Jin Can stood in front of Chen Qing and Tianyi Shengzun, and the aura on his body was overwhelming like a god.

"It's a pity, you are one step behind me after all." Jin Can showed a playful smile, and then said lightly: "After killing the two of you, absorbing your strength, my strength is enough to surpass the power of this world. The Lord Behind!"

"The future, this world is mine!"

Jin Can looked at Chen Qing and Tianyi Shengzun, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"Give me death!"

Jin Can roared angrily, and then his figure appeared in front of Chen Qing in an instant.

Chen Qing only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he saw Jin Can's figure clearly, Jin Can had already come in front of him.

Chen Qing only had time to stretch out his hand and make a defensive posture.

The next moment, he felt an unusually huge force bombarding himself fiercely.

Unable to even resist, Chen Qing was sent flying backwards by Jin Can.

The physical body shattered everywhere, smashing the universe into pieces.

Chen Qing gritted his teeth.

quick! too fast!

Jin Can's speed at this moment is extremely fast.

And the power on him is much stronger than Chen Qing's!

Even if Chen Qing is united with the power of Tianyi Shengzun, he is not Jin Can's opponent at this moment.

What's more, at this moment, Chen Qing has no chance to absorb the power of Tianyi Shengzun.

Jin Can's cultivation level is fully twice that of Chen Qing's!

Under the huge power gap.

There was no time for the two of them to make any moves to unite their forces!

After seeing Chen Qing being blown out, Tianyi Shengzun showed a look of surprise, and quickly attacked Jin Can, so as to rescue Chen Qing.

But before his figure touched Jin Can, he felt a huge force rushing towards him.

Before Tianyi could react, he flew backwards at an extremely fast speed!

At this time, Chen Qing's figure instantly soared into the sky.

It quickly escaped from the scope of the main universe.

He didn't want to fight in the main universe. The two of them collided just now, and almost collapsed the space of the main universe.

At their level, their strength has reached an extremely terrifying level, and the main universe cannot bear the struggle between the two at all.

The main universe is Jin Shan, and Chen Qing doesn't want the two of them to smash the main universe to pieces.

In that case, it would be equivalent to Jin Shan dying in this world forever.

After all, as the consciousness of the main universe, Jin Shan himself is not a player, but a huge set of data!

Once Jin Shan died, he was really dead!

Jin Can seemed to have guessed what Chen Qing was thinking. At this moment, Jin Can showed a smile that was not a smile, and slowly hung behind Chen Qing.

"Chen Qing, Chen Qing, what time is it, and you are still thinking about Jin Shan's life, don't worry, after killing you, I will kill and devour Jin Shan as well!" Jin Can said casually. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the void beside him.

Soon, a young man was caught out of the void by Jin Can.

It was Tianyi Shengzun who was hiding in the void and preparing to attack Jincan.

After Jin Can captured Tianyi Shengzun, he casually pointed at Tianyi Shengzun.


Terrifying energy fluctuations spread out.

The body of Tianyi Shengzun was directly pierced by Jin Can's finger, and a big hole appeared in his chest.

Tianyi Shengzun showed pain on his face, and his body flew upside down.

It was caught by Chen Qing in front.

After Chen Qing caught Tianyi Shengzun, he felt that the vitality of Tianyi Shengzun was rapidly disappearing, and he was severely injured and dying by this finger!

Chen Qing was shocked, and quickly poured out the strong life force from her body, and transported it into the body of Tianyi Shengzun.

But Tianyi Shengzun's eyes were still absent.

He looked at Chen Qing with a look of despair, and slowly said: "Chen Qing, he is too strong, even if our strengths are united, we are still no match for him..."

"I feel...we lost!"

Tianyi Shengzun's expression was full of strong frustration, and his golden power directly shattered his hopes.

Seeing this, Jin Can seemed to find it quite amusing, and couldn't help but stop, admiring the despair on the face of Tianyi Shengzun like a cat playing with a mouse.

The more he appreciated it, the happier he was.

I was so happy that I almost couldn't help dancing!

"Interesting and interesting! I like to see you so-called hard-headed people showing this kind of look, that's right! You just have to be desperate. How can you not be desperate when you meet me!"

Jin Can smiled very brightly, and walked slowly towards Chen Qing and Tianyi Shengzun step by step, as if enjoying the increasingly desperate look on his opponent's face.

But at this moment, Chen Qing suddenly chuckled, and said slowly: "Do you really think you have won?"

Jin Can was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, shook his head and said, "Chen Qing, I can feel that there seems to be something special in your body, but the energy of that thing seems to be exhausted, even if you put all your If it is played out, it is definitely not my opponent! Give up!"

Chen Qing smiled, and after confirming that Tianyi Shengzun's injuries had gradually recovered, he blocked Tianyi Shengzun behind him and faced Jin Can himself.

The two faced each other in the void, and neither of them retreated.

Jin Can had a strange look on his face, then he sneered and said, "Okay, put away your tricks, it's useless in front of absolute power! Go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Can directly punched Chen Qing's chest.

But to his surprise, there was no fear in Chen Qing's eyes, she was still staring at him firmly, and there was even a slightly mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

For some reason, seeing this smile, Jin Can had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next moment, the golden fist still landed on Chen Qing's chest, and instantly punched a huge hole in Chen Qing's chest!

Just when the corner of Jin Can's mouth showed a successful smile, suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at his chest.

I saw a huge hole also appeared on his chest.

"How is it possible?" Jin Can's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at his chest in disbelief.

It was obvious that his attack hit Chen Qing's chest, but why was his chest also traumatized!

The next moment, his golden body was instantly restored by him. With a gloomy expression on his face, he once again attacked Chen Qing angrily.

This time, he hit Chen Qing's head!


There was a loud noise, and then Chen Qing's head was blown away by Jin Can.

But at the same time, Jin Can's head was also blown apart.

"How is it possible?" The headless body murmured inconceivably.

The next moment, Jin Can's body recovered again.

At the same time, Chen Qing's body also recovered.

Jin Can looked at Chen Qing in disbelief, wishing to tear the person in front of him into pieces!

But with the lessons learned from the previous two times, he never dared to attack Chen Qing again.

"Why? Why is your body injured, and it will also affect my body!"

With a crazy expression, Jin Can yelled at Chen and asked hysterically.

Chen Qing chuckled, then looked at Jin Can with pity, and said slowly, "Jin Can...do you know? In addition to the big program, there is another special program!"

Jin Can frowned, and asked puzzledly, "What procedure."

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Chen Qing's mouth, and then he said slowly:

"Chaos is the beginning of all programs, it is the basic logic of the game world, the main universe is the main program, the copy universe is the backup file, and the supreme battlefield is a function similar to a trash can, but... there is another program, Responsible for repairing or reorganizing the broken program, and then put it into the game world again."

"This program is the power of the Six Paths!"

Chen Qing spoke slowly.

"The power of the Six Paths?" Jin Can squinted his eyes: "I know the power of the Six Paths, but when the power of the Six Paths can't hurt you, it can also hurt me!"

After hearing Jin Can's words, Chen Qing laughed loudly: "Yes! The power of the Six Paths doesn't have this kind of ability."

"But!" Chen Qing changed the subject, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he said, "The power of the Six Paths has the ability to reincarnate!"

"Do you still remember that when I entered the dark world, I went to the origin of your world and absorbed your origin?"

After hearing Chen Qing's words, Jin Can felt a bad premonition.

"So what? That bit of the origin of the world is nothing at all!"

"It's nothing!" Chen Qing sneered: "However, when I absorbed the origin of your world, I left behind a hidden hand! It was in your origin of the world that I planted the seeds of my power of the six realms! "

"What?" Jin Can's pupils shrank suddenly, and he took two steps back involuntarily.

"Originally, I wanted to use the power of the six realms of hungry ghosts to find an opportunity to continue devouring your world's original power, but...afterwards, you returned to the original form of life and turned into an egg!"

"Although it has become an egg, the power of the Six Paths is still hidden in your origin."

"The six paths represent the cycle of death and rebirth!"

"And you destroyed your own world, and you were reborn from the destruction. To some extent, you actually fit the law of the power of the six realms. Therefore, the power of the six realms that I left in your original source has completely gained room to play !"

"Another me... was born under the influence of the power of the Six Paths!"

"The other you?" Jin Can showed a terrified look, as if thinking of something, and looked around nervously.

Chen Qing smiled, then pointed at Jin Can and said, "I'm afraid you never thought that this giant egg is a twin egg! Not only did you give birth to me, but also another me!"

"The other me is in your body!"

Just when Chen Qing finished speaking, the left half of Jin Can's face suddenly changed, and it suddenly changed into the appearance of another person.

Looking carefully, this half of the face looks exactly the same as Chen Qing's left face...

(Suddenly I feel that Chen Qing has become an evil existence... But this has been foreshadowed for a long time. When Chen Qing was brought to the dark world, he actually wanted to lead to this paragraph... Everyone should have no idea Thinking that Jin Can was solved in this way... Don't panic, I will explain the mystery of Chen Qing's rebirth later, and there are still a few chapters to finish.)

(In other words, Rice is now struggling with the name of the next book. As we all know, Rice is a waste of names...)

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