Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

122: The Battle of the Secret Realm is over!

A battle with a huge disparity in numbers has begun.

Ten melee classes, face hundreds of flaming skeletons and sand knights with a minimum level of 30.

Although in terms of attributes, the ten people led by Ning Bing had a certain advantage, but in terms of numbers, they were at an absolute disadvantage.

The impact of the first wave alone caused one of the barbarians, whose level was less than 30, to back up a few steps, and it was only with the assistance of the long-range firepower behind him that he was able to gain a firm foothold.

With ten meat shields to resist the impact, the remote occupations behind them began to show their magical powers.

The Amazons form a group of three, shoot the same target, and try to take it away.

The mages each cast range magic to reduce the impact on the front meat shields as much as possible.

Soon, the first wave of 1,000 monsters was killed by their combined efforts.

Ningbing is not careless, at least three waves of monsters will come out when such a large-scale secret realm comes.

And, a wave is stronger than a wave!

About 1 minute 29 later, the second wave of monsters appeared.

It is a wild monster in the 31-level gravel wasteland!

These guys are not easy to deal with, and the jumper among them is even more difficult to deal with.

Not to mention the speed, the body is still small, if you don't pay attention, it will hug your face and then be bitten.

"Barbarian, Paladin taunt!"

Seeing these monsters appear, Ningbing has already begun to direct the battle: "Mage and Amazon all use freezing skills, don't let these bastards jump up!"

"Those whose level is lower than 12, all go to various places to call people. We are alone here, and we can't stand it!"

Cold Ice's judgment on the situation is very accurate.

This large-scale secret realm, relying only on the strength of the Secret Service, is unbearable.

At this time, ordinary people in these positions need to be on top.


Those who were below level 12 knew that they could not be of much help, but were a burden. After receiving orders, they left one after another, and started knocking on the door from house to house.

In fact, without them knocking on the door, the people in the Endless Tower will also be notified when the secret realm comes.

At this time, many people have withdrawn from the endless tower and joined the battle.

With the addition of these new forces, especially most of their levels have exceeded level 20, and even the stronger ones have reached level 36, which has helped them share a great deal of pressure.

"It's possible!"

Ningbing once marshaled the newly added ordinary people into the team, and another time, directly started the command of the team.

Over time, the occupation got better and better, and the second wave of 2,000 monsters was wiped out.

"Have we won?"

someone asked.

"No! 35

Ningbing stared at the portal, praying that the third wave of monsters would not be too strong!

But her prayers, apparently, had no effect.

The third wave starts with a king-level BOSS-Rodamente!

Behind it, there are also a group of smaller hollow ghouls!


The moment he saw this boss, Ning Bing knew that the secret realm this time was about to fail.

But she will not give up easily, but continue to command the battle.

None of them noticed that in the sky, there was a pair of eyes watching them.

"So weak.

In the Sunshine Otaku Singles Apartment, Zhang Yang watched the battle of the Secret Service through Foyego's eyes, and sighed deeply.

With such fighting power, how can you fight against people?

Take a life stack?

This is what I did in my previous life, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Only the appearance of an absolute powerhouse, stronger than the powerhouses of the heavens and the myriad races combined, can rewrite the fate of Blue Star.

Zhang Yang is also working hard for this road.

"Foyego, help them when they can't.

Zhang Yang didn't want to continue watching the scene of the chickens pecking at each other. After saying hello to Foyego, he returned to the game.

At this moment, he still has ten hours to go to the third floor.

Zhang Yang originally planned to sleep at home, but now he thinks that he should sleep in Lu Gaoyin's own home.

After summoning the Death Knights as guardians, Zhang Yang embraced Morena and fell asleep.

Ao Shi Tian Tian lives opposite Zhang Yang, and this house was provided to him by Jay Hein for free.

At this moment, the condescension and the world are extremely irritable.

He wanted to kill Zhang Yang, but couldn't find any chance.

Just because the summons around Zhang Yang are too strong.

According to his speculation, Zhang Yang has been level 40 for a long time. If nothing happens, Zhang Yang will go to the third floor in the next two days.

At that time, with his experience of only level 37, even if he didn't need attribute points, he would still not be able to keep up with Zhang Yang's progress.

It made him very nervous.

"I said, you are a devil anyway, so you don't have any way to deal with Yongye?"

Disdain and the world can't help but start to complain: "Speaking of which, you have been quiet a lot recently!"

"I have a suggestion for you.

Diablo, who was living in the soul stone between the eyebrows of the world, suddenly said: "You should give up your hatred for him. 99


Disdainful, the world is a little confused: "Didn't you agree with me to kill him before?"

"never mind."

Diablo Remnant shook his head.

Can he tell Ao Shi Tian Xia that Zhang Yang has signed a contract with his body?

597 His body has become the contractor of Eternal Night, a thug who can be summoned at any time.

Such an existence, let alone a remnant soul, would not dare to appear in front of Zhang Yang even in a complete state.

If it is controlled, how troublesome it is!

Therefore, Diablo wanted to persuade his host to seek death himself, and not to drag him into it.

But, obviously, the hatred of Zhang Yang is too deep in the world, and he can't persuade him.

Faced with the arrogant world that was bound to die, Diablo began to look for a way back.

the next day.

As soon as Zhang Yang woke up, he saw the news that the World Channel was still swiping.

"Strongly congratulate Nanhe Province for successfully resisting the invasion of the secret realm and obtaining an upgraded secret realm!"

"Strongly congratulate Dongshan Province on the successful Hell invasion! 35

Zhang Yang looked at the forum and found that last night, not only the ancient city was invaded by the secret realm, but most of the areas suffered from the invasion of the secret realm.

Most cities have successfully hacked the secret realm and obtained an upgraded secret realm.

And a small part, such as North River province, for some reason, the defense failed.

Although the secret realm is still generated, the center of Shantang City has been lost, and the loss cannot be measured by property.

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