Chapter 387 Yanlong Mountain

This is just the corpse of hundreds of demonized black dragons,

You know, he killed thousands of demonized black dragons, and the gold coins must be at least 10 million.

It can be said that a very rich resource,

Since these people are very professional in collecting materials,

Moreover, the other party offered to help,

Zhou Han has no reason to refuse.

"Well, you have a heart!"

"Apart from here, there are quite a few corpses in other places! I'll mark them down for you later!"

Zhou Han opened his mouth and said lightly.

"Thank you senior for your accomplishment!"

"Then we're starting work now!" Gray Wolf said excitedly when Zhou Han agreed.

In this case, it is regarded as a relationship with a peerless powerhouse, and it is naturally very excited.

"Well, let's go!" Zhou Han waved his hand and said,

As long as these people are in Heilongwan, Zhou Han can sense their breath,

So, don't worry, you can't find them.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Han took the two girls and began to look for the traces of the demonized black dragon, and strive to reveal the last part of the black dragon king suit - the black dragon king necklace as soon as possible.


Seeing Zhou Han leaving,

Everyone showed admiration and admiration,

"Senior, it's really awesome! The powerful and demonized black dragon is like a chicken in front of him, let it be slaughtered!"

"Many strong people dare not break into the Wanlong Ruins! Even the intruders are cautious, like walking on thin ice!"

"And the senior is better, riding a flying boat, so high-profile, doesn't care about the danger of Wanlong Ruins!"

"This is the unique style of the top powerhouses!"

Everyone there commented with emotion, but this is not an achievement they can achieve, the landscape is like this, and being able to witness such a strong man's demeanor is also the capital of bragging in the future.

In the following period of time, Zhou Han began to harvest wildly in Heilong Bay again.

Sword light, thunder light, wind blade, flames, etc., all kinds of energies, in this dark cave, are constantly flashing,

The violent energy, surging and worshiping, contains the power of destruction,

Under the blessing of various buffs, it has more powerful lethality.

It was the first time that the enchanted black dragon felt so terrified.

Originally, they were the kings here,

No one dared to challenge their majesty like this,

However, all this changed because of Zhou Han's arrival.

Let them know that there are times when they are powerless.

Somewhere in a dark cave,

"Have the investigators returned?"

"What's the situation now?"

A huge demonized black dragon sat on the main seat and said anxiously.

Heilong Bay is very vast and divided into many areas.

And this powerful black dragon is in charge of this area.

He also felt the blood and blood rain outside, and it was a lie to say not to panic.

I didn't expect that the powerful black dragon would be so cowardly today, it's really good luck.

"Reporting to the leader! That human boy is still searching for our traces in Heilongwan!" A younger brother reported with a pale face.


"Damn, why haven't you left?"

"Is this going to kill us all?" The leader of the black dragon turned pale in shock and jumped up from his seat, his mood became heavier and heavier.

"Sir, please think of a way!"

"Although Heilongwan is extremely vast, no matter how big it is, there is a limit. Sooner or later, we will be found by that kid." The younger brother said hurriedly.

He is the member responsible for investigating the situation, and he knows better than anyone what is happening outside.

The bosses of those big forces have more than 1,000 younger brothers under their hands, and they can't bear it. They can only be killed in seconds.

And they only have six or seven hundred younger brothers, and they are not enough to watch.

Once they are found, their fate will be very tragic.

"What you're saying is, you can't sit still!"

"Calm down, let me think of a way!" The black dragon leader's mood was also inexplicably irritable, and he kept thinking about countermeasures.

"Boss, don't you have some friendship with the Yanlong King of Yanlong Mountain next door?"

"If you ask him to take action, you will definitely be able to tide over the difficulties this time!" The younger brother's huge eyes rolled, thinking of a plan.

"Oh, you said it lightly! A strong man like him will not take me in his eyes."

"With my ability, I won't ask him at all!" The black dragon leader shook his head and said helplessly.

After all, the gap in strength is there, and if there is not enough interest, others will not hold you at all.

Now his situation is like this,

The level of the Dragon King is an insurmountable gap between ordinary dragons.

"Boss, this guy from the human race has the blood of the Storm Dragon King!"

"You said King Yan Long, will he take action?" This is also the information that the younger brother found.

"What? The blood of the Storm Dragon King?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course it is!"

"This is an extremely powerful bloodline. The Dragon King will never miss such an opportunity. As long as he makes a move, it will be absolutely foolproof."

"Boss, what are you waiting for, if it's too late, it's really too late!"

"You are very good, after this crisis is lifted, you will be rewarded!"

Soon, the black dragon leader took this little brother and flew towards the Yanlong Mountain next door.


The sword qi blasted, Zhou Han harvested this place, and the last demonized black dragon,

"How is it? Is there a shipment?"

Looking at the figures of the two women cleaning up the battlefield, Zhou Han asked expectantly.

Now I have been fighting continuously. I have been brushing for more than an hour, killing thousands of demonized black dragons.

Zhou Han felt that this time, it should be shipped.

However, his feeling was just an illusion.


"The explosion rate is so low!"

"Han~ You persisted for an hour, so let's rest for a while!"

After the two women finished packing, they walked back and said with some disappointment,

The explosion rate is indeed full of uncertainty.

"Can't it really explode?"

"Forget it! That's it for today!"

"Tomorrow, bring Ou Huang and Gou to ask them to come here, so that you can have a better grasp!"

Zhou Han shook his head, thinking in his heart that he also felt a little tired of continuously spawning monsters.

After all, doing the same thing repeatedly is very easy to get tired, and Zhou Han is no exception.

"Hmm~ Han, you're right, if you're not lucky today, let's do it tomorrow!"

"If you change your mood, your luck will also change!"

The two women said with a smile, one gently wiped Zhou Han's sweat, and the other massaged Zhou Han's shoulders to relax the tired feeling.

With the loving care of the two beauties, Zhou Han suddenly felt good.

Originally, because the black dragon suit was not revealed, the irritable mood was also calmed down.

This kind of life is still very comfortable.

However, Zhou Han hasn't rested for a while,

I felt it, I was keenly aware, a powerful breath surged,

With endless fiery in the air,

However, the direction of this domineering breath turned out to be heading straight for him.

Zhou Han smiled slightly, with a strange look on his face, he actually took the initiative to send it to the door,

This is really a gift from thousands of miles, and the courtesy is light and affectionate!

"Han~ what's wrong?"

Seeing Zhou Han stand up, the two women asked in confusion.

Zhou Han is waiting to say something,

Suddenly, in the space, there was a roar,

"Hahaha! It really is the bloodline of the Storm Dragon King!"

"This king smiled!"

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