The guild guard battle is over.

A large group of individual players were confused at this moment.


With the end of the guild war and the guard battle, they found that they could no longer attack the people in Yunmo Palace in front of them at will.

Just like during the Guild Guard Battle, guild members can kill others at will.

At this moment, the guard battle ends.

The original rules of the game emerged.

For a time, a large group of individual players stayed in place, looking confused.

At this time, Qin Feng shouted: "Still not leaving?"

"The guard battle is over. You tried your best, but you just didn't capture it. Go and get the money from your master."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng once again spoke in the team voice: "Go back to the guild station."


Within the residence.

Everyone was extremely excited.

At this time, Liu Moxi also waved his hand and announced: "Everyone who participated in the battle will be rewarded with 50 gold coins."

"By the way, I just saw that the guild mission has been started. If you are fine now, you can also do some guild missions."

"I will have a meeting with other management of the guild to discuss other specific incentive measures."

After finishing his words, Liu Moxi looked at Qin Feng, Shanyue and Peach Blossom, and said, "Let's have a meeting?"

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Shanyue also responded.

Taohua, on the other hand, said weakly at this moment: "Me, do I want to go too?"

"How about I give this management to Miaomiao."

At this time, Qin Feng grinned: "Let's talk next time, let's start the meeting this time."

Guild management.

Naturally, it was designated by Qin Feng.

Current secondary guild.

There are four management positions in total.

They are: president, vice president, minister, and commander.

Among them, the president is naturally Liu Moxi, and Qin Feng doesn't have much free time to take care of things.

Qin Feng is very clear about his position.


Let yourself become the most powerful person, even stronger than the Lord of Light "Odin" who ranked first in the world in his previous life.


Odin, who had the title of Lord of Light in his previous life, was eventually besieged and died by the seven demon kings when the demons from outside the territory invaded.

And above the Demon King level, there seems to be a Demon Emperor, a Demon God-level existence.

It can be said that if you cannot have the strength to face such a powerful combat force, this rebirth will ultimately make the same mistakes again.


On the road of his own growth, Qin Feng also deliberately cultivated a group of talented players like Shan Yue and Tao Hua who could be called his own, to become as outstanding as possible.

Because the power of the demons outside the territory is too huge.

If you can grow to be invincible, then everything will be stable and one person can end everything.

But this is extremely unlikely.

Because becoming a god is an extremely difficult thing, let alone becoming a god?

Qin Feng didn't have any confidence either.

Therefore, Qin Feng's real countermeasure is, king against king, against general.

Try your best to grow into a person who can compete with the existence of the devil.

But the remaining Demon King-level and Demon Emperor-level beings under his command still need others to deal with them.

This is also the reason why Qin Feng basically did not deliberately block the strategies for each copy. Basically, he sold them for a wave of money, and then announced them on the forum within an hour or two at most.

Therefore, Qin Feng even holds the current command position in the guild temporarily.

After finding a suitable and reliable commander, Qin Feng will at most take on the position of elder.

And the vice president.

Qin Feng suggested that Shan Yue should be responsible.

Liu Moxi naturally had no reason to refuse.

As for Shanyue, he is not too young, and he is mature and stable. In terms of strength, because he used the car from the original copy and several small hidden missions, he is considered extremely strong, so there is no big problem.

As for why, the post of Shangshu was given to Taohua, it was naturally to train her.

Qin Feng could see it now.

Taohua is not a bullshit aloof at all, she is just a bit socially fearful.

This symptom is not too serious yet and can be cured.

Just communicate more with other people.

The guild minister is responsible for this business, collecting suggestions from guild members and interacting with NPC forces on behalf of the guild, which is somewhat similar to the role of a diplomat.


The four of them entered the guild hall.

Qin Feng was not polite at this time. After sitting down, he said directly: "You want to discuss the future development direction of the guild and the upgrading and construction of the guild building, right?"

"It's very simple."

"For the guild building, give priority to the "Academy". This thing can learn and upgrade guild skills, which will improve all members."

"As for skills, learn "White Blade" and "Yuanling" first. One of these two increases physical attack, and the other increases spell attack."

"The second is the guild mine, lumberyard, and other resource buildings."

"Defense-type buildings will not be considered for the time being. Guild battles will not start so soon."

"Then just remember to save some resources for opening the guild secret realm at level 40. The guild leader can check the specific amount."

"As for the development direction of the guild, it is naturally a fighting guild."

"With the configuration we have now, is it possible for leisure and retirement? Or is it just trying to fish and climb mountains?"

"Just recruit those with high combat power. Of course, don't recruit traitors from other guilds."

"As for the guild's source of funds, you take care of it first, and I'll find a way to find a businessman for the guild."

"Other guild reward systems and points systems are up to you to discuss."

"If you need anything, just send me an email and I'll get it as much as I can."

"By the way, some NPCs who have recently entered the guild may join the guild. As the guild leader, you have to be more careful and don't leave people alone in the guild."

"So are there any questions?"

"If there's no problem, I'll leave first."

Qin Feng finished speaking.

Liu Moxi and the other three were immediately confused.

Especially Liu Moxi.

Originally, in her eyes, it was a series of serious and heavy things.

Was it solved in just a few words?

Fortunately, she had a big head before and felt that she was exhausted every day.

The result, is this it?

Looking at Qin Feng's back, who had a relaxed look on his face and disappeared from sight.

Shan Yue whispered: "So, President, is there anything else you need to add?"

Liu Moxi said silently: "Ahem, let's break up the meeting."

A meeting goes by quickly.

But it ended faster, so fast that Liu Moxi felt like a waste.

She once thought she was a strong woman, but now she has serious doubts.

It was Qin Feng.

At this moment, he was heading straight to the main hall of the City Lord of Glowing City.

But he still remembered the mithril sword in his package.

It just so happened that I had been practicing for two days in a row, so it was time to change things a bit.

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