Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 889: Mysterious consciousness

But after she exclaimed a few times, Qin Shuo still didn't make any such moves, and it seemed that there was something crazy now.

"What the **** is wrong with you? Are you poisoned? You wake up soon."

At this time, she also shouted directly, and said directly.

But now Qin Shuo is still not a little bit normal, still in that kind of madness, which makes Ji Yue a little nervous.

After all, he can feel from Qin Shuo's body that this is a very dangerous aura for him. Although he is very unfamiliar, he is very scared.

But after seeing the sentiment in front of him, he suppressed it again. The fear in his heart was gone. Although this is not an easy task, it is always something to do.

"You wake up soon, if you don't wake up anymore, then I will just hit it."

After thinking for a long time, Ji Yue didn't think of any good way, she could only threaten her.

Qin Shuo, who was originally lying on the ground, also stood up slowly at this time, and slowly walked into the depths of this underground cave "hole", as if there was something very attractive to him.

"What the **** is going on with you? Hurry up and wake up!"

Ji Yue shouted loudly.

"Don't quarrel anymore, if you say no more, I will kill you."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Ji Yue, he said directly, this voice was not like his usual voice, and there was a trace of hoarseness and strangeness in this voice.

But Ji Yue also had no doubt that he would kill herself, because from the look in his eyes, a full threat could be seen.

The Qin Shuo in front of him was not at all the Qin Shuo he was usually familiar with. Although Qin Shuo's attitude was only average, he would never say such threatening words, no matter what he did wrong.

"I forbid you to go there anymore, there must be something in it that can threaten you."

Ji Yue said directly, there was still a firmness in her eyes, he didn't want Qin Shuo to be hurt.

Perhaps he is not an important person to Qin Shuo, but Qin Shuo is an important person to him. After all, without Qin Shuo, he is still an unconscious zombie.

And Qin Shuo has been taking care of her for such a long time, but she did not do anything too important for Qin Shuo. This time, she managed to accompany her out once, if she did even such a small thing If it is not good, then he will blame himself.

He grabbed Qin Shuo, but he didn't know why Qin Shuo's power had become so huge now, even to a degree of horror.

If Qin Shuo swallowed the Jade Seal of the Chuan Country, it is not surprising that he has such a great power, but now he has not used the Jade Seal of the Chuan Country. People have some puzzles.

"What the **** is wrong with you?"

Although there is no way to stop Xian said, he still tears Qin Shuo desperately, trying to stop him from advancing.

"Now let me go quickly. All of this has nothing to do with you. Get out."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Ji Yue, he also said loudly.

"Even if I don't give up, what does it have to do with you? Anyway, you have to think about it all by yourself, and I don't want to say anything."

Qin Shuo finally spoke. Although his voice was his, he couldn't feel it for a few months, and his soul must be bound by something.

Just when she wanted to continue to persuade, Qin Shuo suddenly picked up her head, as if there was something in her mind that wanted to explode.

Then he fell directly to the ground and rolled helplessly on the ground. Although Ji Yue was anxious now, she was not a doctor, so she said there was no way.

"You have to hold on, I will take you away now, this place must not stay for long."

Ji Yue said anxiously.

"Don't do this, I feel that something seems to be entrenched in my mind, but don't worry, I can definitely deal with this thing. Just give me some time."

Qin Shuo said suddenly, but this time his voice became extremely normal, completely different from the previous voice.

It can be seen that this is what he really wants to say, and for this reason, Ji Yue can only listen to his words.

"Anyway, you must be careful. If there is anything you want me to help, then I will definitely help without hesitation."

Ji Yue nodded helplessly. In fact, she also knew that even if she stayed here, it wouldn't have much effect, so she was just watching Qin Shuo by the side.

Now there is another voice in the aforementioned mind. This voice has always been urging Qin Shuo, and it seems that he wants to occupy his soul.

This force is also extremely powerful, even if Qin Shuo uses the power of the dragon energy in his body, there is no way to suppress it. Qin Shuo has never seen such a powerful force from before to now.

He even felt that this should be the most serious crisis he has ever encountered from before to now. This is not just talking nonsense by himself, but really has such a feeling.

If he were to rely on his own power to fight against, he would indeed have some powerlessness. After all, his abilities are also limited, so now he can only use external forces.

"You, help me quickly now."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Ji Yue, he said directly.

"How on earth should I help you?"

After hearing this sentence, Ji Yue nodded immediately and said.

"Pass your strength to me."

Qin Shuo said.

"Then how can I pass my strength to you? I won't be able to, and I don't practice any internal skills, so I don't know how to pass it to you."

After Ji Yue froze for a while, she said directly.

"Just use your mouth to pass it to me, now there is only one way."

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Shuo said directly.

"I think you want to take the opportunity to behave as a hooligan. How can you pass power through your mouth."

Ji Yue said directly.

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