Chen Qing understands what Marsok said.

However, in Chen Qing's situation, it is obvious that this theory does not apply to him. With the panel, the growth is all digital, and there is no concern that it will affect the growth.

On the contrary, Russell and others really need to make them suffer a little to grow up, Chen Qing touched his chin.

It seems that in the future, it is really impossible to borrow the high-end power of Masok.


After saying goodbye to Masok, Chen Qing took Russell and the others back to the small town of Mok.

After this battle, Chen Qing was surprised to find that the average level of Russell and others had increased by about 2-3 levels.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, most of the growth of NPCs depends on their own comprehension and accumulation of practice, not everyone can grow after fighting.

It shows that Russell and others have subconsciously reflected on their performance after this battle, and only after digesting the experience can they improve their level.

Geniuses usually subconsciously reflect on their own consciousness, and it is precisely because of this that they grow rapidly.

But it was only the first few times when they participated in the war that they would grow faster, and after adapting to this intensity of battle, the growth rate of several people would be correspondingly stable.

"Chen Qing, where are we going next? Return to the previous area?" Lei Ming asked curiously.

"I won't go back. Large-scale team battles are not suitable for us. Let's find out if there are any single Liko tribe!" Chen Qing said without turning his head.

At this stage, both sides are in a regiment-based war, and the scale of the regiment battles between the Liko tribe and the Tak civilization on the battlefield in each region is hundreds or even thousands of people.

In a team battle of this scale, if a few people rashly participate, they will easily die in the chaos, which is extremely dangerous.

And the value of a few people is the future growth, and the combat power they have now is not much different from that of ordinary soldiers. Even if they participate, it will not help the war very much. It is better to catch some opportunities to kill alone!

There are actually many scattered forces like Chen Qing's team between the two forces.

Most of the civil forces of the Tak civilization are aimed at exercising themselves and protecting their homeland.

As for the scattered mechanics of the Liko tribe, the main purpose of coming to the Tak civilization is to rob resources and catch slaves for sale.

The military has a battlefield between the military, and the private folks naturally have battles among the private folks!




Cannon fire and magic continued to fly across the sky, and fell on the ground, causing a deafening noise.

The town of Mork was full of chaos, danger and disorder. Corpses continued to fall from the sky and hit the ground, raising a layer of dust.

In this disordered and chaotic environment, there are many low-key figures sneaking through the town under the cover of war.

Daniel is one of them.

He didn't travel alone, but formed a team with three other friends of the Liko tribe. Taking advantage of the wide opening of the space passage, he got a place to enter the Tucker civilization.

There are many people like him in the Lico tribe.

For them, invading a new civilization means huge profits and enough slaves to capture. Even if it is very dangerous, the rewards are often huge.

The military of the Liko tribe also turned a blind eye to such people, because these people are like vultures on the battlefield, they can accurately find the fish that slipped through the net on the battlefield, and at the same time they can solve the problem for the military. Some little troubles.

Glancing at the Space Rubik's Cube, there are many different items piled up in different space blocks, most of which are magic supplies, gold coins, and some strange minerals.

On the other side, in the space block used to store living things, several human races who had fallen into a coma were imprisoned inside.

Space Rubik's Cube uses space compression technology to compress a large space into a stone-sized space, and controls the opening and closing of the space through the outside of the space.

This is equivalent to a mobile storage room, which can hold 50 square meters of materials.

Danlier had found a magic shop that had been blown into ruins before, and dug out a lot of magic supplies that could still be used. At the same time, he also intercepted a few people from the Tucker civilization who were about to escape.

After counting the harvest of this line, Danlier showed a satisfied expression.

In just a few hours, he had gained almost 5,000 gold coins.

Sure enough, war money is the best way to make money!

Danlier was secretly proud that he knew the existence of the Tak civilization in advance through some special relationships, and he also knew the information that the Liko tribe was planning to invade the Tak civilization.

Find someone to buy a place to enter the Tak civilization in advance.

Small civilizations like this one that haven't had much connection with the interstellar society have very low overall strength and individual combat power. Invading this kind of civilization is not only less dangerous, but the benefits are generally more generous.

"Boss, look quickly, over there!" Just as Danlier was flipping through his Space Rubik's Cube, the companion next to him suddenly patted him on the shoulder and pointed in one direction.

Danlier looked in the direction his companion pointed, and his eyes lit up.

Right in front of them, there was a little girl looking at the three of them in fear, her pretty face was full of fear.

"It's so pretty!" Danlier muttered to himself, and then he was overjoyed.

This little girl is a rare beauty embryo even in terms of the aesthetics of the Rico tribe.

A little girl with a delicate face like this is usually very valuable, and even if this little girl is sold well, the value can be worth all the things in his current Rubik's Cube.

There are many human races among the people who do business with him, and there are also some wealthy human races who will buy slaves of the human race through some special channels.

And the richer you are, the more you like to buy younger children. Boys are brainwashed and trained as guards, while little girls have too many possibilities.

There are even some who are in the pimp business, and they will raise some good-looking little girls from an early age.

Danlier and his companion looked at each other and smiled.

Today's harvest is really rich!

While thinking, Danlier walked towards the little girl.

Seeing the three Liko people approaching her, the little girl seemed to be frightened, and she stayed where she was and looked at the three of them in fear.

Danlier didn't think much about it. It's not that he hasn't met people who were so scared that they forgot to run away. In his opinion, it's very normal for a little girl to behave like this.

Just when he stretched out his hand to grab the little girl, a coldness suddenly appeared in the little girl's eyes.

After seeing the little girl's expression, Danlier immediately sensed something was wrong, but it was too late.

A huge ball of flame was born from the little girl's hand, and hit Danlier directly in the face.

Danlier was shocked, and subconsciously took a step back after being burned by the flames.

At the same time, a spear fell from the sky and stuck into his back.

And the same attack fell on the two companions next to him.

"Damn it! I was calculated!"

The attack strength of this group of flames was not very high, and did not cause him too much damage.

However, the sneak attack from behind with the spear shot had a critical effect, and Danlier's blood volume dropped by about one tenth.

Danlier, who had been relieved, was frightened and angry, and forced the spear out of his body. Without saying a word, he drew out the mechanical war blade, and slashed at the little girl in front.

But just when he was about to cut down on the little girl, a burst of magical light suddenly lit up on the ground under the little girl's feet, and a wall of earth elements erected suddenly appeared, blocking the little girl from the attack. hit.

Formation. Soil solid!

Danlier's pupils shrank for a while, but then a blow that surpassed all other damage fell on his back, and the powerful impact directly knocked him out, hitting the earth solid formation, and was directly hit by the force of space. Imprisoned, unable to move.

A teenager fell from the sky, and after making up for the second blow, he grabbed the little girl's hand and got up to retreat.

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