With a strong backer, this feeling is comfort. Such thighs must be hugged tightly.

"Boss, thank you for venting your anger on us!"

"The Five Hegemons of Montenegro are so crazy that even Brother Han dares to provoke them, so they are going to die now!"

Several monarchs boasted without hesitation, after all, they are their own bosses, so they can't brag too much.

Especially Jiang Yanran, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Zhou Han closely, ripples appeared, different emotions kept surging,

After all, she had a good impression of Zhou Han before, and after getting in touch, she saw Zhou Han's more powerful power, such a peerless powerhouse with both appearance and strength,

How could she not be moved?

After all, Jiang Yanran has never had a Taoist partner, the main reason is that most men are not as strong as her,

Naturally, she couldn't arouse her interest.

Therefore, Zhou Han's appearance caused ripples in her lonely heart, and her inner desire became stronger.

I have been alone for millions of years. If I say I am not lonely, it must be a lie.

Therefore, you can only practice non-stop, so that you will not be able to think wildly.

At this moment, Zhou Han also met Jiang Yanran's fiery eyes,

However, Jiang Yanran was stunned for a few seconds, and quickly turned her head away, with a charming shyness on her face.

"Oh! My charm is still as outstanding as ever!"

"I am so handsome, I can't keep a low profile!" Zhou Han sighed in his heart,

He also has a wealth of experience now, and it is very obvious what Jiang Yanran's demeanor means.

Zhou Han showed an evil smile on his face, and his eyes scanned Jiang Yanran,

Because I have been fighting before, I put the main energy on dealing with the emperor of the underworld.

Zhou Han didn't appreciate Jiang Yanran carefully, he only knew that she had a beautiful face,

Looking at her now, I found that she not only has a heaven-defying beauty, but also has a very proud figure, which is simply the best.

After all, he is an emperor-level powerhouse, with jade-like skin that can be broken by blows, and a cold temperament that makes people have a strong desire to conquer.

Although the age is several million years old, it is a bit older, but for the emperor-level powerhouse, the upper limit of life span is less than one-tenth,

So, these are not problems.

Of course, these are not the key, the main reason is that Jiang Yanran, as the Lord of Heavenly Sword, has very advanced sword skills,

As the Chaos Sword Master, Zhou Han happened to be able to compete with her, which was of great help to his own growth.

Yes, in order to improve strength, these are very necessary.

Seeing this, the other monarchs left very tactfully,

Only Zhou Han and Jiang Yanran were left at the scene, but their eyes were facing each other, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Brother Han, I... I'm leaving first!" Jiang Yanran said softly, after all, she was not very familiar with her, and she was not good at words, so she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, go back and recover!" Zhou Han said with a smile, it was obvious that Jiang Yanran was still very shy.

"This is where my palace is located!"

"Well... if you are free, can you come over and give me some advice on swordsmanship!" Jiang Yanran had just taken two steps, then turned around with courage and said in a low voice,

After finishing speaking, she lightly tapped her fingertips to condense a spot of light, which recorded the location of her palace and the deployment of the formation.

"This! Easy to say!"

"After all, I, Zhou Han, are the most considerate and helpful. I will go there when I have time!"

Zhou Han nodded with a smile and said, he agreed directly. Faced with such an invitation, the meaning is already very obvious.

He also wanted to deepen his understanding of swordsmanship, so there was no reason to refuse.

Thinking of this, Zhou Han stretched out his fingertips and touched the light spots condensed by Jiang Yanran,

Afterwards, all the detailed information of Jiang Yanran's palace was displayed, and it was easy for Zhou Han to enter it.

"Then, I look forward to Brother Han's arrival!" Seeing Zhou Han accepting, Jiang Yanran's starry eyes lit up, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

Zhou Han's behavior naturally means that he is willing to accept himself, which is why Jiang Yanran feels so happy.

After finishing speaking, the shyness in Jiang Yanran's heart had reached the extreme, so naturally she couldn't stay longer, and flew away quickly.

"Hehe, it's interesting!" Zhou Han watched her beautiful figure gradually disappear from sight, and smiled slightly.

However, Zhou Han quickly withdrew his thoughts. Now he still has a lot of things to deal with.

Let go of the long-term affection of children for the time being.

After all, the emperor's golden inscriptions fused on his body have exceeded the limit of ninety-nine pieces.

It's time to be promoted to the emperor level realm,

However, it is not easy to be promoted to the emperor level, and one more condition is required, that is, to reach level 200.

Zhou Han's level is currently level 150, and he must obtain the original breakthrough stone to break through the upper limit of the level.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to the place of Chaos Profound Realm, and only there can quickly obtain the original breakthrough stone.

"Emperor realm?"

"It's really exciting!" Zhou Han muttered to himself, although

Although he currently has emperor-level combat power and is very powerful,

However, it is not the real emperor level realm,

The benefits of being promoted to the emperor level are naturally huge.

First, all attributes will be boosted.

Second, using the Great Emperor's Bronze Inscriptions, the power exerted will rise in a straight line.

Third, one's own perception will enter a new level.

In this case, combined with the two hundred times the power of perception in the state of epiphany, it will provide greater help in understanding Taoism.

Of course, in addition to this, there are many advantages,

Only when you are truly promoted to the emperor level can you experience it for yourself.

Therefore, the next plan, Zhou Han is going to go to the mysterious world of chaos, while collecting the original breakthrough stone, while earning supreme strengthening points,

Do it both ways, double the happiness.

"However, before that, there is still a wave of strength!" Zhou Han whispered, and then took out all the equipment that exploded during this period of time from the space package.

Prepare for a wave of fusion, maybe a few high-quality suits will appear,

After all, there are unknown dangers in this place of Chaos Profound Realm, and many powerful emperor-level powerhouses have fallen in it.

And Zhou Han's cautious character does not fight unprepared battles, so before entering, it is very necessary to promote himself to the strongest state.

Soon, all the equipment was taken out and piled up into a hill.

The worst is the supreme quality, the highest is the high-level pseudo-emperor quality,

"The quantity is enough this time, so we can enjoy it all at once!" Zhou Han smiled slightly, muttered in his heart, and directly activated the upgraded fusion device skill.


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . Strange People Novels of the Republic of China

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