Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Three: Job Transfer Tutor, Ancient Mage

Chen Qing slept comfortably that night, and early the next morning, he heard that brat from yesterday yelling at the door for him to go to class.

Chen Qing pushed open the door, glanced at the kid with a playful smile on the opposite side, and suddenly thought of something.

If you regard yourself as a half-player half-NPC, can you check other people's panel attributes by attacking them?

This is an ability that every player has, so there's no reason why he doesn't have it.

While thinking, Chen Qing poked the little boy next to him with his finger.

"Ouch! It hurts!" The kid next to him immediately glared at Chen Qing with dissatisfaction and shouted.

Chen Qing didn't care about the boy's reaction, and quickly glanced at the panel that popped up in the interface.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's panel actually popped up:


Race: Terran

Grade 1

Occupation: Mage Apprentice

Strength: 2

Stamina: 1

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 4

HP: 40

Strength: 100

After Chen Qing saw the little boy's panel, he immediately stared at the little boy with wide eyes.

"Ah Qing...what's the matter with you?" Seeing Chen Qing staring at him like this, Russell asked inexplicably.

Chen Qing didn't answer his words, but asked in disbelief: "Are you Russell?"

Russell said inexplicably: "If I'm not Russell, who am I? Ah Qing, what happened to you today? It's so strange."

Chen Qing took a deep breath.

no wonder...


One of the boss-level characters who will influence the direction of the version in the future version. By chance, he escaped the killing of the Liko tribe, and finally stepped into the god-level field, becoming the pillar-level powerhouse of the human race.

Unexpectedly, such a legendary boss is now by his side, squatting at the door of his house like a follower every day, calling Chen Qing to go to class.

Chen Qing rubbed her face, she should have thought of it long ago!

Originally, Chen Qing planned to dismiss this brat casually, but after knowing that he was Russell, it was not easy to dismiss him casually.

Chen Qing said to Russell seriously: "Russell, I don't feel well today, go to class, I'm going to rest at home for a day."

Russell stared at Chen Qing worriedly, and said, "Okay, your condition is really not right today, come back to class after you recover! You should work harder in the future, because of you, Teacher Agur has sent you many times Fire!"

Chen Qing heard this, and said with a wry smile, "Okay, I see!"

Russell went to class alone after hearing Chen Qing's assurance.

Not going to class today has long been part of Chen Qing's plan. If he goes to class in a regular manner, he probably won't be able to protect himself when the war starts.

Now Chen Qing urgently needs to improve his self-protection ability. If he guesses correctly, the war will officially start in one or two years, because Russell was also recorded at the age of about 10 when the Liko tribe invaded Tak Civilization recorded in the video.

Chen Qing recognized the direction for a while, then ran in the opposite direction to Russell.

There is still a big difference between the current map appearance and the map appearance when the player enters the multiwar world.

After all, after the reconstruction after the war, there will still be some changes

Fortunately, Chen Qing's sense of direction is not bad. Although it is difficult to identify, he can still recognize the general appearance.

He is going to try his luck today to see if he can find a key NPC who issued a hidden mission—Masok.

If Chen Qing remembers correctly, the place where Marsok lived was not affected much from before the war started to the end of the war, which means that it is completely no problem to go to Marsok now.

The reason why Chen Qing was the first to go to Marsoke was because Marsok, in addition to posting hidden missions, was also a job-changing tutor for a hidden profession of mages.

Ancient Mage!

This is an unpopular branch of the mage profession, and in "Multiple Warfare", Masok only gives 5 job transfer quotas in each version, which is extremely rare.

The main reason why Chen Qing didn't want to choose the job transfer routes of elemental, summoning, and conjuration provided by Agul, but chose the route of the ancient mage provided by Marsok, is because the ancient mage hardly had any sense of existence in the early stage of the version. , is too weak, but in the later version, the ancient mage can be transferred to the master of time and space, ushering in a strong period of the profession.

Chen Qing can still remember that among the 5 players who were ridiculed as unlucky at the beginning, 4 of them deleted their accounts and retrained, and the last one insisted on practicing to level 200.

Directly transferred to the Master of Time and Space, the Temporal Forbidden Curse in one hand has extremely powerful dominance in team battles or duels.

In the professional league, this guy relied on the abnormal ability of the time-space master to successfully make a little-known club counterattack and win the championship.

At this time, everyone knows that it is not unreasonable to be so weak in the early stage of this career. Whoever can survive level 200 will be able to attract a strong period of high light.

For Chen Qing, this profession is just right for him. Because of the starry sky behemoth race, he can't be weaker.

Now that we have crossed, let's go to the strong line in the later stage.

While thinking, Chen Qing came to a pool of water unknowingly.

Looking at this familiar pool, Chen Qing felt relieved.

Almost stable!

The water pool in front of me is not as simple as an ordinary water pool, but a special environment formed by Masok through the arrangement of restrictions.

Originally, there was no water pool here, but because of the power of the prohibition, people who stepped into it thought it was a water pool, but in fact they just circled around it, and did not step into Masok's wooden house at all.

The reason why the war didn't reach here is all because of the magical blinding magic and the strong defense of the ban.

But this is not a problem for Chen Qing.

The clearance strategy of this hidden level in the previous life has long been circulated in various forums.

Chen Qing looked around, and his eyes lit up when he saw three stones randomly placed on the edge of the pool.

I saw Chen Qing came to the position of the three stones, sometimes took two steps forward, sometimes took three steps back, sometimes even half of his body was submerged directly in the water, but he still continued to follow the instructions in the guide as if he didn't see it. The method is walking.

After walking around like this for about 5 minutes, Chen Qing took another step forward. At this moment, the surrounding environment changed dramatically.

The water pool disappeared, as did the three stones beside the water pool, and what appeared in front of Chen Qing was an inconspicuous log cabin and a vegetable garden beside the log cabin.

It's like entering a different kind of cave.

This guy... Is this prohibition going to last forever?

Chen Qing complained silently in his heart. He didn't expect that Masok's restrictions had been arranged in this way before the game server opened, which made him worry in vain.

While complaining, he came to the wooden house, pushed open the door of the wooden house, and walked in.

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