Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 901: Conquer the state

And there are many famous generals in Bingzhou. The most famous one is probably Lu Bu. The place where such a super historical general was born is definitely not an ordinary place.

And not only owns Lu Bu, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, and others who used to follow Lu Bu are actually from the same state, so they are very powerful in terms of bravery.

Including many soldiers in the current camp are also from Binzhou, in fact, this is not because of any regional discrimination in Gaoshun, but the people in this place are indeed very consummate, so they were recruited.

There are even few people who know that Guan Yu and Xu Huang are both from Bingzhou. These are a sign of the sturdy folk customs in this place, so Qin Shuo really wants to get Bingzhou, but also to strengthen his military. power.

The current state of Bingzhou has nine counties in name, but most of these nine counties are in the hands of the Xianbei people, and this Wuhuan people, now Yuan Shao can control only three counties. Up.

The Wuhuan people now also occupy the three huge counties of Yanmen County, Taiyuan County, and Shuofang County. The Southern Huns have also occupied Dingxiang County, Yunzhong County, Wuyuan County, Shuofang County, Shang County, These five counties in Xihe County.

The counties controlled by Yuan Shao were actually the only two counties in Xihe County and Taiyuan County, and a small part of Taiyuan County was directly occupied by Wuhuan.

In this way, in fact, the entire Bingzhou has been compressed and smaller, and now they seem to have some eagerness to move.

In fact, they are just a bunch of wild dogs, taking advantage of the big man at that time, they started to bite people directly, but every time they were strong, they bowed their heads.

So even if you don't deal with them now, maybe they will turn around and take a bite in the future. Qin Shuo doesn't want to wait until this time to regret it.

So at this time, he was also ready to attack Bingzhou at the first time, but this is not an easy task. After all, most of Bingzhou is now in the hands of Yuan Shao.

I can't say let him lend a place to live. This time I mainly want to fight against foreign enemies, not to have some conflicts with Yuan Shao.

But there are some conflicts between the two. As long as your mind is a little more normal, you know that Binzhou can't borrow it.

Because of this reason, it was said that it took a long time for Qin Shuo to have a headache. During such a long time, Qin Shuo didn't know how to face them and how to win the entire Bingzhou.

Although he could also take the opportunity to obtain Bingzhou when Yuan Shu was fighting with Cao Cao, there would always be some unjustified reputations in this way.

I have to wait until the two of them are fighting each other, and when they are both injured, it is okay to take action by themselves, but the current Huns seem to have some ready to move.

They have always coveted the entire land of China. Now that they have seen the opportunity, they probably want to take the opportunity to annex the entire state.

Although they still haven't done it right now, in Qin Shuo's feelings, it is estimated that they will do it in a while. It's okay to bear with them a little bit now.

Now this matter is imminent, as long as I can perform better, then this problem can be solved well.

So in fact, I still have to wait for an opportunity. As long as that opportunity arrives, then the matter can be solved very well. If the opportunity is not available, then you still need to wait.

The point is to see if they can calm down, and now Qin Shuo is just watching the two tigers fight.

Many players now are also participating in this war, but there is a large part of it, but Qin Shuo does not want to participate in the team.

Although both sides are very hopeful that they can help them, but the current situation is really impossible to do. As a result, as long as you participate in this battle, almost no matter which side it is, the form will become one-sided. Of it.

He completely possesses such a strength. After participating in this battle, he has the ability to change the battle, which is completely different from his previous time.

In the past, even if he participated in the battle, there were some situations that could change the situation of the battle, but it was not like the situation that completely changed the situation of the battle.

At this moment, Qin Shuo suddenly thought of a problem. It seems that Chen Yan now stretches her hand into Bingzhou. If she can, she can also ask him to help. , It certainly has some benefits for myself.

I hadn't thought of any breakthrough before, but after thinking about him, I felt that this should be a huge breakthrough.

After thinking of this, it immediately called Chen Yan, ready to discuss this matter with him a little bit. Although I don't know what the final result will be, it always has to ask.

I first sent a message to Chen Yan directly, but at this time Chen Yan seemed to have not been online. After looking at the offline time, it seemed that it had already been almost two days.

After seeing this situation, Qin Shuo's heart suddenly became vigilant, and he was already worried about whether there would be any problems with Chen Yan.

After all, for such a long time, not logging in to the game is not his temperament at all. Even if Qin Shuo saw him not online, the longest time was only a few hours, and this time it was unexpectedly. It was two days after arriving.

You must know that it is two days in real time. If you put it in the game, it will have reached an astonishing six days. In these six days, you can already do a lot of things.

After thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little worried, perhaps this time Chen Yan was really because of some accident.

You must know that Qin Shuo is not quite accurate in other things, but he is very accurate in this respect, and can be judged in many cases.

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