Online games: The eyes of insight at the beginning, see through everything

Chapter 28 Special medicine! Lu Yanran comes to visit!

After the two of them calmed down and had breakfast, Lin Bei couldn't wait to contact the hospital and go through the admission procedures for Lin Yao.

Half an hour later, the two entered Qingshan First People's Hospital.

"Mr. Lin, please rest assured. We have contacted the Ocean Blue Alliance. Special medicine to treat the patient's disease will be delivered as soon as tomorrow. Your sister will be cured soon."

A middle-aged doctor looked at Lin Bei who was pacing back and forth in the hospital and comforted him.

"Special medicine?"

Lin Bei came back to his senses after hearing this and was a little confused, "Don't you need surgery?"

Lin Yao's legs have been paralyzed for many years. Can it really be cured if she just takes medicine?

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

The doctor smiled and said: "This is thanks to the breakthrough progress made by the Ocean Blue Alliance in the medical field in recent years. This special medicine is very miraculous. Even cancer can be easily cured with just one bottle as long as it is not in the advanced stage."


Lin Bei was shocked when he heard this.

He didn't expect that this special medicine had such miraculous functions.

Not to mention in ancient times, even in modern times, it can definitely be called a fairy medicine!

etc! Miracle medicine?

Lin Bei's eyes froze, as if he had caught something.

He thought of ancient myths, he thought of the potential jade bracelet, he thought of the ruins of the Moon Palace, and he thought of the Aquamarine Alliance secretly developed on the moon!

He thought of the various recovery potions in the game world. Those potions... seemed to have functions similar to this special potion!

"If...I mean if some recovery potions from the game world can be brought into the real world, can these potions also be used to treat various diseases?"

Lin Bei didn't know why, but suddenly had such an idea.

"Maybe... these special medicines really come from the game world?"

"Just like the previous potential jade bracelet, these special medicines...could they have been brought out of the game world by the ancients?"

"Maybe in ancient times they didn't call it the game world, but called it the fairy world?"

Lin Bei had countless thoughts in his heart.

But just when he was about to continue thinking uncontrollably, his cell phone suddenly rang, directly interrupting his thoughts.

Lin Bei, who came back to his senses, took a deep breath, smiled helplessly, and then took out his mobile phone.

It was Lu Yanran calling.

He didn't hesitate and answered the phone directly.

"Hey, Xiaobei, where are you? I went to your house to look for you and found that you were not at home."

"Oh, I'm in the hospital."

"What happened? Are you sick? Or Yaoyao..."

Lu Yanran's tone suddenly became urgent.

Lin Bei's heart warmed when he heard this, and he replied with a smile: "Don't worry, Yaoyao is ready to receive treatment, so we came to the hospital early in the morning and checked in."

"What? You have collected all the money for Yaoyao's medical expenses?"

"Yeah, it's all together."

Lin Bei smiled and nodded: "I have to thank you, Sister Yanran, for the game login device you gave me. If it hadn't been for it, I would still be worrying about raising money for Yaoyao's medical expenses."


When Lu Yanran heard this, she fell into a long silence.

After a while, she suddenly asked: "Xiao Bei, how did you do it?"

"Me, it's actually simple. I was lucky. I got a hidden career token and sold it for a good price."

"Wait! What did you say? You, you, you...are you Beiming?"

An exclamation came from the other side of the phone.

"Well, it's me. Not long ago you rejected my friend request."

Lin Bei smiled and teased, "Originally I wanted to congratulate you, but I didn't expect our Miss Yan Ran Rumeng to be so cold and cold."

"Uh... Ahem, I didn't know it was you! That... was all a misunderstanding!"

Lu Yanran coughed dryly, then remembered the business and said quickly: "By the way, you wait for me at the hospital. I will go to the hospital now and discuss something important with you!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lin Bei's reaction, a busy tone came from the phone.

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head. This sister Yanran has really not changed at all over the years. She does things vigorously and resolutely.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Yanran rushed over.

"How is Yaoyao?"

"I have gone to bed. The doctor said that the special medicine will arrive as soon as tomorrow, and Yaoyao's illness will be cured soon!"

"Special medicine?"

Lu Yanran said in surprise: "I have heard of this thing. It is said that it can treat many difficult and complicated diseases. It is the latest research result of the Ocean Blue Alliance."

"I heard that they made it using special elements found on the moon. I didn't expect that Yaoyao's disease actually requires this kind of special medicine."

When Lin Bei heard this, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he asked calmly: "Sister Yanran, you said there are special elements on the moon? What's going on?"

"Oh, I don't know the specifics. I just accidentally heard the old man at home mention that the special medicine of the Aquamarine Alliance is a major achievement of the lunar scientific research project."

Lu Yanran also shook her head when she heard this, then looked at Lin Bei with burning eyes and said excitedly: "By the way, let's not talk about this for now. You said on the phone before... that you are Bei Ming?"

"Yeah, it's the real deal."

"Very good!"

Lu Yanran's face was full of joy when she heard this, "Actually, I came to you this time to ask for your opinion. Lan He and I are about to resign from the God of War and start a new business."


"Ah what? I just want to ask you, are you interested in joining us?"

"Yes, yes, but if you two just leave like this, don't you worry about being resented by the God of War? I'm on their blacklist."

"What are you afraid of? The current God of War is no longer what he was before. The internal corruption is serious now, and we can't stand it for a long time!"

Lu Yanran said bluntly: "Moreover, you were originally going to be promoted to department head here, specifically responsible for the overall operation of the God of War Guild in "Shrine", but...someone in the top management intervened without regard for face and forcibly kicked you out. ”

"And that person is now the general person in charge of the God of War Guild in "Shrine". He has the game ID "Fame in One Battle", and his son must be familiar to you. He is the guy named "Fame in One Battle"."

Lu Yanran joked: "Speaking of which, you two are destined to be together. I just made a stumbling block for you in the real world, but then you turned around and your son was punished in the game."

"Stop teasing me."

Lin Bei said helplessly: "But I didn't expect this to be the case. Then I understand. The company only paid me a salary of 3,000 yuan in the end. The less money was taken away by the guy from Fight to Fame, right?"

"Well, that kid spends money lavishly and likes to make some bad friends. I can't do anything about him."

"He is indeed a scumbag."

Lin Bei spread his hands and looked solemn, "I have no feelings for him now, but he'd better be wiser, otherwise... I don't mind letting him experience the feeling of death!"

Lu Yanran was shocked when she heard this: "Xiao Bei, you don't want to kill someone, do you? Although attributes can be synchronized after level 10, but if you do this..."

"Sister Yanran, what are you thinking? I understand the importance! I won't really kill him!"

"Then what do you mean..."

"I just got a treasure in the game!"

Later, Lin Bei told Lu Yanran the wonderful use of the Wanxiang chessboard, causing the latter to exclaim repeatedly.

"Xiao Bei, you must join us! As long as you are here, if any blind thing dares to provoke us in the future, we will lock him in your little dark room and ravage him severely!"

Lu Yanran's eyes were so fierce that even Lin Bei was startled by her appearance.

"Ahem, Sister Yanran...are you menopausal? You have a bit of a temper."

"What are you talking about? You've just gone through menopause! I'm not even thirty yet! Where did you get menopause from? You're asking for a beating!"

"Ouch~ Don't worry, I'm just joking!"

"Are you kidding like this? Look at me if I don't punish you!"

Afterwards, one of the two ran in front and the other chased behind, laughing and joking all the way. It was so lively.

"Hey, patients' families! No noise is allowed in the hospital!"

A passing doctor scolded them seriously.

The two of them finally put away their temper, glared at each other fiercely, and then stopped.

They sat in the hospital corridor and chatted.

"By the way, I heard that you discovered a copy of Novice Village? What are you going to do about it?"

"Well, I plan to sell it to the official."

"That's's not bad. It's better than giving it to those guilds anyway."

"If you and Lan He want to use the copy, I can tell you the coordinates."

"No, no, no, we have both reached level 10 now. We don't need to go to the novice copy anymore. But you, kid, have already reached level 10. Why haven't you changed professions yet?"

"I'm busy."

"Do you think I believe it?"

"believe it or not!"


Lu Yanran curled her lips and said disdainfully: "You like to talk but don't talk!"

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