Chen Qing slowly opened his eyes, and the roof of an old thatched cottage came into view, which made Chen Qing feel like returning to his hometown in the countryside when he was a child.

Chen Qing stretched out his hand and rubbed his dizzy head, suddenly he was taken aback, his hand... became smaller?

Quickly getting up, Chen Qing was surprised to find that not only the hands became smaller, but also the eyesight became much shorter.

This is... I have become a child?

Chen Qing clearly remembered the last moment when he was still working on a new copy of "Multiple Warfare". When he was about to kill the boss, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his heart, and then he lost consciousness.

You won't die suddenly, right?

Chen Qing couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Aqing! Why are you still sleeping, come out quickly! Otherwise, Teacher Aguer will be angry again." At this time, a childish voice sounded outside the door.

Ah Qing? Is this calling me?

Chen Qing is still in a daze, and has not figured out what happened.

Whether you are calling me or not, go out and see first.

After Chen Qing opened the door, he saw a little boy about 8 or 9 years old waiting at the door. When Chen Qing came out, the little boy's eyes lit up and he showed a happy expression.

"Huh? You didn't sleep in late today? Let's go, Teacher Aguer is going to start class soon!" The little boy said while pulling Chen Qing who was in a daze and walked out.

Chen Qing glanced at the height of the little boy, and then silently compared the height of his own eyesight, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

I... turned into an 8 or 9-year-old brat?


Chen Qing suddenly came back to his senses.

Teacher Agur?

This name...why is it so familiar?

Chen Qing only noticed the surrounding environment and buildings at this time, and the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became.

No wonder I felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in the surrounding environment from the moment I woke up!

Isn't this the scene of the Tak civilization in the Terran in "Multiple Warfare"?

The game background of "Multiple Warfare" is the war for hegemony among the various races in the universe, which contains a lot of elements and playability.

The Tak civilization has the territory of the three main stars, but in the multi-war world, it is only an insignificant branch of the entire human civilization.

The occupation system in the multiverse is intricate, but in general it can be divided into four major occupations: warrior, mage, ascetic, and mechanic, and the Tucker civilization is a typical small civilization of the mage system.

Abbreviation: Novice Village for Mage Route Players...

Chen Qing, as a hardcore professional player and "Liver Emperor", has practiced basically every professional account, and most of the racial camps have also played.

Tak civilization is a novice village for human mages. For Chen Qing, coming here is no different from going home, so he was able to recognize that this is the scene of Tak civilization when he just woke up.


Chen Qing looked at the middle-aged man standing on the podium happily explaining spell knowledge with a strange look on his face.

This is Agur!

Chen Qing knew Agur, but he got to know him through the promotional video of the "Multiple Warfare" game before the server opened.

The content of the promotional video is to explain the game background of "Multiple Warfare". As the early magister of the Tak civilization, Agul made a lot of appearances. In the end, before the game was launched, he died in an invasion of the Liko tribe. middle.

And this invasion has also become one of the fuses of the war among the various races in the universe.

Chen Qing has such a deep impression on Agur, not because of his frequent contact with Agur. You must know that when Chen Qing entered the game, Agur had already been blasted to pieces by the giant cannons of the Liko tribe.

The reason why Agur is so famous is that in the subsequent cosmic wars, several crucial bigwigs were former students of Agur.

Agur, a character who only deserves to exist in the background introduction, has affected the replacement of several versions to some extent.

As a result, it has left a deep impression in the hearts of many players, and is nicknamed "the guide of the version" by the players.

Now that Agur, who should have died in battle, appeared in front of him alive and kicking, Chen Qing suddenly realized that the timeline of this world... seemed to be earlier than before he entered the game.

In other words, did I come before the game started?

Does that mean that players must enter this world at least 5 years later?

Because according to the progress of the game, there has been a five-year confrontation between the Tucker civilization and the Liko civilization before and after the war.

Although 5 years may be a simple version change in the real world, in the multi-war world, 5 years is not as simple as a version change.

Now the surroundings are peaceful, and there must be some time before the war begins.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing froze for a moment, and then a coolness rose from behind.

If I remember correctly... After the war broke out, the planet of the Tucker civilization should become the main battlefield. Except for a few big bosses who had the aura of the protagonist who survived, everyone else should have died miserably.

Chen Qing asked himself... I am a fat house fighting five scum, in this catastrophe that has swept across the entire planet, it is estimated that the chance of surviving is infinitely close to zero.

If this world is really a multi-war world, then it is really possible for me to die in this world!

Now Chen Qing's identity is not a player with infinite resurrection ability, but a real game NPC!

There is no resurrection after death!

No, I can't just do nothing and die!

A strong desire to survive suddenly rushed into Chen Qing's heart, and he had to find a way to escape from this battle!

While thinking about it, suddenly a panel popped up in front of Chen Qing:

Chen Qing

Race: Terran

Grade 1

Occupation: Mage Apprentice

Strength: 1

Stamina: 1

Spirit: 1

Intelligence: 2

HP: 30

Strength: 50

Racial talents:

[Learning ability]: Humans have a strong learning ability and are good at absorbing experience from life, combat, and cultivation.

Talent effect: Gain experience +20%, add a free attribute point for each level up.

Active skills: none

Passive skills: none

Expertise: None

(Evaluation: If the minimum attribute is not 1, you are not worthy of having attributes. You are a weak chicken and you still have a long way to go before fighting the five scum.)

Seeing this kind template, Chen Qing was so excited that she almost jumped up!

As for the systematic review, it was directly ignored by Chen Qing.

This panel Chen Qing is too familiar with, as long as there is this panel, he can continue to upgrade.

Upgrading means strength. As long as you have enough strength before the Liko tribe invades, then you will be more low-key at that time, and there is a very high possibility of surviving.

"Huh?" At this moment, Chen Qing whispered secretly.

On the right side of the panel, he saw a small arrow pointing to the right. As an old player, he was no stranger to this arrow. It meant that he could swipe to the right to change the number.

change number? Chen Qing shook his head, he was a real person who traveled to the game world, how to change his number?

He subconsciously clicked the arrow on the right side of the panel, and then the panel disappeared from the left, and a brand new panel was drawn into the main interface.

Chen Qing (new account)

Race: to be selected

Grade 1






Status: Creating an account....

Chen Qing stared at the new interface with his mouth wide open, with only one thought in mind.


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