Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter 22: Magic Swordsman? Don't Do It

After leaving Agur's residence, Chen Qing directly added so much rich experience to the Heart of the Brave.

This skill can be said to be a must-have skill for leapfrogging monsters in the future!


There are thousands of experience gained this time, and all of them are poured into the proficiency experience pool of the heart of the brave, which directly increases the experience pool.



So much experience has directly raised the heart of the brave to level 6 proficiency.

Chen Qing suddenly felt reckless in his heart, as if even if he were to rush to the Liko tribe's base camp and challenge the Liko tribe to be tough, he would be right.

Fuck? This Brave Heart proficiency is up, can it still be like this?

Chen Qing was startled, and hastily recited the "Low-Key Sutra" silently several times before suppressing the boundless heart of the brave in his heart.

You can't be an iron-headed baby...

In the last life, anyone with a strong head would die miserably on the interstellar battlefield, so don't be fooled by the heart of the brave.

But if you don't look at the impact of Brave Heart on mentality, the other effects of this skill are still very impressive. Seeing the 6% bonus, Chen Qing secretly nodded inwardly.

In addition to this wave of experience bonuses, Chen Qing also got the right to a random job skill in this mission.

Without thinking too much, Chen Qing directly pressed the button of the random professional skill.

"Drip... Randomly acquiring professional skills..."

"The player's occupation is: Mage/Warrior"

"According to the player's occupation, a skill is randomly generated for the player: Elementary Magic Sword Qi!"

【Elementary Magic Sword Qi】

Skill attribute: active skill

Skill Level: Lv1 (Proficiency will be upgraded to Intermediate Demon Sword Qi after reaching Lv10)

Skill introduction: There are a group of people in the world trying to practice magicians and warriors at the same time. After a long period of development lag, the profession of magic swordsman was born. Magic sword energy is the most basic ability of magic swordsmen. Under the double blessing of qi, the power of the magic sword qi has become extremely powerful!

Skill effect: release sword energy, causing damage to the enemy of strength X skill level X50% + intelligence X skill level X50%, the skill will judge the skill damage attribute based on the lower of the enemy's physical resistance and energy resistance.

Skill consumption: 60 vigor

Chen Qing looked at this skill and was speechless for a long time.

Fear of what will come.

Because he has the dual profession of warrior and magician at the same time, Chen Qing is very afraid that he will randomly get a magic swordsman skill for himself when the random skill is randomized, and it turns out... it really arrived!

The magic swordsman looks like a cool name, but it is actually a weak profession in the multiverse.

Even ordinary professions can easily beat the magic swordsman.

The main reason why the magic swordsman is weak is that all the skills of this profession basically include all 4 major attribute points.

It also means that once you become a magic swordsman, you have to evenly distribute your bonus points to the 4 major attribute points.

When other people's main attribute points have been added to more than 200 points, it is very likely that you will only add 4 or 50 points.

Calculated in this way, even if the magic swordsman's skills are relatively powerful, but with a gap of nearly 4 or 5 times the attribute points, he can still easily beat the magic swordsman.

In fact, for Chen Qing, the four major attribute points are growing together, and the number of free attribute points is double that of normal players. It is also a very good choice for him to become a magic swordsman, and it is even possible that his The Spellblade would be terrifyingly strong.

But... the comprehensive ability of the magic swordsman also means mediocrity in all aspects.

For Chen Qing, the output of Time and Space Master is the direction of his future career change. He has no shortage of output at all, and the output of Magic Swordsman is far inferior to that of Time and Space Master.

And what about meat? Changing to become a Titan God of War can be said to be a profession with dirty flesh, and a half-meat profession such as Magic Swordsman can't compare with Titan God of War in terms of meat.

The output has a stronger choice than the magic swordsman, and the meat is also available, so why change jobs to become a magic swordsman?

This is why Chen Qing has never wanted to change his profession to become a magic swordsman.

But now... the panel's random occupation skill calculation system seems to be driving Chen Qing to the top.

You must know that there will still be many missions in the future that will reward random professional skills. If the settlement is still based on the skills of the magic swordsman in the future, it will be very embarrassing for Chen Qing.

At that time, Chen Qing will have to think about whether to change his job to become a magic swordsman.

But it hasn't reached that point yet. Although the panel is very busy at the moment, it has settled a skill of Demon Sword Qi for itself, but it is not bad to use this skill first, it is more powerful than Palm Thunder.

Chen Qing only prayed that he wouldn't get any magic swordsman's exclusive skills in the future, then he would be about to cry without tears.

After completing these tasks, the affairs of the Liko tribe are basically over now.

For Chen Qing, the only thing left is to change his job to become an ancient mage.

But Chen Qing didn't plan to go to Marsok to settle the task immediately today.

He was really tired, and he was basically in a state of mental tension all day yesterday, especially in the final fight with the guards, which consumed a lot of energy and calculations, and his body suffered a lot in that battle. hurt.

Although Chen Qing has the blood recovery ability of starry sky behemoths against the sky, Chen Qing did not leave any sequelae.

But some exhaustion from the bones still cannot be erased.

After returning home, Chen Qing didn't care about anything, and directly fell on the bed.

fell asleep...

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