"Is it you who woke me up?"

Klimt got up stiffly, and his slightly stiff eyes stared straight at Zhang Yang: "I'm sorry, but now I can't control my body skillfully."

"It's all right. 39

Zhang Yang didn't care about this: "In your current state, can you smash the ball of compulsion? 55

"it should be OK.

Klimt bent down very stiffly and picked up the ancient flail on the ground: "Can you take me there?"


Zhang Yang nodded, took them to the nearest teleportation point with the ancient frost dragon, and then returned to Cui Fanke again.

Looking at the ball of compulsion filled with Mephisto's magic, Klimt raised the ancient flail in his hand.

Accompanied by the holy light, the ancient flail collided with the ominous red light of the Forced Ball, and the light burst out for a while.

Eventually, as the ancient flail in Klimt's hand shattered, the power that shrouded the Sphere of Compulsion dissipated.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and took down the Force Ball.

29 [Forced Ball (Red Magic Tool/Colorful Artifact)]

【Accessories and Pendants】

【Spirit: 1000】

【HP: 10W】

[Immune to spiritual attacks below the god level]

[Each creature you control, the base increases by 10%, and shares 10% of all attributes of the controlled person]

[Magic Skill: Mind Control (You can choose a creature whose level is not higher than your own level 10, forcibly control its thinking, so that it can do things for yourself; you can also control creatures whose spirit is lower than your own, number = spirit attribute * 10)]

[Equipment Level: 0]


This is the first time Zhang Yang has seen equipment of the level of the red magic weapon.

But from the back, it should be the existence of the same level as the colorful artifact.

Before, although Zhang Yang already possessed two colorful artifacts, only the incarnation of God Wanqian had been using it all the time.

Horadric Cube is just a special function prop, generally speaking, it is not used.

In other words, this Force Ball is Zhang Yang's second artifact that he can use every day.

Zhang Yang directly put the waist pendant on the equipment.

Up to now, there are still several empty equipment slots on his body.

It's not that there are no equipment in these positions, but Zhang Yang's vision is a bit high now, and it is not dark gold quality or above, otherwise Zhang Yang is too lazy to equip.

On the empty parts of his body now, there are two bracelets on his left and right hands, bottom leggings, bottom belt, top clothes, top shoulder pads, and headgear.

Bracelets add attack, crit, and crit damage, leggings, tops, and belts add defense, shoulder pads add resistance, and headgear increases attribute points.

In other words, Zhang Yang's current attributes still have a lot of room for improvement.

Putting on the waist pendant, Zhang Yang's attack has skyrocketed by 1.1W (1000 spirit = 1000 attack, everyone passively increases 1W attack for me), and his blood volume has skyrocketed by 110W (10W basic, 100W everyone passive), which is faster than some BOSS's blood volume is even thicker.

The most important thing is that this thing still has growth, or the basic attribute + the 10% attribute of the controlled person grows in both directions!

It is another powerful piece of equipment that is not inferior to the Devouring Ring and the Renren Ring.

Looking at the opened passage leading to the Prison of Hatred, Zhang Yang did not enter immediately, but looked at Klimt who was swaying, as if he was about to fall at any moment.

"It's important to kill Mephisto!"

Klimt's eyes were extremely pure: "Don't worry about me."

"After all, I'm not supposed to exist in this world. 55

"It is my honor to open the way to the prison of hatred for you.

"Thank you for everything you do for the world."

After saying that, Klimt seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and fell back heavily.

Zhang Yang wanted to help, but found that his hands seemed to pass through the air, unable to touch Klimt at all.

"I saw... heaven!"

The body recovered by the magical energy of the Horadric Cube gradually reversed in the process of falling, and even the original corpse could not be kept, and the whole person turned into a light spot of energy.

In the murmur, the light spot that Klim turned into floated toward the sky, and he didn't know if he had gone to the high heaven.

"Let's go.""

Zhang Yang watched the light spot of Klimt's avatar dissipate, sighed, and took the three girls and the second child onto the stairs leading to the prison of hatred.

The deepest prison of hatred.

"Look, I said he has a solution, right?"

Diablo dispelled the mirror constructed by magic, and said to Mephisto with a serious face: "He may be the opportunity for us to escape from the Infinity Tower.

"Isn't it, we have to wait until the call is made.

As the eldest brother of the three demon gods, Mephisto likes to manipulate people's hearts. He never believes in any words: "Have you released your true body now?"


Diablo nodded: "At present, the minister of Chaos has released the seal, and my real body has been deployed on the fourth floor. 35

"Even if we sign a contract with him, the Infinity Tower will still forcefully extract our energy to build a replica that is not inferior to us and put it in these so-called levels.

Mephisto looked at the sky: "I have always wanted to explore, what kind of existence is this so-called endless tower created, and why does it appear in the heavens and the world from time to time. 35

"You can worry about these things yourself."

Diablo hated this kind of brainstorming the most. Although he was called the youngest and most cunning of the three demon gods, he himself felt that he belonged to the kind of straight character.

"I went to find Baal."

Diablo's phantom gradually dissipated: "Anyway, I have already said what I have said, and I have paid 613 sincerity."5


Mephisto floated quietly: "Also let me see what kind of existence the human beings are so full of praise for.

Hate Prison, Level 3.

Zhang Yang came here very easily.

Those monsters seemed to be expelled by something and crowded together, as if they wanted to defeat Zhang Yang with human sea tactics.

As everyone knows, this will only be convenient for Zhang Yang.

A god, poisonous nova was thrown out, and the world was instantly purified.

The journey after that is the same.

Every time he walked a certain distance, a group of black monsters would rush towards him, like a death squad.

And Zhang Yang also accepted all the orders, and it was all about the super poisonous new star!

This situation continued until the third level of the prison of hatred.

As soon as he got down the stairs, Zhang Yang saw a black monster, and looked at him with eye-catching eyes.

The leader is a member of the high-ranking council of Zakarum.

Fist of the Spark Brim!

Void Finger Wayne!

Dragon Hand Muffle!

These three councilors are different from the three councillors guarding Cui Fanke. They have a higher level and are level 49, and their strength is naturally stronger.

Through this endless group of monsters, Zhang Yang saw the terrifying figure on the throne.

"I hope you enjoy the welcome ceremony I prepared for you."

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