Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 867: Water war

"The ship on the opposite side is at least twice the size of our ships, how fast? Is it still twice the size of our ships? Haven't you thought about it before? Why did you make it like this?"

Xuanyuan also reprimanded.

"I feel that the speed of the ship on the opposite side seems to have slowed down a bit now. It is estimated that they will be able to catch up in a while. It seems that they still have some stamina."

After hearing these words, Zhang Yun pointed to the troops in front of him again, and then said loudly.

But this sentence completely excused themselves. Just when they thought that the speed of the ship in front could not continue to increase, the ship on the opposite side increased their speed again.

But this time they increased their speed in a direction not to escape, but a direction from which they came out. It seemed that they also wanted to rush back to fight them to the death.

"Are there all cerebral palsy on the other side? If you say such an impact, wouldn't it all die?"

Zhang Yun also spoke in fear.

But when the two ships of the navy collided completely, he realized that his thoughts were too ridiculous.

It turned out that all the people on the other side used to hit them were some very huge boats, and all these circulated outsides were covered with iron plates.

Using these iron plates to hit their ships, then their ships are as fragile as glass, and they simply cannot withstand the impact from the opposite side, but the opposite side is just a slight shake of the ship's hull.

"Get on the boat."

Gan Ning also called out loudly at this time, and then he also jumped onto the opposite ship. At this time, he was already shocked.

Because the bodies of these boats are also very huge, almost the height difference is about 1.5 to 3 meters. If you jump from these boats, there is no danger, but if you want to Climbing up from the bottom, then it will be very sad.

Besides, there are still a lot of soldiers defending, so they can't climb those ships at all, so they can only use their own ships as the battlefield.

Gan Ning was also the first to take the lead at this time, jumping on their ships and starting to slaughter him wantonly. No one could resist Gan Ning.

Fortunately, the headquarters is now in the central part of the entire team, so the war still cannot spread to them, but it is even more uncomfortable for them to just look like that.

"Why don't we retreat faster now? I feel that this water battle is simply impossible to fight. Whether it is the navy or the army, we are not of the same quality as them..."

A general also spoke.

But just after the general said these words, he was immediately killed by Xuanyuan beside him.

"It's already such a situation, how can we still say retreat? This person is completely chaotic, and his heart is shameful. I suspect that this person is a spy sent by the opposite, so I said I killed him . You don't have any opinions, right?"

After Xuanyuan glanced at that person, he said directly.

"Then the whole army is charging together now, no matter what, even if it is broken, it will cost the opposite side. Let us kill it first. Anyway, we can still retreat..."

Liu Biao also spoke, but looking at these soldiers, in fact, he felt a little distressed in his heart.

Maybe after this battle is over, his strength will be greatly weakened. If he knew it a long time ago, he shouldn't have participated in this battle, but if he surrendered to the opposite side now, the opposite side might not accept it.

As the saying goes, there is no turning back in the bow. Now I am in such a situation.

"That's it, I feel that what you said is very correct. Those who are only promises have not seen the current situation clearly. They can only fight to the end."

Xuanyuan on the side was also very happy after hearing these words, and then said directly.

"Anyway, this is the case now, but I still want to say that I shouldn't have cooperated with you in the first place. If it weren't for the interests that I wanted to cooperate with you in the first place, it would be so tempting. As far as people are concerned, I would never cooperate with you at all. Then it would not become such a situation now."

Liu Biao also said angrily.

"Just like you said, why do you want to cooperate with me? Anyway, these words are no longer useful. If you can hold this place, it’s a little better, if you can’t hold it. Then you will be finished, and your Jiangxia County will also be taken back."

Xuanyuan looked at Liu Biao with a strange smile on his face.

"Okay, well, I know this too, so I will definitely experience it this time, don't say so much."

Liu Biao nodded and said.

Just when they wanted to fight to the death, they did not realize that there were already countless small boats, all of which started sailing towards their side.

These small boats are like loach, which is simply impossible for people to catch. The speed at which they come to market is only a few dollars, which is not comparable to these big boats.

Soon they were already behind the fleets they sailed to, and they started their actions. They were holding ropes in their hands and all wanted to climb them.

The strength of these soldiers is actually very strong, so it won't take long at all. Some of them have completely climbed up there.

When they climbed to the top, the soldiers on the ship hadn't fully noticed one by one. Then these people smoothly wiped out all the soldiers on the ship.

The number of soldiers who boarded ships and successfully captured ships like this is also increasing, and their numbers are gradually increasing.

So it was so silent, their consequences were actually completely interrupted, and these ships also gradually started to hit their own people.

For a while, Liu Biao and his navy could not tell who was the enemy or the friend. They were all "chaos", and they had some inadequate Zhang Yun, and there was no adjustment at all. The ability of this kind of situation.

"What should I do now? What should I do now?"

Liu Biao seemed to have discovered this kind of situation, but after discovering this situation, he was helpless, and could only speak helplessly while staying in place.

"Anyway, I feel that now I can't find any conditions to win. Let's highlight the encirclement now. Just like you said before, life-saving is actually the most important thing now."

After Xuanyuan took a sip of water, he also said helplessly.

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