The Rocky Basin is not far from Masok's cabin, and Chen Qing came to the Rocky Basin in a short while.

The little rock monster is not made of stones. The reason why it is called a little rock monster is because this kind of creature likes to eat stones, and forms a hard carapace on its back by absorbing the metal elements in the stones.

The hard armor that Chen Qing needs for the little rock monster is the stone armor that grows from its back.

Looking at the round stones protruding from the rocky basin, Chen Qing felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

These round stones are the back armor of the little rock monster. Chen Qing has struggled here for countless days and nights.

Although the virtual somatosensory device in "Multiple Warfare" claims to restore 100% somatosensory perception, Chen Qing has really entered this world, and it is another taste to sense the environment of this world with the real sense of the body.

Kindness is kindness, but you still have to strike hard.

Chen Qing never forgot his purpose of coming here.

Finding a round stone at random, Chen Qing grabbed the edge of the stone and turned the stone over.

Small stone monsters usually like to expose the stone armor on their backs, and stick their soft stomachs to the ground. The standard way to fight small stone monsters is to turn the small stone monsters over and attack the small stone monsters' stomachs.

Otherwise, hitting the back armor would probably exhaust Chen Qing to death.

After the little rock monster was turned over, he was stunned for a moment. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Qing punched the little rock monster in the stomach.

Immediately, from Chen Qing's perspective, the little rock monster's health bar dropped by a third.

Hey, if a mage raised his fist to fight a meat monster, he probably was the only one left.

After completing this task, you have to go to Masok or Agur to learn one or two basic spells, otherwise it will be really embarrassing.

Putting this thought behind her, Chen Qing continued to punch the little stone monster.

But this time the little rock monster reacted, and quickly retracted its body into the carapace like a turtle, and rammed towards Chen Qing with the carapace.

This is the classic attack method of the little rock monster. If it is hit by this one, it will probably lose a lot of blood.

Fortunately, Chen Qing was no stranger to the attacking methods of the little rock monster. When he saw the little rock monster shrink into the back armor, he immediately adjusted his center of gravity and was ready to avoid it at any time.


The little rock monster's attack fell into the empty space, and immediately fell to the ground together with the back armor.

Chen Qing took this opportunity to attack the little rock monster fiercely.

After a while, the little rock monster fell to the ground, and Chen Qing stripped off the stone armor on his back, and put it into the backpack space on the panel.

"Drip... Gain 5 points of experience."

"Drip... Get 4 points of experience."

Chen Qing was taken aback, why did he gain experience twice after killing the little rock monster?

He quickly opened the panel and looked over, and found that the experience slot on the panel had indeed increased by 9 points of experience.

Could it be...

If you kill a monster yourself, both panels will gain experience?

And because the human panel has a 20% experience bonus, it will be 5 points of experience.

Can it still be like this? Chen Qing opened his mouth wide, the superimposition of the two panels was so terrifying.

After a while, Chen Qing regained his composure and started attacking the second little rock monster.

Who cares, it must be a good thing to have double experience, killing monsters is over!

"Ding, level up to level 2, get 11 free attribute points."

After Chen Qing killed a few small rock monsters, his level was successfully raised to level 2.

11 free attribute points...

In "Multiple Warfare", if there is no special racial talent, the default free attribute point of the general system is 5 points.

Chen Qing got 11 free attribute points after leveling up, and presumably also received the bonus from the second panel at the same time, and the extra free attribute point was due to the bonus of human talent.

Chen Qing was secretly excited.

Then this other person still plays with a hammer?

The bonus brought by my own level-up is equivalent to other people's level-up 3.

Don't forget that the racial talent of the starry sky behemoth will also bring passive growth to Chen Qing.

As for how to allocate the 11 free attribute points, Chen Qing thought about it. Strength and stamina have the passive growth of starry sky behemoths, and there is no need to worry about it. Basically, it is a state where you can become fleshy when you level up while lying down.

But the starry sky behemoth is not so high for the growth of spirit and intelligence.

Now that the meat is guaranteed, it's better to pull all the output.

For mages, the main attribute that determines the output is intelligence, followed by spirit.

Chen Qing made a bold decision to directly add these 11 free attribute points to intelligence and spirit in a ratio of 8:3.

As for strength and endurance, let it grow on its own!

This decision is bold and crazy. You must know that normal mage players usually add a little stamina in order to ensure that they will not be killed directly. The most mainstream mage bonus points are generally 1 resistance, 1 intelligence and 3 wit.

It is basically impossible for someone to choose to give up stamina to fully increase spirit and intelligence.

Chen Qing chose to explode all output, which means...

As the level gets higher and higher, his output ability will open up an extremely large gap with other players, and it is even possible that beef cattle of the same level are in front of him in seconds.

And... in the future, it is very possible to go beyond the 30th level to kill enemies stronger than yourself.

Chen Qing didn't hesitate, and directly allocated 11 points, and now Chen Qing's panel became:

Chen Qing

Race: Human/Star Behemoth

Level: 2

Occupation: Mage Apprentice/Warrior Apprentice

Strength: 35

Stamina: 39

Spirit: 25

Intelligence: 32

Suddenly the itchy feeling came again, and the stronger feeling swept over Chen Qing's whole body again.

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