Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 904: Go to Xuanyuan's house

"I said you are really courageous, but in other words, did the big chief just tell you something hungry? How do I feel that I am also curious."

Long Teng exploded his eyes at Qin Shuo and said.

Qin Shuo also smiled meanly and tilted his head: "Want to know? I won't tell you."

"Then the chief executive is actually saying that he wants to see you. In fact, I basically already know what's going on. Next, I should take it back for you, right?"

Seeing Qin Shuo didn't want to say anything, Long Teng didn't ask much.

"You lead the way, but you didn't let you take me back, but took me to the Xuanyuan house. I really want to meet them now."

Qin Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly. For some reason, Long Teng suddenly felt cold in his hands and feet.

"Are you really going to find them? Is this an order from the Chief?"

Long Teng had some doubts, and he obviously didn't believe it.

"Otherwise, I told you so much about what to do. If you don't believe me, then you can also ask."

Qin Shuo raised his eyebrows, stretched out one of his hands, and motioned to let him in.

"No, I believe you don't have such a big burden to dare to "chaotically" pass on the command of the Chief Chief. I really don't know what the Chief Chief is thinking. Is it because you want you to treat the Xuanyuan Family?"

Long Teng had some doubts and said, looking at Qin Shuo.

But right after that, he denied such a possibility:'This should not be right. After all, the relationship with the Xuanyuan family has not reached such a level. Anyway, I don't care. Let's talk about it when the time comes. Take you there. "

"Well, hurry up, I also have some concerns about Chen Yan now."

Qin Shuo nodded and said.

"You just introduce them a little bit, I also have some little curiosity now, why is this Xuanyuan family so powerful?"

Qin Shuo spoke again.

"It's because of their high status, and they are also a family that has been handed down since ancient times, so it must be like this."

After Long Teng thought for a while, he said.

"In ancient times? Was the strength of their family very strong?"

Qin Shuo had some doubts and said directly.

"It should be described as being bottomless. They even have reached the level of cultivating immortals, but we are still at the level of martial arts."

Long Teng glanced at Qin Shuo to know, and said, as if he was waiting for Qin Shuo to ask himself. "Are all of their family members cultivating immortality? But if you want to go beyond Xiu Wu to cultivate immortality, then it seems that there is something unrealistic now, right?"

Qin Shuo said suspiciously, and glanced at Long Teng.

"You think too much, how could it be that all of the family is cultivating immortals? There are not too many people who cultivate immortals. It is estimated that only the ancestors have reached such a realm, and there should be a few behind them. Yes, but it is impossible for them to stand up because of these things. For them, it is all disputes between juniors, so you should be able to rest assured."

After Long Teng glanced at Qin Shuo, he also spoke.

"Then what's the use of you talking about so much nonsense? Even if their ancestors stepped forward now, then I wouldn't be afraid of it, all."

Qin Shuo said, his face also felt indifferent.

"I hope what you said is true, but I still want to say to you that their ancestors are terrifying, and they have contributed a lot to the entire country."

Long Teng said.

"Anyway, I know what you mean. This time I only need to bring Chen Yan out, and then pull out the instigator. The rest is not too much."

Qin Shuo also spoke at this time, so he didn't mind too much.

"If this is the case, then I can rest assured, but I actually don't believe in your promise, but as long as you don't cause too much trouble, then I can take you on. There was an order from the Chief Chief, I really don’t know why the Chief Chief is so good to you."

Long Teng sighed slightly, and then led Qin Shuo out of the entire military restricted area.

In fact, for such a long period of time, Qin Shuo had always been active in the military restricted zone of the First World, so he simply didn't go out to see.

If you look at it a little bit now, this first world is almost like a future world, and many things are things that are not available in the current era, which can be described as horror.

"This is probably the class. Before, I never thought that I could come into the first world."

Qin Shuo also sighed slightly with pleasure. This was just a sentiment.

"In fact, there is no way. Although people are born equal, they cannot be completely average. With such a gap, people in the world below can actually work harder."

Long Teng also froze for a moment, and said.

"But have you ever thought that if our country always exists, then you will actually continue to prosper and prosper. You are a privileged class, and you must be different from us. People like us, work hard? It is estimated that you will not be able to be like yours for a lifetime."

Qin Shuo sighed, but in fact he was always in a good mood, he just wanted to sigh slightly.

"You are not a privileged class now? You are still going to trouble the privileged class. It's really not a pain to stand and talk. In fact, we are also working very hard."

Long Teng also defended himself.

The greening of the current first world is actually very good. After all, an ecological circle has been completely studied. This should be a cross-age performance.

In fact, this is also because the place is large enough. If it is a little smaller, it is impossible to establish a circular ecosystem.

Countless ancestors have walked this way, and they have seen this very thoroughly. Perhaps it is because of those previous studies that such a complete ecosystem can now be formed.

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