Silent Forest.

After being reminded by Chen Qing, the teleportation array originally located in the east of the Silent Forest was sealed by the strong men sent by the Tak civilization. In the Ke civilization.

Seeing that the teleportation array was blocked, Agul and the other powerhouses of the Tak civilization went back to their orders, and did not continue to pay more attention to the situation in the Silent Forest.

But on the third day after Chen Qing became an ancient mage, a faint spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared in the depths of the silent forest.

With the occurrence of space fluctuations, an inconspicuous mechanical instrument suddenly protruded out of the place of the fluctuations, like a stick inserted into the water surface, causing a burst of space ripples.

After the mechanical instrument was stretched out, it emitted a burst of energy fluctuations. Soon, the mechanical instrument opened a round hole in space with a diameter of more than two meters. Opposite the round hole is a world completely different from the Tucker civilization.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the round hole in the space, and the owner of the arm also got out together.

If Chen Qing was here, he would be able to recognize that this was a strong man of the Liko tribe.

After he walked out of the space passage, he looked back and nodded, as if confirming something with the person on the other side of the space passage.


The intercom on his body suddenly rang, and an indifferent voice sounded.

"How's it going?"

"Everything is normal, there is no danger for the time being, this space coordinate axis can indeed be connected to habitable planets."

The indifferent voice seemed satisfied, and said, "Very well, how long will it take for the troops to pass?"

"It will take five months to stabilize the space, and then including the exploration and migration time, it should take a total of 8 to 9 months." He said into the walkie-talkie.

"Get it done as soon as possible, be careful, and be careful not to be discovered by the local civilization."


After hanging up the walkie-talkie, the man popped open a space capsule, and immediately released a huge mechanical instrument from inside. After the appearance of this mechanical instrument, the originally unstable space channel suddenly became stable.

Moreover, the space channel is gradually becoming larger at a slow speed under the blessing of this mechanical instrument.

No one would come to the Silent Forest on weekdays, and even Chen Qing didn't like the gloomy atmosphere of this forest, so no one noticed what happened here.

After Chen Qing successfully changed jobs during this period, her life began to become more regular.

Every day, I regularly go to the leveling place to practice leveling. From time to time, I go to Russell, Lei Ming and others to contact and connect with each other. Whenever I encounter any tasks, I just do it.

But because Chen Qing basically took over all the good tasks that could be obtained, the tasks he took during this period did not give him any skill rewards except for increasing his experience.

Talk is better than nothing!

It is worth mentioning that during this period of time, Chen Qing not only got better with Liszt because she often went to Russell to chat and fart, but Desna in the loli period also got better with Chen Qing. up.

After all, as a modern social animal, Chen Qing is a modern social animal, and many Internet memes are popular. For a relatively backward social environment such as the Tucker civilization, Chen Qing's conversation and thinking are still very different, and it is easy to compare with Xiaoluo. Lydesna hit it off.

Now, as long as Desna doesn't have any training tasks, she will basically follow Chen Qing like a little tail.

More than eight months passed in a flash.

And during these eight months, the hard-lived wild monster that Chen Qing worked hard every day has also risen to level 23.

In fact, judging from the progress of his double experience and the time Chen Qing has to work every day, these experiences are enough for him to rise to level 4 or 50. However, in order to fill up his skills, Chen Qing almost spent more than half The experience value is invested in the skill.

Now all his skills have reached an exaggerated full level.

You must know that even in the last life, players would hardly choose to practice every skill to full-level proficiency because they had to consider more new skills after leveling up and changing jobs.

At most, some skills that are helpful to future careers will be selected to improve. Like Chen Qing's solid gameplay of adding all skills to the full level, if it is not because of double experience and plenty of time, no one would be willing to add it like this.

Although it is slower, Chen Qing's combat power has really made a solid and qualitative leap. Let alone people of the same level, even people who are 10 levels higher than Chen Qing will be easily defeated by Chen Qing. crushed.

During this period of time, when Chen Qing reached level 20, both of Chen Qing's two professions were changed one after another.

The mage profession has been transferred from an apprentice ancient mage to a junior ancient mage, and the warrior profession has been transferred from a warrior apprentice to a low-level warrior.

This kind of job change without changing the career direction does not need to go through the job change tutor to change jobs. After the level is passed, the job will be changed naturally.

The job change became these two classes, and Chen Qing also got two active skills brought by the job change. The mage class is Fire Dragon Art, which does considerable damage, and it is group damage, but it does not have the ancient mage class. Bonus, for Chen Qing, it is a relatively weak skill.

The skill brought about by the warrior's job change is Wind Slash, which is a pure warrior skill, and it doesn't have much effect on Chen Qing at present.

As for the future direction of the warrior profession, Chen Qing actually has her own plan.

There must be warrior professions that can be transferred in the Tak civilization, but it is not enough for Chen Qing. If he wants to change professions, he must choose a relatively powerful hidden profession to transfer.

Even Chen Qing wanted to wait a little longer, because the reward for his random skill turned out to be of the magic swordsman type. If it was still like this in the future, Chen Qing planned to change the profession of warrior to that of magic swordsman.

Mediocrity is mediocrity, but Chen Qing's abnormal attributes mean that even if he chooses a mediocre profession, Chen Qing will still become a bug-level existence.

In addition to skills, the transfer of the two professions also brought a lot of attribute points to Chen Qing. Chen Qing's current attribute panel is:

Chen Qing

Race: Human/Star Behemoth

Grade: 23

Occupation: Junior Ancient Mage/Low-level Warrior

Strength: 135 (+4)

Stamina: 114 (+3)

Spirit: 106 (+1)

Intelligence: 270 (+2)

HP: 13700

Strength: 21300

Under Chen Qing's extreme way of adding points to intelligence, Chen Qing finally reached an abnormal intelligence of 270 points at level 23.

Usually, only people above level 50 have such a terrifying intelligence value. For Chen Qing, it is not unreasonable for Chen Qing to challenge him with people above level 40.

Of course, there will be a qualitative change at level 50, and people at level 50 are still quite difficult for Chen Qing to contend with.

Today Chen Qing was about to get up and go out to continue the liver monster as usual, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw a little loli standing not far from the door, smiling and waving at him.

"Chen Qing! This way!"

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