"Chen Qing, what's wrong with you? You don't look very good, what happened?" Desna's voice brought Chen Qing's thinking back to reality.

He glanced at Desna, and suddenly remembered that as an ancient mage, he was born with a superhuman sensitivity to space, but as an elemental mage, Desna's knowledge of space was almost zero.

Doesn't that mean that the only people in the Tucker civilization who have noticed the anomaly in space may be themselves, Masok, and the core magicians of the Tucker civilization.

Chen Qing was shocked suddenly.

Hurry up and tell Agur! Otherwise, it will be too late to organize a counterattack after the intruders start attacking!

Chen Qing was very upset, dragging Desna towards Agur's residence while thinking about the ins and outs of this matter and the solution.

Damn, I knew that the invasion of the Lico tribe would still come, so I focused on leveling up. Now if I am level 50, even if the skill strength is weaker, I will not be so panic about the invasion of the Lico tribe.

As the space became more and more solidified, even Desna felt something was wrong at this moment, and the surrounding magical elements became restless, as if a catastrophe was about to come.

The two soon arrived at Agur's residence.

"Teacher Aguer!" Chen Qing broke in regardless of etiquette, and saw Aguer flipping through an unknown magic book.

"Little Chen Qing? Desna? Why are you two here? What happened so anxious?" Agur looked at Chen Qing in surprise.

Chen Qing looked at Aguer's Buddhist appearance, and thought that it was not unreasonable for this guy to be directly bombarded to death by a giant cannon in his previous life. Even Desna noticed something was wrong, you, a magister, are still here leisurely read a book.

Chen Qing quickly made his judgment clear to Agur.

After listening to it, Aguer felt it carefully, and immediately noticed a wave of energy gathering at the location of the Silent Forest. His expression changed, and he said to Chen Qing, "I'll inform the higher-ups of the Tak civilization immediately, Xiao Chen, please Find a safe place to hide!"

While speaking, suddenly a terrifying energy came from above. This energy felt unstoppable, as if it wanted to destroy everything in the world.

This energy fell from the sky and soon approached the ground.

The expressions of the three of them changed, and when they looked up, they saw huge crimson fireballs flying towards the ground one after another in the sky. It looked like a meteor shower from a distance, but no one would regard its dangerous aura as romantic. meteor shower.

These fireballs kept falling on the ground, devouring everything including houses and trees, and blasted out big pits one after another!

Seeing that countless residents were engulfed in the fireball and could not escape, Aguldun's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted: "Everyone, hurry up and enter the refuge to avoid the fireball!"

On the one hand, he was ready to get up and fly to intercept these fireballs.

Seeing that Aguer was about to get up and fly, Chen Qing immediately stopped Aguer and shouted loudly: "Teacher, it's useless for you to go now, let's go and inform the high-level of the Tak civilization and find a way to fight back!"

Agur froze for a moment, then suddenly woke up, and said, "Yes! The important thing right now is to organize a counterattack!"

After speaking, he activated a magic spell and told the situation to the magic spell.

Looking at Aguer's appearance, Chen Qing only felt tired.

My brother, I can't save people from worrying about it. How dare you go up against this giant cannon with the body of the little crispy skin? No wonder the previous life was directly bombarded by giant cannons.

You must know that the cannon is a war-level weapon. Although it is bulky and bulky, and it is only suitable for indiscriminate bombardment, the damage of each cannon is really terrifying.

According to Chen Qing's estimate, there is no one at level 150, and it's almost deadly to force it up to resist the giant cannon!

Chen Qing also wondered why this Agur was bombarded to death by the giant cannon. Logically speaking, as long as the luck is not bad and the speed is faster, he can predict the trajectory of the giant cannon and will not be easily hit by the bombardment. Now Chen Qing understands That's right, this guy is going to go straight to have a fight with Ju Pao.

After the sound transmission ended, Agur breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Chen Qing: "The magic troops will come soon, and they will also bring the magic crossbow. The enemies who invade us will definitely be wiped out by the Tak civilization! Don't worry!"

Chen Qing squinted his eyes. Now that the magic crossbow has been transported, it is estimated that the bombardment of the giant cannon should stop later, because strategic weapons are usually used for deterrence after the first wave of bombardment.

The magic crossbow and the cannon are strategic weapons of the same level. Under the deterrence of the magic crossbow, the Liko tribe should enter the stage of troop invasion, and the danger factor will increase exponentially at that time.

But for Chen Qing, this is a good thing, because encountering the enemies of the Liko tribe is at best a way of fighting, but not running, but if he is unlucky and is directly bombarded by giant artillery, then there is really no room for maneuver .

Suddenly, a feeling of being locked in came to mind, Chen Qing, Agur, and Desna felt the feeling of being locked at the same time, and were all taken aback.

Soon, several giant cannon energy bombarded the positions of several people.

The three of them were taken aback, and quickly fled from their positions.



Two loud bangs came from behind along with the heat wave, making Chen Qing's goosebumps stand on end.

If he ran a little slower, he would be the one who became scum!

Damn it, why did you lock yourself specifically?

Chen Qing couldn't figure it out.

The feeling of locking still hasn't disappeared, indicating that the enemy has long-distance and precise positioning equipment.

Why does the enemy want to lock himself?

Chen Qing suddenly thought of something. Just when Aguer was about to soar into the sky, a strong magical wave erupted from his body...

This is so...

Could it be that the energy fluctuations of this guy just now were detected by the instruments of the Lico tribe, and then the Lico tribe focused on taking care of this side?

Looking around... In this small town, excluding Marsok, who has never made a move, the highest level is Agur.

Chen Qing only felt that he had the answer in his heart, this guy is simply a figure locator!

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