"Huh? Can you actually explode the stigmata suit?"

"This is really an unexpected joy!" After seeing the relevant information, Zhou Han's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Originally, he thought that the stigmata relic and the stigmata suit were two unrelated things, so he didn't care.

I didn't expect it to be related.

In this case, Zhou Han now has two pieces of stigmata equipment, as long as he obtains four more pieces, he can synthesize a suit.

With the condensed effect of the Book of Heavenly Craftsman, after this set is condensed, the combat power will be improved by another level.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Zhou Han definitely wants to collect it.

Even if the fragments of the imperial artifact are not in the stigmata ruins, the stigmata suit alone is worthy of his entry.

Moreover, after the customs clearance, there are rewards,

Such a good thing, Zhou Han is very satisfied.

"How much do you know about Emperor Xuanyou?" Zhou Han asked City Lord Fuyun.

After all, the final boss is the remnant soul of Emperor Xuanyou. Before he enters, it is necessary to know enough information.

This is also due to Zhou Han's habit. He doesn't fight unprepared battles. Even if he is stronger now, he should be cautious.

Once it expands, it may not be far from death.

"Go back to senior!"

"Emperor Xuanyou and I, Lord Jiuyou, are people of the same era!"

"I also participated in the battle for the Lord of the Abyss, and ended in failure. After that, there is no news!" City Lord Floating Cloud said,

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, not knowing why Zhou Han suddenly asked this,

However, he did not dare to ask more.

"So it is!" Zhou Han suddenly felt relieved,

He is just a loser, and he is still in the state of a remnant soul. No matter how strong he is, he will not be able to exert much strength.

This time, when you enter the stigmata ruins, you no longer have to worry about it.

"Could it be that Emperor Xuanyou is in the stigmata ruins?" City Lord Fuyun murmured to himself, and he quickly reacted.

Otherwise, Zhou Han would not have asked about Emperor Xuanyou's situation at this point in time.

"Senior is already an emperor-level powerhouse, it's really terrifying!"

After all, only the power of the emperor level can be hardened to the emperor level, otherwise, it is simply to die.

Just now, City Lord Floating Cloud had been guessing about Zhou Han's strength, but now, it is absolutely certain that it is the strength of the emperor.

"Okay, you did a good job!" Zhou Han didn't answer, but smiled lightly, "This weapon is your hard work!"

After speaking, Zhou Han took out a long bow from the space package and threw it away.

"This...pseudo-emperor level?"

"Thank you, senior! Senior, you are so generous!" The City Lord of Floating Cloud was stunned for a moment, and then his face was ecstatic,

Unexpectedly, after just a few words, he obtained a pseudo-emperor-level weapon, which is so lucky.

Of course, the information he provided was very useful and deserved such a reward.

Anyway, for Zhou Han, this kind of equipment is just like Chinese cabbage.

Without further nonsense, Zhou Han took a step forward and entered the door of light.

[System Tip: The boundary you are currently in is a stigmata relic. You cannot leave this place at will. You must kill the final boss before you can leave. 】

"This is the rhythm of the door being welded to death!" Zhou Han complained, but he didn't care too much about it.

After all, there are rewards for clearing the level. Although I don't know what the rewards are, Zhou Han will never miss it.

"Since there is a rating!"

"Then choose the fastest way to clear the customs!"

Even if you don't know the scoring standard, it should be common sense that the shorter the time, the higher the score.

"Xiaopeng! Get ready to kill!"

Zhou Han is about to summon King Hunyuan Jinpeng. Now it has emperor-level strength. If it is used to harvest people's heads, the speed is definitely unique.

"Follow the master!"

"Wake up, hunting time!" Xiaopeng flapped his wings excitedly, his body was full of wild aura, and a terrifying air current was constantly circulating on its surface.

With the ultimate speed and output ability, the rest is to need a tool person to pick up the equipment,

There is no one-click pickup function, you can only count by yourself.

If it is other equipment, Zhou Han may not care about it, but the stigmata suit can be exploded here,

Therefore, the equipment that burst out must be picked up.

"Come out, my shadow avatar!" Zhou Han called out softly, using the Cangming Soul Splitting Technique,

Suddenly 20,000 clones descended nearby,

Wouldn't the tool man come?

Moreover, their strength is also quite strong, and they can completely keep up with the rhythm.

"Your mission is to pick up equipment!" Zhou Han gave the order.

"Follow your orders, boss!"

"Don't worry, boss! This kind of trivial matter is guaranteed not to go wrong!"

"Boss, we have accumulated a lot of experience in picking up equipment, and it is absolutely efficient!"


The clones have all shown their determination. After all, this is not the first time they have done this kind of equipment collection, and they are quite experienced.

Zhou Han was also very relieved about this.

Open the map panel, locked

At the position of the final boss, Zhou Han gave an order, and Hunyuan Jinpeng Wang Ji flew out.

"Shadow Speed ​​Super Kill!"

Soon, the first wave of monsters was encountered during the flight, and it was also encountered in the air.

With the roar of King Hunyuan Jinpeng, countless golden wind blades erupted from his body.

In an instant, the beasts on the opposite side were swallowed up.


It's so efficient.

[System prompt: Your pet, King Hunyuan Jinpeng successfully killed the pseudo-emperor-level white crane in the sky, detected your current ten-fold increase in kill income, and exploded stigmata armor fragments x20, 5-star supreme-level medicinal pills x10… …]

[Your pet, King Hunyuan Jinpeng successfully killed the pseudo-emperor-level white crane in the sky, detected your current ten-fold increase in kill income, and exploded the stigmata boot fragments x10, 4-star supreme-level magic weapon x10...]

[Your pet, King Hunyuan Jinpeng successfully killed the pseudo-emperor-level Cangtian Baihe, unfortunately, no items have been released yet, please make persistent efforts! 】


"Not bad! It won't take long to get all the stigmata suits together!"

Zhou Han looked very satisfied when he saw the constantly refreshed kill information on the battle panel.

Although no finished equipment has been released, the benefits of these fragments are quite considerable.

Mainly still has ten times the kill income,

Can make the collection progress faster.

After ten free enhancements, Zhou Han made some identification of the fragments.

Each piece of stigmata equipment requires 1,000 pieces of equipment shards to synthesize the finished product.

"A thousand! It's not a lot!"

"Sweep the map down and collect it, it's not a big problem!" Zhou Han thought in his heart, and he was also full of confidence in this.

This is the first wave of encounters, and there are such benefits, and the subsequent benefits are only a lot more.

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