The strategy of Fashen Tianxia is relatively simple, but it has to be said to be very effective.

A group of professional players from other clubs behind him didn't think much, and they chased in the direction they originally left the city.

Among the professional players who came after them, they were clearly divided into three camps.

The clubs of these three camps are also one of the top clubs among the professional clubs, namely God's Domain Guild, Rose Alliance and Black Skull Club.

A male player whose ID is "Phantom God" rode an inferior pony on his crotch, leading a group of direct players to chase after him.

But after chasing for a long time, they didn't even see the shadow of Fashen Tianxia, ​​and everyone's face became darker and darker.

"Boss...we've been tricked!" a player with the ID "Restart Tomorrow" behind Huan Shen said angrily.

Everyone had already guessed that they might have been swayed by Fashen Tianxia. At this moment, someone shouted, and everyone subconsciously slowed down.

Phantom God glanced at the unobstructed road ahead, not to mention people, not even a wild monster.

If Fashen Tianxia is really going in this direction, then I and others should have seen Fashen Tianxia and others long ago.

After chasing him up to now, he still doesn't know that he has been overshadowed by the god of law.

Imaginary God stopped the inferior pony's progress immediately, and the people behind saw him stop, so they didn't continue to chase.

"Phantom God, what are you going to do now?" A female player with the ID "Poison Rose" came up and asked.

This female player is from the Rose Alliance. The Rose Alliance is a professional player alliance composed of female players. It is quite popular among players. Poison Rose is also a pillar-level professional player in the Rose Alliance. Inferior to other top professional players.

The relationship between Shenyu Guild and Rose Alliance is not bad, and Phantom God is also quite familiar with Poison Rose. Hearing this, he was about to reply, but a voice suddenly came in from behind: "This old bastard, Fashen Tianxia, ​​must have found something serious. If you want me to say, let the club members from other places unite to block their city, if they are afraid, they will definitely share resources with us!"

Phantom God and Poison Qiangwei frowned in unison after hearing this voice.

The owner of the voice is Scarlet Skull, a powerful mage or professional player in the Black Skull Club.

But Phantom God and Poison Qiangwei didn't have much affection for this bloody skeleton.

The Black Skull Club is a very radical club. The members in it are very advocating violence to solve problems. They often launch PK directly or attack the city in groups when they disagree with each other. They often kill the boss halfway, which is very popular.

But among the players, such radical people are not in the minority. Black Skull has attracted many powerful players to join with this radical style of "doing whatever happens", which is relatively large among the major clubs One of many clubs.

God's Domain and Rose Alliance have more or less friction with the Black Skull Club, and they just want to stay away from this kind of mad dog club.

Hearing that the bloody skeleton wanted to do this again, the phantom god didn't look good on him, and replied indifferently: "If you want to block the city, you black skeletons will block it yourself. My God's Domain doesn't want to make enemies too early, so forgive me for not being with you!"

Poison Qiangwei didn't answer him directly, the Black Skull was their alliance, and they often had conflicts with the members of the Rose Alliance, and she didn't bother to pay attention to the people who met the Black Skull.

After the Scarlet Skull touched two nails, he didn't get angry. The Black Skull's people have often encountered situations of being bullied by others, and they have already developed immunity.

He said nonchalantly: "I really admire you guys. You can still endure being bullied. I can't bear it. If you don't do it, I'll do it. Sooner or later, you will have to pry the opportunity out of Xinghui's mouth. Go after it yourself. I'll do it first." Go back to the city to block people, any small guilds that are related to Xinghui, don't even think about running away!"

After finishing speaking, the members of the Black Skull Club turned around and went back to the city after the Scarlet Skull gave the order, leaving Phantom God and Poison Rose still standing in place.

"How do you say, Poison Rose, let's withdraw too?" Huan Shen asked with a sigh, now that a few people have been cheated, and they can only try to stop the loss in time, as for the opportunity discovered by Fashen Tianxia, ​​it can only be let The brothers in the club asked more.

Poison Qiangwei's thinking was actually the same as that of the Phantom God, but just when she was about to speak, she suddenly saw a figure appearing in the direction she and others were chasing.

"Huh!" Poison Qiangwei let out a light snort, there was someone on this road, apparently this person was an NPC, but I don't know why this NPC suddenly appeared on this road.

But this is good news for everyone. If you meet an NPC on this deserted road, you can take the opportunity to ask him for directions.

This NPC was riding a steed under his crotch, and he was very fast, and he came to a place not far in front of everyone in a short while.

The galloping NPC obviously noticed the crowd standing on the side of the road, and slowed down as the distance approached.

Everyone finally saw the appearance of this NPC, and they couldn't help showing a strange look on their faces.

Because the appearance of this NPC turned out to be a boy who was only about 12 or 3 years old. A boy of this age was riding a horse one size bigger than him galloping alone in the wilderness.

This kind of picture is really out of harmony, no wonder everyone feels strange in their hearts.

Seeing the crowd, the young man seemed very surprised, got off his horse, and asked, "Why are you here?"

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