After leaving the palace, Chen Qing was in a pretty good mood, and it is estimated that this time the action will be stable.

In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the rebels will inevitably suffer a big defeat.

And the key is that there is an extra task information in his task panel:

[B-level mission. Battle of the Eastern Desolate Canyon]

Mission introduction: Because of your proposal, the royal family of the Tak civilization produced another strategic deployment. As the key figure who proposed the strategy, you were appointed to participate in the battle of the Eastern Wasteland Canyon.

mission rewards:

Killing a rebel soldier personally increases experience by 4000

Personally kill a rebel leader to increase experience by 1W

The army kills a rebel soldier to increase experience by 100

The army kills a rebel leader to increase experience by 400

If the battle is victorious, you will get extra: Tucker civilization royal favorability +200, reputation +50, giant flame learning permission, experience +2W

Failure penalty: Tucker civilization royal favorability -200, reputation -50, Nai family hatred +200.

This task was created in response to the appointment of Donghuang Canyon. For Chen Qing, who hadn't gained much experience for a long time since the Lico tribe withdrew, it was like a long drought and sweet rain.

For the Tucker royal family, the next thing is to arrange these corresponding ambushes. It is estimated that including the marching time, etc., it will take about two weeks.

As far as war is concerned, two weeks is already very short, and the possibility of the two armies choosing to continue sending troops during this period is extremely slim.

So Chen Qing's mission should go smoothly.

As for Chen Qing, during these two weeks, he had nothing to do.

In addition to the things about the Tak civilization, there is another thing that he cares most about that needs to be confirmed by him.


The player came to this world three years in advance, and he didn't know what was going on.

And will the old players he was familiar with change because of the change of the time axis.

All this is unknown!

Because of the early publicity of the game, the first batch of players who came to this world must have the largest number of people. Now Novice Village, which is the town of Mork, must be full of people.

Because not anywhere in the Tak civilization can welcome novice players.

For example, places like Tucker City and Donghuang Canyon have level restrictions for players to enter. On the other hand, the wild monsters in these places are all high-level monsters. There is no game mechanism that will send players directly to the level. far above his place.


A strange look appeared on Chen Qing's face.

Now the rhythm has undergone a huge change, and the overall rhythm has been accelerated by Chen Qing's butterfly effect. As a result, the previously rebuilt Mok Town is still in ruins, and at best a small part has been rebuilt.

I don't know if the players from the magic direction come to the Tak civilization, will the game experience be bad.

I feel that I have cheated the human player who chose magic once invisibly.

And it is true.

At this moment, at the location of the small town of Mok, a series of white lights came to this world.

The surrounding NPCs who were rebuilding turned a blind eye to these white lights, as if they couldn't see them.

Soon the white light dissipated, and the player's figure came out from the white light.

"Huh? This is the multi-war world?"

"What's the matter around here? Didn't it say that it will come to Xinshou Village? Why is the surrounding area so dilapidated?"

"Are you stupid, haven't you watched the cutscene in the promotional film about the Liko tribe's invasion of the Tak civilization! This is the town of Mok, just after the war, of course it looks like this ghost!"

"No, I understand what you said. The question is, what should we do now? Self-reliance? Where is the magic teacher? Hello?"

After the player just landed in the town of Mork, seeing the horribly destroyed buildings around them, they couldn't help whispering in confusion.

As players continued to enter the game, the town of Mork became lively, and players continued to run around, exploring this new environment.

Soon, some players exclaimed and shouted loudly: "NPCs have missions to help rebuild the Tucker civilization, everyone quickly find NPCs to pick them up!"

After the player with the ID on his head called "Guihai Yidao" loudly reported this information, all the players immediately swarmed towards the NPCs as if they had found the correct way to open Mok Town.

In a blink of an eye, a large number of players received the tasks needed to collect various materials, help with construction, transport things, etc. to rebuild.

With things to do, these energetic players suddenly seemed to be pumped up, one by one actively helping the NPC to carry out the task.

Although it was messy before, once they found their way, this group of players will show a terrifying unified execution in order to level up.

But there are also another group of players who didn't get involved immediately. These players are usually veteran players with rich game experience, or professional players trained by some clubs.

They are very clear that although taking these tasks is the best choice at the moment, it is much more efficient to make a decision after understanding the background of the game and some current situations than jumping in, and it is easier to avoid detours.

The player whose ID is "Fa Shen Tian Xia" is one of the players on the sidelines. He is one of the core players of Xinghui Club. Major forces lean into this game.

Therefore, before the development of the game, Xinghui had already had a more forward-looking understanding of the game background and introduction of "Multiple Warfare" through internal channels than other players.

Fashen Tianxia looked around suspiciously.

It doesn't make sense. According to internal information, after I and others entered the game, it should be a period of time after the battle between the Liko tribe and the Tucker civilization.

During this period of time, the post-disaster reconstruction of Mok Town should be coming to an end. Players can receive some post-war reconstruction tasks, but it is impossible to perform them as mainstream tasks.

And after the rebuilding is complete, the royal family will send a magician to guide the players as the magic mentor in the early stage.

Other dramas will unfold after that.

But now...

Fashen Tianxia was a little dumbfounded, and looked at each other with his teammate Fashen Wushuang who chose Mok Town with him.

The situation appears to be somewhat different from what was expected.

But it doesn't matter, these professional players are all trained players, and their ability to judge and adapt to the situation is far superior to other ordinary players, and soon the two of them made a plan to deal with it.

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