Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Fifteen: C-Level Mission! Upheaval

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, a figure riding a horse suddenly appeared from the horizon of Gree Plain.

It was Chen Qing who had just finished training.

After leaving the pile of wolves' corpses, it didn't take long for Chen Qing's body to recover to full capacity under the abnormal physique of 80 points of passive blood recovery.

Wandering around the Gree Plain again, after reaching level 6 and palm mine proficiency reaching Lv5, Chen Qing rode his inferior horse out of the plain.

Recalling the process of being injured in the pack of wolves, Chen Qing couldn't help but feel palpitations.

It hurts!

This was the first time Chen Qing felt such a strong pain.

In fact, in order to ensure that their operations are sufficiently delicate, professional players usually choose to increase the pain and sensory level of the game, but a maximum of 40% is the best, and game companies will not allow the pain to exceed 50%.

As for Chen Qing, it can be said that he experienced a serious injury with 100% pain, and his willpower was almost crushed by being so close to death.

But for Chen Qing, 100% pain is not a bad thing at all...

At least, I may have the opportunity to continue to improve my operational ability to a higher level.

Chen Qing looked at the darkness in the silent forest where the light was blocked by the big trees and thought faintly...

That's right, Chen Qing has arrived at the outer edge of the Silent Forest at this moment.

For some reason, at this moment Chen Qing felt an uncomfortable aura coming from the depths of the silent forest.

No wonder... nearby residents turn pale when they talk about the Silent Forest.

It is estimated that there are monsters at the boss level.

It's not a low-level elite monster like a wolf, but a real boss!

Thinking of this, Chen Qing couldn't help but cheer up.

It seems that before the Liko tribe invades, go deep into the silent forest to see if you can kill the boss.

There is a special rule in the game "Multiple Warfare".

As long as the player completes a single kill when the boss is not higher than his own level 10, there is a high probability that he will be able to obtain a skill on the boss.

Before the player enters this world, the bosses in this world are basically monopolized by him. If he is lucky, there will always be a few passive skills.

You know, active skills are actually more powerful when used at the moment, but as the player's level increases, active skills will naturally be replaced by other more powerful skills.

But for players, passive skills are good things that can bring bonuses at any time.

A passive skill is worth more than 10 active skills.

But no matter how tempting the boss in the Silent Forest is, it is impossible for Chen Qing to go deep into the Silent Forest.

Our lives still matter.

After marking the boss in the Silent Forest, Chen Qing walked along the periphery of the Silent Forest in the direction that Little Fatty Lockett had told him.

Along the way, Chen Qing still encountered many magical creatures, the average level of which was around level 10.

Sure enough, it is higher than the level of Gree Plain.

But until now, Chen Qing still has no Moji clues.

Turning over the task panel, seeing that there was still no movement on the panel, a strange look flashed in Chen Qing's eyes.

No, according to the normal search task, as long as you follow the clues to find the place where the missing person disappeared, there will be a corresponding prompt on the task panel.

But now Chen Qing has been wandering around the Silent Forest for a long time, not to mention the figures, there is not even a response from the mission panel.

This situation can only mean that either Moji ran to the depths of the Silent Forest, or Moji is not in the Silent Forest at all, otherwise there is no reason for the mission panel not to give a reminder.

If it was the former, Chen Qing could only be forced to give up this task.

Chen Qing can clearly distinguish whether the task is more important or the life is more important.

For a magic shop owner's 10 points of favorability and two primary enchantment stones, it's not worth it!

Sighing, Chen Qing glanced at the map on the panel. There is still a small area in the east of the Silent Forest that has not been explored yet, and he has basically gone through the rest.

It seems that Moji is indeed not on the periphery of the Silent Forest, but since he is here, let's explore the rest of the area.

Chen Qing thought unwillingly.

After walking for a while, Chen Qing was about to reach the end of the east, and suddenly found a flat stone platform in front of him that looked like a small altar that had been abandoned for a long time.

It looked like no one had been there for a long time, and the messy branches and leaves were falling around, almost covering the stone platform.

The reason why Chen Qing could see that it was a small stone platform like an altar was because the corner of the stone platform seemed to have been cleaned by someone, and the branches were moved aside, just revealing the mysterious lines of the stone platform. in the air.

Chen Qing's heart skipped a beat. Looking at the traces of the stone platform being cleaned, it was obvious that someone had just cleaned the stone platform in the past few days.

He subconsciously thought of the missing Moji.

Could it be... Moji's disappearance has something to do with this stone platform?

Chen Qing walked up to the stone platform along the path that had been swept out.

At the same time, the task panel, which had not been moved for a long time, suddenly jumped slightly!

Chen Qing let out a deep breath, and her slight jump meant that she was still far away from Mo Ji.

The task panel will gradually increase in vibration as the distance between the player and the target approaches.

This means that as long as Moji arrives within the sensing range of Chen Qing's mission panel, Chen Qing can judge the direction Moji left by the difference in the magnitude of the shaking.

But what Chen Qing didn't realize was that when he stepped on this small stone platform.

The mysterious pattern on the stone platform suddenly lit up with a faint light, flickering like breathing.

When Chen Qing just came to his senses, suddenly Shitai seemed to come alive, bursting out with dazzling light.

After the light faded, Chen Qing suddenly found that he was teleported to a completely strange environment.

Looking at the dark valleys and damp forests that he had never seen before, Chen Qing was a little hard to judge where he was teleported to.

But then, Chen Qing suddenly saw that the task of finding Moji in the task panel had changed directly from F-level to C-level, and a series of new tasks continued to extend from it.


After Chen Qing read the introduction of these tasks clearly, his pupils shrank violently!

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