Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

112: Secret Service Condensed Ice!

"You mean, you're from Camp Rogue?"

In the Secret Service, the short-haired sister Leng Bing looked at the nun in front of her in shock: "Can you be responsible for what you said?"

"I do come from Camp Rogue.

Vivian looked at Leng Bing seriously: "I just don't know why, it suddenly appeared here.

After a moment of silence, Ning Bing said: "I have to report this news to the top, will you wait for me here now?"

"Hmm. 95

Vivian nodded, but just when Leng Bing was about to leave, she heard a strange sound.

She turned back and saw Vivian with her head down and her face flushed, and smiled.

Walking out of the door, after Leng Bing said something to his colleagues, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Second pass!

"Hello. 55

On the other end of the phone, an old voice rang.

"The seat, it's me, cold ice."

Ningbing Bing spoke very fast: "I found a person who seems to have come from the Tower of Endless."


The voice of the Secret Service seat gradually rose: "Are you sure? 39

29 "Not sure, but very likely."

After Condensing Bing briefly and concisely stated the matter, he pondered for a moment and said: "It seems that this little girl is very likely to be from the first floor of the Tower of Endlessness.

"Do your best to take good care of her and see if you can get some information from her mouth."


Condensation Bing accepted the order decisively, and then put down the phone after the station seat hung up the phone.

Back in the room, Ning Bing reached out to Vivian: "Go, I'll take you something to eat!""

"is it okay?"

Vivian's stomach was still "gurgling", making her face flush.


Leng Bing directly hugged Vivian's shoulder: "Sister invites you to a big meal!"

Friends Hot Pot Town.

Vivian looked at the red soup base in front of her eyes, like lava, and didn't dare to start.

"Eat it!

On the opposite side of Vivian, Condensing Bing placed the boiled tripe on Vivian's plate: "This thing is crispy and delicious, and contains a lot of nutrients, which is very helpful to you.


Although Vivian knew that Ning Bing had no bad intentions, she still didn't dare to move her chopsticks.

It wasn't until Condensing Bing couldn't take it anymore, and simmered the mutton with chopsticks and fed it to Vivian, and the hot pot was officially started.

"This hot pot is the best hot pot on our side.

On another occasion, Zhang Yang also encountered the same situation as the cold ice.

Facing the red spicy pot bottom, Morena hesitated to start.

However, Morena believed that her master would not harm her, so she took a try and boiled a piece of mutton.

As Zhang Yang said, wait until the mutton changes color, then dip it in the sesame sauce and put it in your mouth.

A wonderful taste appeared in the mouth, which made Morena's eyes light up.

I have to say that Morena has never eaten something so delicious since she was born!

Looking back, what did she eat?

The better ones are grilled meat and boiled vegetables.

In bad times, even boiled vegetables are extravagant, grass roots, tree bark, she has eaten them all.

Look at what you're eating now.

Shabu-shabu beef, mutton, pork, and all kinds of seafood she doesn't know, can be extremely delicious after two minutes of scalding at the bottom of the spicy pot.

Simple and delicious.

What Morena eats is a joy, and even the waiter next to her is shocked that a little girl's family can eat so old?

After they finished eating and paid the bill, Zhang Yang realized that the meal had cost him more than 1,200 yuan!

More than 1200!

The meat here is only 80 yuan a pound!

How much did they eat?

Zhang Yang couldn't help but look at Morena's flat stomach.


Just when Zhang Yang was thinking about whether Morena's belly was a fourth-dimensional belly, a very surprised voice appeared in his ear.

Turning back, a young girl in a white-gold nun's uniform looked at him with a blushing face.

"Are you... Vivian?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the girl's identity: "Why are you in this place?""

"You know each other?

At this time, Leng Bing came over and looked at Zhang Yang and Morena in a modern dress beside Zhang Yang with a scrutiny: "I think you all look familiar."

"He's our camp... woo woo..."

Vivian wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Yang's look, and she covered her mouth for this reason.

"It seems that these two people should also be from the Rogue camp... No, there is another possibility!""

At first, Ning Bing thought that Zhang Yang, like Vivian, came from Rogge's camp, but looking at the dresses of the two, she suddenly had a bold idea.

Why aren't these two players in Rogge's camp where Vivian is?

"You, are the players of the Tower of Infinity?"

For this reason, Ning Bing came to Zhang Yang's side and whispered, "I am a senior special agent of the Secret Service, Ning Bing, this is my work certificate."

After Leng Bing lit up his worker to Zhang Yang, he said, "Please answer my question directly. 99

"I'm a player on the 833 line of Camp Rogge.

Zhang Yang glanced at the document, sensed the power of 597 in the body of the opposite person, and nodded: "What's the problem?"

"This Miss Vivian, who claims to be from Rogge's camp, has yet to find a player on line 833, which is the line where the Great God of Eternal Night is located.

When Leng Bing heard Zhang Yang's admission, a smile appeared on his face: "Now, I want to ask, have you seen Yong Ye?"

"I have seen."

Zhang Yang nodded.

Isn't this nonsense, Yong Ye is him, and he can be seen every day.

"very good."

After Leng Bing confirmed this matter, he smiled even more: "Can those two come with me?"

"After all, Miss Vivian has been with us from noon until now. 35

When Zhang Yang heard the time of Vivian's appearance, he looked back at Morena, and found that the other party was also at a loss.

In order to find out how Vivian came here, Zhang Yang nodded and agreed to Leng Bing's invitation.

Ancient City Secret Service.

After Leng Bing brought Zhang Yang, Morena, and Vivian to the conference room, he went out and said that he would report to the leader and let the three of them catch up.

Zhang Yang looked at the four corners of the room, the flashing camera, and rolled his eyes.

He also knew that this was the Secret Service's conspiracy.

Zhang Yang also wanted to know how Vivian got here, but under the surveillance of the Secret Service, he couldn't ask too clearly.

"How long have you been here?"

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