Well, if you say that you pity the money in reality, it is not possible at all. Only when the money is used out quickly will it be of great use. .

In the recent big real estate transaction, a player actually sold one of his real estates directly for a price of 50 billion.

Such a price can be regarded as quite astonishing. Even in the real estate business, few people can make such a deduction, let alone in this illusory game.

Qin Shuo actually knew who bought such a site. Even the relationship with Qin Shuo is a tit-for-tat one, that is, Zhao Yu.

The current chairman of the Zhao Group didn’t know why he suddenly died. This incident itself is a very confusing thing. His body is very good, and it will not be unreasonable. Died suddenly.

But no matter how the police investigated, he still couldn't find out any murdered appearances on his body, so it can only be ignored.

In this way, Zhao Yu actually inherited his father's company directly. As soon as he inherited his father's company, he bought a territory with those huge sums of money.

This is actually a county town in Liangzhou. Although this place is far away from the Central Plains, it is also far away from war. In addition, they are very close to the Xianbei.

Actually, I don’t know the amount of money now. What the **** is this spell? Anyway, according to the grievances between himself and him before, it is definitely impossible to end this simple, probably he still has some other ideas.

Regarding these ideas, Qin Shuo can only make soldiers come to cover the water and earth, anyway, he is not in a hurry, no matter how Zhao Yu develops, he should not develop faster than himself.

But I don’t know why I always feel a kind of fear when I look at Zhao Yu, and this kind of fear is something he has never had before, so this incident also makes him very vigilant, I don’t know what Zhao Yu is. What kind of magic is possessed.

She always felt that Zhao Liying seemed to have changed a lot. And this kind of change is also extremely rapid, which is basically the kind of rapid that normal people cannot understand.

In the past, Zhao Yu was actually a person who was only a promise. Qin Shuo didn't put it in his own eyes at all. Even if he wanted to get rid of him, he was very simple and casual. A little trick would make him fall into hell. in.

But now it's completely different. Zhao Yu now has a power in his body that makes Qin Shuo very scared. Perhaps when the hidden power of the original version has completely exploded, it will be the time to make Qin Shuo truly afraid. .

After thinking about all these things, Qin Shuo has already reached his own territory, and now in his own territory, it seems that it is the same as usual.

This is Jiaozhou, but it is obvious that this place is becoming more affluent than before.


Moreover, this place itself is very close to the ocean. Once the border is completely opened, Qin Shuo will definitely be able to attack others with its melodious strength.

Anyway, what Qin Shuo pays attention to is a preemptive strike. If he doesn't subdue them first, is it to wait for them to subdue himself?

He thought about this very clearly, but there are still many people who don't think clearly.

People before him and others even condemned Qin Shuo, always talking about Qin Shuo. After the start of the national war, he definitely wanted to take the lead in launching the national war. Qin Shuo just smiled at this.

For this kind of cerebral palsy, there is no need to explain to them. If it is to explain how hungry they are, they probably really think that they are important, so the best way is to ignore them.

Many times this kind of cerebral palsy will appear in life. If you care about them, you will have this troublesome thing all your life. People like Qin Shuo will watch them there from a height. It's just a clamor, but it doesn't hurt me a little bit.

It took about a few months for this place in Jiaozhou to be completely unified. Although there were a lot of expenses like this, Qin Shuo was afraid of spending so much.

The current strength should be able to be described as a single step. If someone wants to oppose Qin Shuo and block his current pace, then the consequences must be very serious, not to mention that no one has such a courage. Even if they had a deep hatred with Qin Shuo, they still didn't dare to do so.

There should be a lot of people who have enemies with Qin Shuo, but there are more people who have conflicts of interest with Qin Shuo. Everyone probably has no objection to this.

After all, the stronger Qin Shuo’s current strength is, the more unhappy others will see him. This has nothing to do with Qin Shuo himself. No matter who controls such a large power, you must not do anything else. There will be some friction to avoid.

Qin Shuo's current method of dealing with these frictions is actually very simple, or he just ignores it and waits for it to be resolved in the future before continuing to solve it.

On Zhao Yu’s side, Qin Shuo has already seen some of his plans. In fact, he is nothing more than trying to use the Xianbei clan to contain himself. In this way, it will also be of great benefit to him. .

The former Yuzhou governor Liu Yan has always been praised by people. The most important thing is his treatment of foreign races. It also kept the whole Youzhou from breaking out for a long time. If this were put in the past, it would almost Going up is impossible. This place is where a war will break out in two days.

But after Liu Yan took up the post of governor, he used a method of blocking inferiority, which made many people feel convinced, and the relationship with those alien races has always been very good. Until now, In fact, the relationship between the two sides has always been very harmonious.

But after the current Gongsun Zhan took office, he and Liu Yan took a completely opposite approach, that is, starting to find things. The relationship with the foreign race was also because of Liu Yan’s dismissal. Formally broken.

But now Gongsun Zan doesn't seem to mind these things at all. He has never put his mind on this matter, and has put his center on the Central Plains.

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