Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 894: Gan Ning's Tucao

"My lord, there should be nothing wrong with you. I also heard it just now. There was a huge roar on it. I was almost scared to death just now, but after I came up, I found that you didn't have any big things either.

Gan Ning came here the first time at this time. It really scared him into a cold sweat just now. Fortunately, there was nothing much to do at the time, which made him feel more relieved.

"Anyway, I was scared to death just now, but there is no big problem, but there is no big problem now."

After Qin Shuo nodded, he said.

"So now we still want to go back? Did the lord see anything on it?"

Gan Ning was actually a little curious at this time. Anyway, we must not tell others about what we came here. In addition, there is also this point. In the future, you will have some navy garrison here. Once you find anything If you have any questions, just tell me. "

Qin Shuo shook his head. He obviously didn't want to tell him this. After all, others might not believe it.

Gan Ning also didn't continue to ask more, since Qin Shuo had already said that, then he definitely knew what it meant.

"Then the lord, shall we go back now? I will send some people to guard him after he goes back. If something abnormal is discovered, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Gan Ning looked at Qin Shuo and asked curiously.

"Going back is definitely going to go back, after all, there is no use for you to be here."

Qin Shuo nodded. At this moment, he still looked behind him with lingering fears. Fortunately, the black dragon behind him did not catch up. This may be the closest he was to death.

Now he still feels that he has some pain all over his body. This should be the time he was injured very badly, so he has felt something incredible until now.

"Fortunately, I came back alive this time. I used to think I couldn't live."

Qin Shuo also said, now he is relieved a lot.

"Anyway, you don't need to think about this. There is nothing going on right now? No matter what happens, as long as it can be saved, then there is nothing left."

Ji Yue on the side also said.

"People like you can be seen away, but no matter what, as long as I find an opportunity in the future, I will definitely come back for revenge. There is no doubt about it."

After Qin Shuo sighed slightly, he said directly.

"It's already a lot of hard work to escape this time. I wonder why you are still here for revenge. It must not be an easy task."

Ji Yue also spoke.

"For me, it has always been revenge if there is grievance, and if there is grace, I am not going to provoke him from the beginning, but he provoke us. Why can't we get revenge?"

After Qin Shuo snorted, he said directly.

"Anyway, these things have nothing to do with me. As long as you want to, then you can do it. No one will stop you anyway."

After Ji Yue nodded, she spoke.

"Okay, okay, let's go back now, and wait until these things are said later."

Qin Shuo nodded and said directly.

"If there is something you want to say, then it's best to say it clearly now, otherwise you will ignore it later. After this time you go back, you must marry me."

Ji Yue said.

The Ganlin at this time is actually on the sidelines. After hearing this intense sentence, he also froze in place.

"Let's talk about these things when we go back in the future. Now our most important question is going back, not talking about these problems."

Qin Shuo also had some little helplessness, so he said directly.

"If you are not talking about these problems, then what are you going to talk about? Anyway, don't talk about these. What have you done to me, don't you have any idea in your heart? If you say that you are not responsible , Are you still a man?"

Ji Yue also said angrily.

"My lord, in fact, I feel that what the girl said is right. Anyway, you already have three wives. Even if you have one more mistress now, it's not a big deal."

Gan Ning on the side also directly "interrupted".

"I think you have made some mistakes? Isn't this matter more of a mistress now? These are all human beings, and they are not small pets. How could it be possible to raise one more? How about raising one? Don't you think about your lord?"

Looking at Gan Ning, Qin Shuo also spit out.

"Actually, one more and one less is not a big problem. After all, the current master's strength is already so strong, and it must not be too weak in that matter. If it is too weak, then go to the left. Ci wants a "medicine" in the past, I believe he will not object."

Gan Ning looked at Qin Shuo weakly and said.

"You have a problem with that. I didn't mean that."

Qin Shuo felt like he was playing the piano to a cow. After all, he was not a person of the same era, so he certainly didn't understand what he said.

"Since it doesn't mean that, it's almost the same. Anyway, don't talk about so many things, Lord. There are still some things in the territory that you want to deal with, so I should hurry back now. Girl you Don't talk about these things for the time being, just talk to your mistress after you go back, I believe they will understand you."

Gan Ning "interrupted" again, but this time he had a very bad idea.

"I said, why did your elbow turn out?" Qin Shuo helplessly.

"As a man, the lord must be responsible. Since you have done that to this girl, then you must be responsible."

Gan Ning also spoke uprightly.

"What did I do wrong? It's just a kiss, and it's also because of first aid. She took the initiative to get in and kissed me. This has nothing to do with me."

Qin Shuo also explained.

"If the lord shirks responsibility in this way, then it definitely won't work."

Gan Ning said.

"Go away." "Good."

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