Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 864: Defeated in one fell swoop

"Tomorrow, during the daytime, you will attack them together. This time you will send out all the navy forces directly. You must defeat the opponent in one fell swoop, and you cannot let the opponent have any chance of turning over."

After Qin Shuo glanced at the generals around him, he spoke.

"Don't worry, lord, there is absolutely no problem. By the time tomorrow, you will know how powerful my navy is. The hard work for such a long time will definitely not leave you unrequited."

Gan Ning also said after nodding his head.

"Since you have confidence, it is naturally a good thing, but just having some confidence is of no use. We still have to transform this confidence into substance."

Qin Shuo nodded and said.

"Then the rest should be ready too. After the navy wins the opposite side, we will immediately follow the navy across the river, and then occupy the opposite side as quickly as possible."

Qin Shuo said.

The soldiers next to him also nodded resolutely, seemingly confident in themselves.

Now Qin Shuo also knows that there is not much time left for him, and not much time for Sun Jian, so he must completely eliminate the opposite side within a limited time.

Since this matter is indeed difficult to handle, Qin Shuo still has his own confidence.

This kind of confidence also comes from his own strength, and for this reason, Qin Shuo is now on the opposite side.

Every night, Qin Shuo will practice by himself all at once, and now his strength has risen steadily. If he is using Yuxi's power a little bit now, it may not be too difficult to deal with Lu Bu. The matter is, after all, Lu Bu's strength is also placed there, which makes people feel that there is some fear.

Perhaps one of Qin Shuo's most regrettable things is that there is no way to conquer Lu Bu. If it can be conquered, Qin Shuo's current strength must be greatly increased. At least it is going to grow several times more than it is now.

The role of a super historical general can be described by the two words of terror. In the battle, as long as it is well appointed, it will basically be all right.

If it is not used well, then there is actually not much effect, just like Dong Zhuo and others before, it is because they did not use Lu Bu's sword well.

In the early morning of the next day, there was still a faint mist over the entire Yangtze River, which made people feel like an immortal world, but with some strange aura.

"It's just weird. The opponent should have prepared himself now, but he doesn't know what the strength of the navy team led by Zhang Yun is."

After Qin Shuo glanced at the Yangtze River, he spoke.

"It is a big taboo in the army to change generals before the battle, but the opponent doesn't seem to realize this at all, so we don't need to worry too much about the lord. I really believe in Gan Ning anyway."

Ma Yuan on the side also spoke.

"How is the fighting on Jiang Xia's side now? Can you take down that piece smoothly?" Qin Shuo took a look at Ma Yuan beside him and said.

"Now they are basically besieged. Although they still have a lot of soldiers there, most of the generals were brought over by Liu Biao, so the problem should not be big."

After Ma Yuan thought for a while, he spoke.

"Now you are also the handsome president of the three services, so you must think about all these issues, yes, but I believe that according to your strength, you should have thought of all these aspects."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

"This is natural. Under the lord's hand, I am gradually becoming more clever now."

Ma Yuan smiled and said.

"You don't want to be flattered here. Actually, I don't eat this set. I just want to discuss with you about one thing. How do you feel about Jiang Hao?"

After Qin Shuo looked at Ma Yuan, he asked directly.

"General Jiang Hao, in fact, I have always felt that he is a talent, but sometimes his style of behavior is a little weird, and he was the first to follow the lord at the beginning, but now it seems that it is because of him. There are some shortcomings in his abilities. So I just became a prefect."

After Ma Yuan thought about it for a while, he immediately told the truth.

"You said that I placed it in the position of the prefect. Are you good? He was the first to follow me, but now he has only got one prefect. In fact, I am very guilty in my heart."

After Qin Shuo sighed slightly, he spoke.

"Yesterday, didn't the lord get the soul of a first-rate historical general? Then you can use this soul a little bit."

"But in other words, there is nothing wrong with the main attacker doing this. In fact, I can always see that the lord is also a relatively unselfish person. There are very few people like you now. Up."

Ma Yuan still spoke directly, but he wanted to say it from the bottom of his heart.

"Then just listen to you. After I go back this time, I will use it. Let's talk about it when the time comes. The most important thing for us now is the matter in front of us."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

The cool breeze also blows on his face, and he also feels that his whole body is refreshed. The river breeze on the river and the sea breeze in the sea are not the same at all. This kind of wind is softer, and that The sea breeze on the sea always carries a salty and wet atmosphere.

This kind of breath can always make people feel very comfortable. In fact, it is also a very important thing, but after a while, protecting this comfortable breath will become a **** breath.

There is no way for this. Qin Shuo, who has tried so many wars, actually hates war, but if he wants to have no war now, then even if he wants to use war to defeat war.

The old man once said that to defeat magic with magic, the same is to use war to defeat war.

Perhaps such a concept is in the eyes of many defenders, but it is actually impossible for them to propose how to eliminate war. This is the difference.

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