It took a long time for Lin Bei to come back to his senses.

He stared blankly at the moon hanging high in the night sky outside the window, feeling indescribable.

"What exactly do they want to do?"

Lin Bei murmured to himself: "What role do we players... play in this?"

He didn't understand, and he couldn't figure it out.

He just felt that he seemed to have entered an invisible net and couldn't help himself.

However, he was also lucky.

Because he had the eyes of insight, he could detect some useful information in advance.

And he was the first to break through to level 10 and enabled the ability synchronization function in advance.

At least, for him now, the appearance of "Altar" has rewritten his life and is about to change his future!

Because of "Altar", his sister's medical expenses have hope, because of "Altar", his eye disease has also been cured, and because of "Altar", he has embarked on a road to becoming a strong man!

Therefore, if you really want to count, he should thank the Sea Blue Alliance for promoting "Altar" all over the world.

At least so far, he has been gaining benefits in "Altar" without paying anything.

But he knows that no one in this world will treat you well for no reason. The reason why the Sea Blue Alliance launched the "Altar" online game for all people is definitely for a purpose!

However, this is a bit too far for him, and he can't see through it yet.

"Perhaps... their purpose is related to the "Moon Palace Ruins" prompted by the Eye of Insight."

But he knows very little about the Moon Palace Ruins.

He tried to continue staring at the moon, but apart from the previous hint, he could no longer get more information.

And as he frequently used the Eye of Insight, he felt that his mind was a little dazed, and his body became tired.

"It seems that in the real world, you can't use the Eye of Insight as frequently as you can in the game world. Here, using the ability of the Eye of Insight seems to consume a lot of mental and physical energy."

Lin Bei was alert in his heart, and then stopped using the prompting ability of the Eye of Insight.

After resting for a while, he felt much better.

Soon, the feeling of hunger came again like a tide, and Lin Bei came back to his senses.

"No, I have to eat something to replenish my physical strength. Otherwise, if I continue like this, even if I have a strong body, I will probably faint from hunger."

Lin Bei hurriedly got up from the ground and went to the kitchen, trying to find some food to deal with his crazy protesting stomach.

However, when he opened the refrigerator, he was embarrassed to find that it was empty. Where was the shadow of food?

"I was careless. I forgot to buy ingredients because of my eye disease in recent days. I am guilty."

He hurriedly put on his coat and went out to find food.

Not far downstairs is Qingshan City First Hospital. There is a 24-hour convenience store near the hospital. He plans to go there to fill his stomach.

He moved quickly. His 20 points of agility made him turn into a gust of wind at night. He disappeared at the end of the street in just a few breaths.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the 100-meter world champion appeared here, he would have to sigh behind Lin Bei.

"Help! Someone is robbing me! This is my child's life-saving money! Someone, hurry up!"

Just when Lin Bei turned an intersection and was about to enter a convenience store, a hurried shout suddenly came from not far away. A middle-aged woman with a vicissitudes of life stumbled towards the intersection, shouting as she ran, her tone full of shrillness.

In front of the middle-aged woman, there was a motorcycle man wearing a helmet, holding a black bag in his hand, and rushing towards the intersection where Lin Bei was!

He glared at the somewhat dazed Lin Bei from a distance, his eyes full of threats.

"Boy, don't meddle in other people's business!"

The motorcycle man said viciously and passed by directly.

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows when he heard it.

He glanced at the middle-aged woman who was shouting at the top of her lungs and looking sad in the distance, then turned around and grinned at the motorcycle man who was about to leave: "Boy, get off!"

Lin Bei jumped up and kicked out with a flying kick. The explosive force in an instant actually caught up with the speeding motorcycle.

With a scream of "Ouch", the fierce motorcycle man was kicked in the waist, screamed in pain and flew out, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted directly.

The black bag in his hand rolled to the side of the road, the bag broke, and the banknotes scattered on the ground.

Lin Bei stepped forward quickly, put the money in the bag, turned to the panting middle-aged woman, and handed the purse to her.

The middle-aged woman held the black purse tightly in both hands, crying with joy, and was about to kneel down to thank Lin Bei, but he was quick-eyed and quick-handed to hold her up.

He said softly, "Sister, you're welcome. Take the money and go to the hospital to pay."

He couldn't help but think of his sister who was sick in bed. Compared with the situation of the middle-aged woman's family, his heart softened a little.

He and the middle-aged woman in front of him were just people who shared the same suffering.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! If it weren't for your bravery, the life-saving money for my child would, would..."

The middle-aged woman was very grateful and kept sobbing.

"I told you not to be polite! Sister, go back and accompany your child!"

Lin Bei said with a smile.

"No! You helped me a lot! I can't be so ungrateful!"

But the middle-aged woman shook her head vigorously.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she took out a ball of silk cloth from her bosom, and after opening it, she revealed a black jade bracelet wrapped inside, which was covered with fine patterns and looked very strange.

The only flaw was that the black jade bracelet seemed to be partially broken, and some areas were also covered with cracks.

"My benefactor, this is a jade bracelet passed down from my family! Although it looks a bit broken, it is a real old item! If you don't mind, just take it as my thank you gift!"

The middle-aged woman said with gratitude: "In order to save the child's life, the family has no extra money. Only this jade bracelet is left. Please don't mind it!"

"Sister! Don't do this! I'm not helping you to repay you. This is your heirloom, you should keep it!"

Lin Bei refused without thinking.

However, the middle-aged woman insisted on giving the black jade bracelet to Lin Bei, which made him a little helpless.

Suddenly, he asked, "Sister, are you still short of money for your child's illness?"

The middle-aged woman's face was gloomy when she heard this, and she sighed and nodded, saying, "It's still a little short, but my family has already asked for help online to raise funds, so there is still hope."

"How much is still short?"

"Alas, it's still 150,000."

"Okay, I'll take your bracelet. Wait for me."

Lin Bei took the broken black jade bracelet, turned and walked to the ATM not far from the hospital, entered the account information, and took out 200,000 Aquamarine coins.

He stuffed the money directly into the purse in the middle-aged woman's hand, and said with a smile, "Okay, we are now clear of money and goods. I wish you and your children a happy life in the future!"

After saying that, without waiting for the middle-aged woman to speak, he turned and ran away, and soon disappeared into the night.

The middle-aged woman was stunned in the place, holding the black purse tightly in her hand. After a long while, she was already crying.

She remembered the appearance of her benefactor deeply, bowed deeply in the direction where the latter left, and then turned and left.

In the darkness in the distance, seeing the middle-aged woman leave, Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief, touched his rumbling stomach, and rushed into the convenience store.

He spent 200,000 Aquamarine Coins to buy the broken black jade bracelet, and he did not regret it.

The experience of the middle-aged woman reminded him of himself and his sister in recent years, and he felt compassion.

Originally, he was also running all the way to raise 3 million for his sister's medical expenses, but now with the equipment and hidden career tokens auctioned in the Novice Village, he no longer has to worry about lack of money.

When the auction is over, he will have enough money.

Therefore, he decided to help as far as he could.

There should still be some warmth in the world.

He doesn't care what others think, all he wants to do is to have a clear conscience!

"Young man, you did a great job! I admire you, brother! Take whatever you want to eat tonight, I won't charge you!"

The convenience store owner was a chubby middle-aged man wearing a green hat with the convenience store logo on his head. Seeing Lin Bei coming in, he couldn't help but said enthusiastically: "Don't be polite to me! Brother, I like your courageous character! Although I am willing but unable, I still have to support you!"

"Okay, thank you for your hospitality!"

"Haha, it's nothing! But I have called the police, and you have to go with me later to make a record together."

"Well, it should be."

Lin Bei smiled and nodded, and then ordered a lot of food under the surprised gaze of the convenience store owner, and then ate it with relish.

He ate no less than five people's food in just over ten minutes!

"Brother, I think I can eat a lot, but compared to you... Tsk, I can't help but admit it! If I were to say, given the current trend of live streaming, you might as well start a food show. I think you will definitely become popular!"

"Haha, I'll think about it later!"

Lin Bei responded with a smile, then took two bowls of instant noodles and started to inhale them violently.

The chubby convenience store owner next to him was stunned and kept giving him a thumbs up.


More than half an hour later, Lin Bei made a record at the police station and returned home.

At this time, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

A faint light had already appeared in the distant sky.

Lin Bei lay back on the bed and was about to log in to the game, but suddenly remembered the broken black jade bracelet. He always felt that the strange pattern on it was a bit unusual.

So he took out the jade bracelet and looked at it carefully.

Just at this moment, the Eye of Insight automatically opened, and a prompt message appeared in front of him.

[Potential Jade Bracelet (Broken): A strange bracelet made of abyss black jade, which has the magical effect of stimulating human potential. It is currently broken. Function: After wearing it, you will gain 1 potential point per second. Note: After repairing, you can unlock the full effect of the bracelet! ]

Lin Bei: ∑(O_O;)!

As soon as the prompt message appeared, Lin Bei couldn't help but take a breath.

At this time, he was already stunned!

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