Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

163: Take it easy and shock the world!

"Eternal Night!"

In the temporary lunar base, Zebeixu slammed his fist on the table while watching the message from Eagle sauce.

He was killed by Yong Ye... No, it was Yong Ye's subordinate summons. He lost a full 10% of his attributes. In the end, if it wasn't for his cleverness, he would be useless now.

But he didn't dare to make another move.

Because of Yongye's combat power, it can be confirmed that it is really god-level.

He Ze Beixiu, and the son of the wolf king, Lucy, although not a pinnacle demigod, but they have also fought against a pinnacle demigod, not so bad, and even occasionally win.

Zhang Yang, who can hang them both together, is undoubtedly a god!

Before, he prayed to Zhang Yang not to discover his identity, because Zhang Yang had already become a god in less than half a year.

What will he look like if the protection period ends?

become a god?

Or...the god king?

Zebeixu couldn't imagine Zhang Yang's future achievements.

But he couldn't make a direct shot, directly obliterating the opponent from reality.

With the protection of the Infinity Tower, he couldn't do it.

"Looks like it's up to Yingjiang to exert its strength."

Zebeixu knocked on the table: "Otherwise, when he develops, the threat will be too great."

"We must take advantage of the process that the attributes of the Infinity Tower have not yet been fully superimposed into reality, to obliterate him from reality!

Having made a plan, Cebesius closed his eyes and forced a drop of blood essence from his fingers.

In an instant, his originally pale face became paler, and his body became weaker.

"Come on."

Cebesius called out softly, the door opened, and an elegant young man walked quickly, kneeling on one knee: "Great master, what are your orders?

"Take this drop of blood essence and tell Yingjiang and even the entire Blue Star.

Cebesius handed the blood essence to the young man, and said word by word: "Whoever kills Yongye in reality will gain my blood essence and become the body of five generations of blood clans and grant him the position of earl!"


The young man took the drop of blood essence, suppressed the eager emotion, and slowly withdrew.

Almost at the same time, the son of the wolf king, Luxie, also took out a drop of blood essence and offered a reward to Zhang Yang. Anyone who killed Zhang Yang could get the blood essence of the wolf clan and become the wolf warrior of the wolf clan.

When the two bounties came out, after understanding their value, the whole world was boiling.

Eagle sauce publicly shouted, asking the flower grower to call Yong Ye out, otherwise they will ignore any means at any time, and the consequences will be at their own risk.

At the same time, John Bull and Gaul Chicken also spoke out at the same time, hoping that the flower grower would announce the information of Yongye.

Florist, Secret Service.

"They are courting death"~!

The secret service old Zhang smashed the entire conference table with a punch: "Don't they know that Eternal Night is our real hope, the hope of fighting against those alien civilizations?

"Now, in order to become someone else's slaves, they want to use Blue Star's hope to change districts?"

"Are they full of shit in their heads?"

Lao Zhang couldn't understand why those people were willing to become slaves and stifled the hope of their own civilization?

"But they promise eternal life!

In the Secret Service conference room, a person suddenly said: "That's what all big men dream of."

"With the Infinity Tower, immortality doesn't have to be obtained by being a servant.""

As a member of the senior management, Lao Zhang knows a little about certain things: "They don't work hard, they have to kill hope... Why don't they die?"

"The ten major consortiums have also spoken, saying that they will make Yong Ye pay the price of blood.

Another member of the Secret Service said: "I really don't know how this Yong Ye provokes these people."


A sneer appeared on Lao Zhang's face: "What is the provocation, it's just a group of high-ranking people, not used to being pressed on top of them. 39

"They only want to see all beings in the clouds, and they don't want an extra unstable factor above their heads.

Lao Zhang sighed: "I hope Yong Ye will keep his identity a little more secret.

Ancient city, sunny single apartment.

After Zhang Yang got the news from Foyego, he got off the line with a strange look on his face.

"I see."

Zhang Yang nodded to Foyego, and then the other side retreated.

"Vampires and wolves..."

From these two rewards, Zhang Yang knew who the force was against him, and the target of revenge in his heart had been clarified.

He knows the position of these two races, but with his current strength, it is not enough to pass.

So, he summoned the High Priest of Death.

"Since the other party can contact Yingjiang, their location should not be too far from Blue Star.

Zhang Yang looked at the Bone King: "You go to the Eagle Sauce to lurk, and follow them to find the base of the blood clan and the wolf clan. 35


The Bone King nodded.

"Remember, when the time comes, I will create opportunities for you. 35

Zhang Yang only knew that the blood clan occupied an entire galaxy, but he didn't know the exact location. This time, he was going to attack Huanglong.

Second, the first thing to do is to find the location of Huanglong.

The Bone King got the order, and then withdrew.

Then Zhang Yang used the remaining few king summoning opportunities to summon a new king again.

From the subordinate world of the underworld, the king of shadow assassins in the shadow world.

Because he was not in the game, Zhang Yang couldn't check the other party's specific information.

But he knew one thing.

Wu Luqi is very strong.

Especially strong.

Apart from Casillas, he should be the strongest single among Zhang Yang's summons.

""|| Go to John Bull's side, see how they contact the wolf clan, and find an opportunity to enter the wolf clan's fleet.

Zhang Yang also arranged the same task for Wu Luqi.

Wu Luqi nodded silently, and her figure gradually disappeared.

After doing all this, Zhang Yang closed his eyes, looked at the ten specially marked (Wang Hao) among the six thousand spiritual links that were forcibly controlled, and began to pass the message.

One of the top ten financial groups, proud family.

One of the ten major financial groups, the Nangong family.

.Top 10 Consortium...

In an instant, some of the ten major financial groups received an order.

This order made some people feel chills all over, while others were extremely excited.

"Subvert the current power holders.

There are only these few words, but the members of the ten major families controlled by Zhang Yang know how difficult it is to do these things.

They are only the upper class, and the one with the highest status is just a male member of the clan elders.

For the leaders of the entire family, their power is relatively weak.

But after the death assassins that Zhang Yang dispatched later were in place, their eyes radiated light.

That kind of light is called ambition.

the next day.

A piece of news rushed to the hot search.

"The leader of the top ten financial groups was assassinated, and his life and death are unknown!"

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