and finally said that two letters were completely sealed. letter.

Although Zhou Yu desperately wanted to keep these two letters, but in the end he failed to keep these two letters, and was taken away by the two men in black.

After the two men in black had left, Zhou Yu's face was "showing" a smile again. This time the smile was really not concealed. In fact, all of this was in their calculations. of.

"Now that everything is ready, the only thing left is to look at Liu Biao's performance. According to his "sex" style, he should believe what is said in this letter. It’s much easier to handle things, Deguy, Deguy, don’t really blame me for doing this, in fact, I am doing it for your own good.”

After Zhou Yu sighed slightly, she also spoke.

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