Zhang Yang was stunned after receiving the news from Ce Beixiu.

He didn't expect that these guys from the blood race would hold so many meetings because of themselves?

This makes one have to feel honored.

After all, they are the top 100 powerful races in the universe!

He had held so many meetings because of one person, and the most important thing was that there was nothing he could do with Zhang Yang.

This is the most terrifying.

In other words, Zhang Yang can now be said to be a person who has shocked a race that is among the top 100 in the heavens!

All of this, in the previous life, was simply an impossible thing to happen.

The past life was too mysterious.

But think back to the efforts you have made during this period of time, um

Zhang Yang seriously recalled that if he hadn't acquired this talent, although he could have reached this point, his speed might be much slower.

In terms of combat power, it may be very different.

"It's really lucky."

Zhang Yang murmured.

Stop thinking about these questions, Zhang Yang began to think about what to do next.

Now that his combat power is almost the same, he can take revenge on the heavens and the myriad races.

But now, what he needs is a star map that records the heavens, the worlds and the races.

Without the star map, he has no power, and he cannot find the place where the heavens and the races are.

Therefore, Zhang Yang asked Cebei Xiu and Luxi to prepare and find the star map of the heavens and the races.

In this case, he can also carry out his next phase of the plan.

"A star map?

After receiving Zhang Yang's order, Zebeixu began to think about how to get the star map.

For each race, the star map is the top priority, not only because of the location of their own race on the star map, but also some rare mineral resources or medicinal resources are marked in it.

Therefore, it is actually quite difficult to get a star map.

Thinking about it, Cebei Xiu walked to the God District of the Blood God Star, where the Blood Gods lived.

Coincidentally, the blood god Cain didn't know why, and hurried out of his residence with a star map.


When Cain saw Cebesius, although he was surprised, he stopped Cebesius.

"Lord Cain.

Cebesius bowed his head respectfully towards Cain.

"A kind of herbal medicine that is very useful for our blood has appeared in the nearby Alpha star, you take this star map, go to Alpha star, and control this planet.


Cain handed the star map in his hand to Cebesius: "This task is given by the old blood god, you should know the importance of this matter."

"Yes! 99

Cebesius nodded and took the star map from Cain's hand.


After Cain watched Cebexiu leave, for some unknown reason, he always felt a very flustered feeling in his heart.


Cain shook his head, not taking the matter to heart.

He still has other things to do, such as taking down a planet as his source of belief.

Otherwise, he can't even maintain the combat power of the lower gods, and he will be embarrassed if he falls to the true god.

"I hope Zebesius' actions this time will go smoothly.

Cain looked at Zebexiu's retreating back and returned to his room.

He needs to stabilize his realm and wait for the return of Cebesius.

And what about Zebesius?

He is now using the black market to copy this star map and hand it over to his master.

Zhang Yang! Wide.

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