Online games: The eyes of insight at the beginning, see through everything

Chapter 228 Hu Yuanshan: You are even more stupid than a cheater!

Hu Yuanshan's face was full of melancholy, like a defeated rooster, covered with wounds.

Lin Bei's appearance was too dazzling.

As the saying goes, the waves behind push the waves in front, and the waves in front are beaten to death on the beach.

Hu Yuanshan, the wave in front, felt the suffocating pressure.

So, he thought it over and decided to leave and live the life of a free and unrestrained crane that he had longed for.

For many years, he has been practicing hard, constantly competing with others, and becoming stronger.

However, as time went by, he seemed to have lost his soul and became a tool.

In addition to becoming stronger, there was no other idea.

Those thoughts of relaxation were regarded by him as a flood and beast, and he would forcibly suppress them as soon as they appeared.

He had only one belief - to become stronger!

It's a pity that just now, his heart of Tao was broken.

His state of mind changed at this moment.

And as his state of mind changed, the stagnation in his chest also dissipated at this time.

Now he can look at everything in front of him calmly.

He is completely tired.

I don't want to get involved anymore.

Lin Bei's appearance made him realize a reality.

Some people can never be surpassed in their entire lives.

Even if he started later than you, but he is more talented than you, no matter how hard you try, you can only become someone else's background.

Your appearance is just to prove the strength of others.

That's all.

At this moment, his thoughts are clear.

Instead of forcing yourself to practice, it is better to slow down and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Pleasing yourself can also make people happy.

As for the Giant Axe Mercenary Group, it is already an S-level mercenary group. Although it may not be a big deal in the entire continent, it is a powerful mercenary group that can be ranked in the top ten in the Holy Light City!

This is enough.

He is only over 300 years old. With his extraordinary peak realm, he can live at least another 2,000 years. Some things are not urgent. If you calm down and do them slowly, you can still succeed in the end.

If you rush for success, regardless of whether you succeed or not, it is very likely to backfire and eventually lead to a big mistake.

He was too impetuous in the past.

Thinking about it now, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"I persuaded that kid not to be too impetuous before, but it turns out... it's actually me who is really impetuous."

Hu Yuanshan smiled and shook his head.

However, he didn't notice that as he let go of his deep obsession, the extraordinary power emanating from his body became a little stronger, and as his mentality calmed down, the extraordinary power in his body began to gather together and became stronger!

"Hey, I'm... breaking through?!"

Hu Yuanshan realized it later and checked his body with a puzzled look.

"... Is this a blessing in disguise? Or... am I just doing something unintentional?"

Hu Yuanshan was full of emotion.

"Sure enough, in the path of cultivation... the most important thing is to have a clear mind."

"At my current realm, the extraordinary power has been condensed together. In terms of power alone, it has increased by at least three times compared to before."

"Next, I guess I only need to stabilize my realm for a while before I can directly challenge the epic awakening trial."

"It turns out... the right way is to be relaxed and tense."

Hu Yuanshan sighed in his heart, turned around and looked at Lin Bei in front of the counter not far behind him, and murmured to himself: "Thank you, little brother, because your appearance has awakened me from confusion, I owe you a favor."

"Next, I won't care about the mercenary group. Let them take some not-so-difficult tasks to make a smooth transition, and stabilize their respective strengths and lay a solid foundation."

"After a while, when everyone becomes more calm, we will do some big orders!"

In just a moment, Hu Yuanshan has already thought about the future development direction of the Giant Axe Mercenary Group in his mind.

Next, he plans to travel outside for a while to relax his tense spirit for three hundred years.

If possible, he hopes that he can meet the love of his life during this journey and live a shameless and happy life.

For three hundred years, he has been practicing hard to improve his strength and stay away from women, thinking that women will only affect the speed of swinging his axe.

But now, everything is different.

He will no longer bury his head in hard training and compete with others, but will calm down and enjoy life.

"I really look forward to what my future wife will look like?"

"If she can be as beautiful as the city lord... hehehe..."

Hu Yuanshan fell into fantasy, drooling from the corners of his mouth, looking like a pervert.

After completing the formalities, Lin Bei passed by him again. Curious about the huge contrast between the performance of this bearded uncle before and after, he couldn't help but stop and asked with a worried look: "Um...are you okay? Do you want to call a doctor to see you?"

"Ah? Oh... ahem, no no! I'm fine!"

Hu Yuanshan came back to his senses after hearing this, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and was about to step forward and hold Lin Bei's hands with the excitement of a spirited young man.

Lin Bei moved quickly, took a step back and quietly dodged the palm that Hu Yuanshan had just wiped the saliva on, with a look of disgust on his face.

That amount of saliva... is really too much.

He had to dodge.

"Hahaha, sorry, I forgot about this."

Hu Yuanshan quickly wiped his clothes and wiped the saliva off his hands, then said happily: "That... Thank you!"

Lin Bei was confused when he heard this.

What's wrong with this guy?

Is it true that his brain is not stimulated, and now he has become a little spirit... No, has he become a big spirit?

"I owe you a favor in the future! If you need anything in the future, you can come to the Holy Light City Giant Axe Mercenary Group to find me!"

Hu Yuanshan said, taking out a purple token with a huge battle axe engraved on it.

"This is my token. With it, you can dispatch members of our Giant Axe Mercenary Group at will!"

"This... Let's forget it."

"That won't do! You have been very kind to me! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have touched the epic threshold in a short time! You must keep this token! Otherwise, you look down on me, Hu Yuanshan!"

"Uh... OK then."

Lin Bei saw that the other party's kindness was hard to refuse, so he could only put away the token.

However, just as he took the token, a token in his hand that was emitting golden light made Hu Yuanshan's face change suddenly.

He breathed rapidly, his eyes were shocked, and he pointed at the golden token in Lin Bei's hand and shouted in disbelief: "You, you, you... this, this, this... is this a legendary awakening pass?!"

"Well, yes, didn't I just complete the epic trial? While I'm free now, I'll pass the legendary awakening trial as well, so as to save trouble in the future."

Lin Bei nodded calmly when he heard this.

However, his calm expression and calm tone fell into Hu Yuanshan's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt, paralyzing him instantly!

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

But in the end, his eyes looking at Lin Bei became extremely determined.

"This kid... is not a genius, nor a monster!"

"His performance... is definitely a cheater!"

"He's just a cheater, I don't need to be serious with him... bullshit!"

"Fuck! It's only been a few days? He actually wants to directly cross several realms from a mortal to the legendary realm? Damn, even cheating is not so outrageous, right?"

"Is he still a human?"

At this time, Hu Yuanshan's smile was stiff, which was uglier than crying.

As for Lin Bei, his face was full of emotion.

Sure enough, this mental guy is sick again, so I'd better stay away from him, otherwise... who knows if he will spit on me?

Lin Bei fled in panic and directly used the golden token in his hand to enter the trial space.

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