"I have also heard that there is a saying in your human world called a person who knows the current affairs as a brilliant person. I never thought that you are such a person. In this case, I can't guarantee it completely, but I try to treat you His "life" is left behind."

Heilong also nodded, then spoke.

"Now you have to come and get it directly."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

At this time, the black dragon actually did not suspect that he had him, so he just walked over. Just when he wanted to absorb the dragon energy in Qin Shuo, the charm in Qin Shuo's hand suddenly shot, and it was directly sealed in The body of the black dragon.

"Now let's go quickly. If we don't go now, then it's completely too late."

After Qin Shuo finished this thing, he directly pulled Ji Yue beside him, and then said.

I have to say that Zuo Ci's spell actually has some effects, and it is not a complete waste, so Qin Shuo in his heart still thanked Zuo Ci a little.

"What the **** are you? You can seal it with him."

Ji Yue also had some doubts, so she said directly.

"If I could know what this bowl is, it would be great, but I don't know that Zuo Ci gave me something, but it must be useful. Let's not talk so much nonsense. Let's go! "

Qin Shuo directly pulled Ji Yue, and then flew directly into the previous passage. With the help of the nearby stone wall, he climbed directly on it.

But this passage is too long, they always feel that the whole passage seems to have no end, no matter what it is, there is no way to escape in a short time.

I can feel that he is actually chasing behind him, so if he can't escape in a short time, the black dragon behind now seems to have broken the seal, and he will definitely chase him quickly at his speed. Deserving of them.

Qin Shuo leaned on that spell and delayed a little time, but the delay was definitely not too long. It is estimated that after a while, he will be caught up by the opponent.

"What should I do now? It seems that the black dragon is about to catch up. Let's speed up."

After Qin Shuo glanced at Ji Yue, he also spoke.

"Otherwise, I will go to the back and delay him now, and then you will run again. I feel that if this is the case, at least one of us can run out, otherwise neither of us can run out."

Ji Yue looked at Qin Shuo and said suddenly.

"What nonsense am I saying you are talking about? Will I be a big man let you be a woman? Anyway, don't say these things. I will definitely take you out. You don't have to worry about it. such."

Qin Shuo looked at Ji Yue and said helplessly.

But after Qin Shuo finished this sentence, Ji Yue wanted to break free of Qin Shuo's hands, and then he was ready to run back to delay the black dragon.


But Qin Shuo was also prepared now, so he said that he was also holding her tightly.

"I said you should stop being so "sexy" now. Even if you run back, I will go back to save you. You should also know my "sex" personality, so it is useless to say it."

Qin Shuo said, it's better to run faster with some time like this, so these are meaningless at all, but Qin Shuo also understands her thoughts.

"Okay, then we have to run faster now, otherwise I am worried that time will be too late."

After hearing these words, there was actually a smile on Ji Yue's face. In fact, it was estimated that Qin Shuo was so kind to her except for Huang Di from childhood. There are really few such people.

Qin Shuo also felt it now. There was a huge body surging quickly behind him, so he also accelerated his speed, believing that he could run out at his current speed.

But the probability of running out is not too high, but it should be tried anyway.

At this moment, a huge roar suddenly appeared behind him. Qin Shuo felt that his internal organs were about to explode. After all, he was in such a short cave, so the voice was amplified several times. .

Just relying on the sound to have such power, if we talk about a head-on contest, it is estimated that 100 Qin Shuo will not be able to beat him, almost in an instant, Qin Shuo made such a judgment.

This judgment is actually quite correct. Although this black dragon is not a real dragon in that sense, he is also a dragon clan after all. If Qin Shuo can deal with him, it is almost a lie. It may even be a myth.

"My God, what kind of monster is this?"

Qin Shuo suddenly vomited a burst of blood from his mouth, and then spoke.

"This should be close to the strength of a god-level historical military commander. In fact, I have only heard of this strength from before to now. Perhaps after so many years of cultivation, its strength has made great progress. Right, and the place just now is very suitable for his cultivation."

After Ji Yue thought for a while, she said.

"Is there really no way to deal with him? Or is there something that can restrict him a little? If he runs out, wouldn't it be a disaster for the world?"

Qin Shuo also said nervously.

"According to the truth, he should not be able to get out, otherwise he would have already come out. He should have been sealed here by something. It doesn't matter if he comes out anyway, after all, the one you just came out The spell is already able to limit its time for more than ten seconds. If we let us arrange a formation, I guess it can limit his time for an hour."

After Ji Yue thought for a while, she said.

"Since you have said so, then you should hurry up and set up that formation now."

Qin Shuo felt helpless, and then said.

"I said, do you think this formation is set up when you want to set it? And it's impossible to set it up in one day. At least it takes three days to set it up, so you don't want to set it up. There are so many delusions, let's run faster now."

After Ji Yue glanced at Qin Shuo, she spoke.

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