After crossing the phalanx formed by the soldiers, Zhang Yang continued to go deeper, and when he left, he also left behind a undead warrior and a necromancer.

After sweeping all the way to the mysterious sanctuary, Zhang Yang summoned thousands of undead in one breath, and let them spread out, looking for the summoner who was closer to the true self.

Still have to say that the summoners on the ninth floor are different from those on the second floor.

Summoners on this level have more terrifying intelligence, combat abilities, and command abilities that are directly full.

Coupled with the ability to summon demons, its true combat power is extremely terrifying.

Because of the huge size of the Mysterious Refuge, it took a full day for even thousands of undead to find the teleportation formation that could go to Ta. Rasha - Ancient Tomb.

But the summoner is not here.

Zhang Yang, who came quickly, after careful inspection, found some details that others could not notice.

For example, the summoner did not disappear, but went to the Tomb of Ta Rasha!

Zhang Yang didn't know why, as the guardian of the teleportation formation, even if he fell, he did not forget to stick to his responsibilities. The summoner who guarded the teleportation formation suddenly gave up his responsibilities.

What was his purpose in going to the Tomb of Ta Rasha?

These, Zhang Yang does not know, and may only know after finding the summoner.

Looking at the portal that had been opened, Zhang Yang left an army of thousands of undead and walked into the portal.

Tomb of Ta Rasha, Duriel's room.

"You want to sign a contract with me?"

The big bug Duriel looked at the little old man in front of him like he was insane: "Did you twist your brain by the power of hell?"


The summoner looked at Duriel, his eyes full of twisted emotions: "Do you know how perfect and powerful you are in my eyes?"5

"When I learned about the hell demon, I swore that I must contract a hell demon king-level existence.

"After careful screening, only you, perfectly meet my requirements."

"A body with a perfect fusion of strength and speed, the ultimate torture skills, and the talent to help greatly in battle... Come on, let's join forces, and the whole world will belong to us!

"Sure enough, it's a head watt.

Hearing these words, Duriel shook his head and swung his tail, directly blowing up the summoner.

...for flowers

"You want to sign a contract with me even with such a little strength?

Duriel shook his head: "Only that guy is qualified to be my combat partner.

"Should be coming soon, right?

Duriel moved his body: "I have to prepare a surprise for this guy."

Ta Rasha Tomb.

Zhang Yang started directly from the far left, each ancient tomb went deep into it, and after leaving a certain number of undead army and divine power seeds, he went to the next ancient tomb.

Until the end, at the bottom of the seventh ancient tomb, Zhang Yang once again stood in front of Duriel, who could completely occupy the entire world, but stayed in his room and waited to die.

"Come on, don't go through the process.

Facing Zhang Yang and the army of undead behind Zhang Yang, Duriel buckled his ears: "Don't waste your time, I'll just rest when you're finished."

"This time, it won't be so simple.

Zhang Yang looked at Duriel, who was more otaku than a nerd, and waved his hand to summon a bone spear: "Be serious, or you may suffer a lot.

"Come on then!"

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