Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 871: Water mine

Because of this, Qin Shuo was so surprised just now. After rectifying his mood a bit, Qin Shuo tidied up the remaining things a bit.

In fact, there are not many things left. Basically, they are all gold and silver treasures. Qin Shuo does not particularly value these things. After all, Qin Shuo is countless.

Of course, the most important thing in Qin Shuo’s eyes is not these things, but the bottle of pill "medicine" hidden in these things. This bottle of pill "drug" is actually the kind of pill "drug" that can be handed over to Sun Ce. "It can be seen from the outside name.

And Qin Shuo believes that the pill "medicine" that he can carry with him is definitely not a mortal thing. At the very least, it has his use value, otherwise others would not value it so much.

This time I started the war by myself. This was actually the main reason. Since Qin Shuo had already got this, he also had some indifferents.

In fact, Xuanyuan was also a detective, and there was a problem in his mind. If he had taken out this earlier, Qin Shuo might still have a little thought about attacking them.

But he didn't take it out when he died. In this way, it would give Qin Shuo a reason to attack them, whether it was moral or moral. This is very normal in people's minds, and they can be called a person of loyalty. For the sake of one of their own promises, it is to attack others.

In the ancient times when benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and faith were emphasized, this was actually a reason, and it was also a very suitable reason.

In fact, Qin Shuo was not just because of such a reason, but also because of the relationship between himself and Sun Jian, which made him have to take revenge.

Yuan Shao, who had been killed directly by himself, was actually for this reason. Otherwise, I had no need to kill him in the dormitory. After all, this matter still had some troubles.

Anyway, the above said one sentence in general, all the good people have been made by Qin Shuo, and all the good things have been met by Qin Shuo. Qin Shuo's luck can really be considered very good.

At this time, Zhao Yun also led some cavalry to rush over. After seeing that there were no scars on Qin Shuo's body, I felt a little relieved at this time.

"After the main attack, you don't want to continue this kind of willfulness. These little things are completely completed by us. If you continue to do this, then you don't believe us."

Zhao Yun still spoke.

"It's because I know how many catties he has and how many taels he has, so I said that I came after him. Don't you think I am fine now? How is the situation on the other side now?"

After Qin Shuo looked at them, he said.

"Now Liu Biao has been completely caught, so now. Just waiting for the Lord to go back for interrogation, and their navy is completely defeated, and most of them have already surrendered." Zhao Yun said, and Qin Shuo had come out of those things.

"If that's the case, let's go back too,"

After Qin Shuo nodded, he also spoke directly.

The opponent has actually surrendered, which is a great thing. Qin Shuo doesn't want to continue to demand too much. After all, he has already got too much things this time.

The first is this mine. This thing itself is a relatively abnormal thing, which can greatly enhance the strength of the navy, and it can even be said that it has increased the strength of the navy several times.

As long as it is this kind of traditional navy, Qin Shuo is basically able to deal with it, and it is still the one that can kill them by throwing away their helmets and unarming.

Although many people think that sea mines are invented abroad, in fact, the earliest sea mine, his hometown was in our country, and it was even the first sea mine that entered actual combat.

In the Song Dynasty, someone had already invented this kind of mine called "water mine", which was almost two hundred years earlier than the mine made in the West.

As Qin Shuo said before, war itself is a catalyst for science and technology. This thing itself was invented during the fight against Japanese pirates, so if there were no Japanese pirates, there might not have been such a thing. Technology.

In fact, in the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, many inventions were made in this way. Basically, many of them were designed to fight against Japanese pirates. It is for this reason that the North Korean navy and shipbuilding technology are also very powerful.

Moreover, this kind of water does not require any artificial control at all, but can be stimulated by machinery. The most important thing in it is actually the black fire "medicine", and the one that Qin Shuo has obtained is called Thunder drifting on the line.

In fact, as the name suggests, he already knows what it is. He just lays a lot of network cables on the water surface. Once the enemy on the water surface touches these cables, the mines under the water will explode immediately.

In this way, its effect is also enhanced a lot. If anyone wants to have a water battle with Qin Shuo in the domain of the Han, Qin Shuo can be 100% sure that he can definitely win.

My other weapons can actually be used slowly, but this thing definitely cannot be used for buying and selling. No amount of money can be exchanged for it, because this is equivalent to a core technology. The degree of importance is even lower than the blueprint of the black fire "medicine".

The black fire "medicine" is a very important thing. In fact, many people believe in this point. In fact, many people still don't know that Qin Shuo has such a weapon in his hands. Otherwise, I guess one by one. It's all going crazy.

In the previous life, a relatively small force master also obtained the blueprint and secret recipe of the black fire "medicine" accidentally. After obtaining this thing, he immediately publicized it.

In fact, he was very innocent at the time, thinking that after he had obtained this thing, he would definitely be admired and followed by others, but he did not expect that he would have died tragically outside after just a day.

In this way, many people actually have a feeling of fear, especially now Qin Shuo, although he has the ability to protect himself, he does not want others to kidnap him with any morals. he. After getting the technology, it should be shared by the whole man.

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