Players gathered around and watched the excitement.

"Holy crap, it's really Boss Beiming! Isn't he level 10 already? Why is he back in Novice Village?"

"Don't ask! Just ask because the boss is awesome! But I do want to know, who is this second bitch? Why is he so arrogant?"

"He is the one who started the conflict between Big Boss Beiming and the God of War and became famous in one battle! It is said that he is the son who became famous in a hundred battles!"

"No way? That Hundred Battles Famous guy looks like he's only in his early thirties. Why is his son so old?"

"Shh, I heard from the gossip that Fight to Fame was kept by a rich woman when he was still a teenager, and Fight to Fame was born at that time!"

"Damn, is it so exciting?"

People around him were talking a lot, but the face of One Fight to Fame became more and more gloomy.

He doesn't care about the grudge between the God of War and Beiming. He only knows one thing: his father has been screwed by Beiming!

The top leaders of the God of War just held a meeting and removed all power from his father, which also affected him!

At this time, he had been completely expelled from the God of War Guild. Because of this, he had only been upgraded by himself. Several hours had passed and he still had not reached level 10!

He hated Beiming so much!

If it weren't for him, how could he be in this miserable state now?

Therefore, he must take revenge!

He spent all the money he had finally saved through various means and spent a lot of money online to buy an S-level skill scroll!

This time, he must make the person in front of him whom he hates pay the price!

[Nightmare Scroll: S-level special skill scroll. After use, the target can be haunted by nightmares, fall into a state of soul separation, and be forced to go offline for ten days. 】

With this scroll, he can destroy the other party with his own hands!

"Hmph, you have been unable to log into the game for ten consecutive days. Such a long time is enough for you to lag behind others!"

"The game is being developed slowly, step by step. When the time comes, will you be as arrogant as you are now?"

"Beiming, I will destroy you with my own hands!"

After becoming famous in the first battle, he showed a ferocious look on his face, and then directly used the nightmare scroll to target Lin Bei!

"Hahaha! You're dead!"

Fight to Fame laughed crazily, and the scroll in his hand turned into a black stream of light surrounding Lin Bei's body.

Next, he only needs to wait for the other party to fall into the state of soul separation, and his plan will succeed!

"Beiming, you have no chance! You immediately..."

However, before he could say that he would become famous in the first battle, a golden light flashed across the surface of Lin Bei's body. The next second, the black mist that had transformed into a nightmare was instantly dispersed by the golden light and dissipated completely.

At the same time, a prompt sounded in Lin Bei's ear.

[Tip: Divine blessing takes effect! You are immune to the "soul-departed" state! 】

[Soul Leaving: The character’s body and soul are forcibly stripped away, causing the character to be forced offline and unable to log in to the game. 】

After Lin Bei saw the information about the soul-leaving state, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the astonished Fight to Fame, shook his head, and sighed: "What a pity for the hearts of parents in the world. You are really far worse than your father..."

He still had his own affairs to be busy with, and he really couldn't muster any interest in becoming famous in one battle.

They are just ants and can be destroyed with a snap of your fingers.

Of course, if the other party still refuses to give up, then he doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Impossible! How is this possible! This is an S-level skill scroll!"

With a snap, Fight to Fame collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at Lin Bei's back as he teleported away, with a confused look on his face.

He failed!

Not only that, the other party didn't even look at him!

He... was ignored by the other party!

The gap between the two sides was like a chasm, making him breathless!

He thought of his usually proud father's dejected look not long ago, and it wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

He giggled, then burst into tears.

His money was wasted.

His heart was completely dead.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, the other party never regarded them as opponents.

This imaginary enemy in the eyes of his father and son has already reached an invisible level!

Everyone around saw this and looked at each other in shock.

It wasn't until Fight to Fame sadly went offline that everyone came back to their senses.

"Hey, what happened just now? Why didn't I understand? Why did the one who became famous in One Fight suddenly kneel on the ground and start crying and laughing? Could it be that he was possessed by evil spirits?"

"Don't ask me! I am also a newbie who is less than level 10!"

"Can you guys do it? You can't even understand this? It was clearly the one who became famous in the first battle who made a sneak attack and thought he had a chance to win, but in the end, the boss of Beiming instantly neutralized the opponent's attack without even moving a muscle."

"That's right! That boy was crying and laughing at the same time. He was obviously shocked to the point of doubting his life!"

"In fact, Boss Beiming didn't even ask him, 'Have you had enough trouble?' and left directly without even looking at him!"

"Oh, it's really shocking! If I became famous in one battle... I, bah, I don't want to be the son who became famous in a hundred battles!"

"Poor Bai Zhanfaming! Come back, the former top brother! We need you!"

"Every day, add incense to the fame of Hundred Battles!"

Everyone was talking to each other, and as they were talking, they unexpectedly strayed to the topic of "burning incense". Once again, they couldn't help but go to the message area of ​​the God of War's official account in the forum and leave neat emoticons of "burning incense."

Everyone in the God of War Guild is numb.

"Perhaps... Bai Zhan has found the wrong development direction."

In the guild, someone hesitated and said: "I mean, it might be better if he enters the entertainment industry. Look at the popularity and traffic... The official account of our God of War Guild is now number one on the fan list. , twice as high as that Bei Ming!"

"Oh, please shut up. I'm very upset right now! Our entire guild spent so much money to help Become Famous and change his profession to an S-level hidden profession, but now he says he won't do it!"

The temporary president of the God of War Guild sighed: "We will have a hard time in the future! As far as I know, several major guilds have secretly accumulated strength and trained at least one S-level hidden professional player. We must find a way to survive the current situation. It’s difficult!”

"As for Beiming... tell the people below to stop causing trouble! The people above said they will handle the matter personally!"

The interim president said helplessly: "It's a pity that Yanran and Lan He have left. Otherwise, we wouldn't be so passive."

Next to the president, a young man wearing a blue mage robe frowned when he heard this and said displeased: "They are two traitors, why do you mention them? But you said that the people above told us not to interfere in Beiming's affairs. , do they want to be in reality..."

"Well, I heard there is news."

The interim president nodded, "The people above have found clues. I believe it won't take too long for Bei Ming to disappear from the world."

"Is the message true?"

"Yeah, keep it safe."

The president nodded and said: "But only a few of us know about this matter, so please don't spread it."

When the young man in blue robe heard this, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

On the other side, Lin Bei came to a third-level main city called "Baihua City" through the teleportation array.

As soon as he arrived, he bought a map of the main city. After finding the location of the currency exchange center, he directly entered the coordinates and used the Wanjie Gate to teleport there.

It would be a waste of time to run over there.

With coordinates, direct transmission is the way to go!

The Currency Exchange Center is located in the southwest of Baihua City, just across the street from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Shopkeeper, I want to exchange crystal coins!"

Lin Bei said directly as soon as he entered the door.

Behind the counter, a middle-aged man with glasses and meticulously combed hair frowned when he heard this, and said angrily: "Crystal coins? Baihua City is in urgent need of crystal coins! There is no exchange service at the moment!"

"Didn't you see the notices posted outside? This is it... take a look for yourself!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man pointed to a notice posted on the wall.

[Notice from Baihua City: Due to the recent riots of monsters in Baihua Valley, Baihua City is in urgent need of a large amount of crystal coins to stabilize the formation, and all crystal currency exchange services are temporarily closed! At the same time, Baihua City purchased crystal coins from all citizens at a high price! Exchange ratio: 1 crystal coin = 20,000 gold coins! 】

Lin Bei was stunned when he saw the notice.

"Is this what it feels like when someone gives you a pillow when you're sleepy?"

"It feels a bit cool~"

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