Online Games: The Strongest Race Was Selected At The Start

Chapter Thirty-Six: Entering The Battlefield

Chen Qing grabbed Lei Ming, looked directly into Lei Ming's eyes, and said to him, "Lei Ming, Mr. Wan Jie can go to the main city of Tak Civilization, but you can't!"

Lei Ming was stunned.


"Because you need to improve yourself in a short period of time, and participating in the war is the fastest way to grow." Chen Qing said slowly.

Lei Ming frowned, and was about to say something, when Chen Qing said immediately, "I know you don't have a sense of belonging to the Tucker civilization in your heart, but you have to be clear about who you should hate. The Tucker civilization was defeated. It doesn't matter where you hide, but if the Tak civilization wins, your enemy still exists and is still strong, but you lose the opportunity to become stronger because of your retreat. At that time, for you, the enemy will still be you An insurmountable hurdle."

After listening to Chen Qing's words, Lei Ming's expression suddenly became cloudy, as if he was deciding whether he should participate in the war of the Tak civilization.

Chen Qing sighed, and said earnestly: "The most important point is that I don't like that you always focus on the small world of Tak Civilization. Look at the partners behind me, they have to accompany me to participate War, go to fight with the enemy, and grow up after the baptism of battle. If you don't keep up with our pace, you will be left behind, and it will be difficult to continue to catch up with us. I don't want us to be in the future. You are still thinking about how to get revenge in the Tak civilization!"

As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, Wan Jie who was behind Lei Ming suddenly pushed Lei Ming, nodded and said, "Lei Ming, what Chen Qing said is correct, you only realize how small you are in the universe after you have experienced race wars. Tak civilization is just a small place, and the universe is a big stage. You go, I will wait for you to come back in the main city of Tak civilization."

Seeing that two people who were very important to him were persuading him in this way, Lei Ming had no hesitation and nodded firmly towards Chen Qing.

Seeing Lei Ming finally figured it out, Chen Qing smiled in relief.

"Let's go, soldiers of the Liko's time to come!"

After a few hours of confrontation between the troops of the Taco civilization and the Liko tribe in the small town near the Silent Forest, under the order of the Liko tribe commander, the dark Liko tribe soldiers moved towards the magic of the Taco civilization. The division part charged.

The war has finally broken out!

The small town where Chen Qing and others are located is called Mok Town. This small town is destined to only become a battlefield where the Tak civilization and the Liko civilization will meet hand-to-hand.

Powerful spells spewed out from the hands of the magicians and shattered the mechanical armor of the Liko tribe, leaving behind the ugly corpse of the Liko tribe.

And there were also mages from the Tak civilization who were bombarded to death by soldiers of the Liko tribe.

War is never benevolent, only a life-and-death confrontation that is more brutal than the law of the jungle.

The buildings in the small town of Mok were basically turned into ruins. Chen Qing's small grass house, ramen restaurant, and Moha's magic shop all disappeared under the confrontation of energy.

The Silent Forest was also directly moved to flat ground by the Liko tribe, and countless Liko tribe barracks stood in the position of the Silent Forest.

The boss that Chen Qing was thinking of was probably also killed in the artillery fire of the Liko tribe.

In the most central position of the base camp of the Liko tribe, there is a huge space channel standing here. This space channel is still growing at the moment, and countless soldiers, supplies, and weapons are being continuously transported to Li Ke through the space channel. In the base camp of the Ke family.

It can even be faintly seen that a larger war machine has long been waiting on the other side of the space channel, just waiting for the space channel to expand enough to be transported to the planet where the Tucker civilization is located.

In terms of strength, the Liko tribe is actually far superior to the Tucker civilization.

Just because of the limitation of space channels and non-home battles, the combat power of the Liko tribe coming to the Tak civilization is estimated to be less than 10% of the combat power of the entire tribe.

But Tak Civilization has almost pulled out the old bottom, and the gap between the two is very obvious.

The reason why the Tak civilization was able to defeat the Lico tribe in the previous life was not because of its own strength, but because it just survived for 5 years, until the support troops flew here.

Under the influence of time and space, the support troops lost the ability to teleport and descend directly after reaching the periphery, and it took exactly 5 years to fly slowly.

There was constant magic and gunfire raging in the town of Mork. Except for the big team battle that broke out at the beginning, basically both sides fell into a small-scale team battle.

At this moment, 5 thin black shadows passed quietly from the small town of Mok.

Whether it is the Liko people or the magicians of the Tak civilization who come and go, they all turn a blind eye to these figures, because the owners of these figures are five children about ten years old.

None of the soldiers of the Liko tribe would feel that children under the age of ten were any threat. Most of their attention was focused on the magic troops sent by the Tak civilization.

And there are only a few magicians in the Tak civilization who will stop and shout to evacuate quickly, but no one will deliberately come to "rescue" these children.

The battlefield is not a child's play, life and death may be separated within seconds, you have not escaped, but now you are wandering around in the city, isn't it adding trouble to the magic army!

In the eyes of these magicians, these children were all children who did not escape when the disaster struck, but now want to run away instead.

It's just...the direction of these children's escape...why is it reversed?

These children were Chen Qing and his party. After arriving on the battlefield, Chen Qing was not in a hurry to let everyone join the battle.

Age is their best protection. Who would have thought that a few ten-year-old children would have an average level of around 20?

What is the concept of level 20?

In this world, the strength of an ordinary adult who has not practiced is about level 3-5, while the strength of an adult who has undergone ordinary training is mostly in the range of 20-40 throughout his life.

Don't look at Russell and others upgrading so quickly, they reached this height in less than a year.

However, considering the talents of Russell and others, these people will all be bigwigs who will disturb the situation of the universe in the future, and even when they were young, they have the characteristics of showing their sharpness.

Because Chen Qing specially gathered several people together, so that the people of the Liko tribe would never imagine that these people are the top geniuses in the universe.

Since it is unexpected, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

Chen Qing wanted to make a big move in the first wave, but when the Liko tribe hadn't reacted, he suddenly exploded, probably killing a lot of Liko tribe soldiers.

After this wave, when the Liko tribe reacts and takes precautions, it will be difficult for our team to find such a good opportunity.

Not to mention now...

Chen Qing glanced left and right, and saw that the magicians of the Liko tribe and the Tak civilization were fighting fiercely. Even if he walked past the Liko tribe with Russell and others, the soldiers of the Liko tribe were not bothered. Waste a little time on yourself and others.

Directly chose to ignore!

"Chen Qing, I feel like we have been ignored by the Liko tribe!" Lei Ming on the side held a white cloth bag in his hand, which contained a cold weapon spear.

This is a weapon that Chen Qing bought for Lei Ming with a huge sum of money, and for this, he also gained a wave of Lei Ming's favor.

In his previous life, Lei Ming used a gun. In this life, Chen Qing asked a dwarf craftsman to make him a green quality falcon gun without even thinking about it.

The equipment is divided into several levels such as white, green, blue, purple, silver, and gold. Green can already be called a spear of excellent quality.

Among the few people except Chen Qing, only Lei Ming was equipped with a weapon.

The main reason is that the magic wand in the early stage does not improve the mage so much, and Chen Qing thinks that Wan Teng will have to equip Russell and others with a wave of equipment in the future.

Russell's equipment was provided by a big family, so he didn't bother to worry about it. Who would have thought that the invasion of the Liko tribe would come so fast, and it was too late to equip a few people now.

"Your gun is well hidden!" Seeing Lei Ming's eagerness to try, Chen Qing shot him a quick look.

"Right now, the Liko tribe probably regards us as ordinary residents, thinking that we have no fighting power. This is our advantage. After we join the battle, we will definitely give the Liko tribe a "surprise". Let's keep a low profile now!"

After listening to Chen Qing's words, even the most reckless Du Hua nodded in agreement.

This is indeed the advantage of several people. Although Du Hua is reckless, he is not stupid!

"Then now?..." Lei Ming asked softly.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Come with me!"

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