"Bold, this is the presence of my God!"

Behind Zhang Yang, Leoric drew out his king's axe: "It seems that the Inquisition is still cheap for you, and now let me end you!"

"He, your master?"

Pluto was stunned: "He's just a piece of trash that hasn't arrived yet, is he the god of death? 35

"No! Year

Pluto felt his position and trembled in front of this little guy who was not even a demigod.

Obviously, this guy in front of him either hides the strength of 29, or the level is scary.

Obviously, Pluto believes that it is the latter.

"Are you the God of Death, the one who stands behind the Church of Death and Bloody Lord Leoric?"

Hearing Hades say this, Zhang Yang smiled: "That's right, it's me.


After getting confirmation from Zhang Yang, Hades was dumbfounded.

To know.

A mere little guy who is less than a demigod can actually command Mo Qinglan, who is comparable to him, and the Church of Death, which is like a behemoth?

Except for the god of death, Pluto could never think of anyone else who could do this.

But the strength of this god of death is too low, right?

Hades even felt that with one finger, he could crush the top god in the heavens and the world - the god of death!

Even, his heart began to live up.

Now, although he has become Pluto, the road in the future will be difficult to walk.

It is very difficult to go one step further.

The right time and place are suitable for people, and they must be complete, and the most important thing is their own strength.

But now, there is an opportunity to reach the sky in front of him.

As long as he can break free, swallow Zhang Yang, and digest the position of the God of Death, there will be no bottleneck before the Supreme God.

Smooth all the way.

Even, Pluto has the confidence to reach the top of the supreme god within ten thousand years!

"Got to find a way. 99

Pluto began to think about how to get out, and then swallowed the weak and excessive god of death in one bite.

But this is enough to make the shackles of the god king helpless, so that he can't make any moves at all.

"If you want me to be your knight, you must show strength that I will approve of. 35

In the end, Hades had no choice but to bet on himself: "Let go of me, we will fight fair! 99

"you sure?"

Although Zhang Yang didn't use his mind much most of the time, but now Hades' plan was almost written on his face, it was so obvious.

But for the sake of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, Zhang Yang felt he could try it.

In any case, he would have nothing to lose.

As for Hades being the main god-level combat power, Zhang Yang is just a little Karami who is not even a demigod?

Haven't heard a word?

For a summoning class, you must not use the 690 strength of the summoning class to calculate his combat power.

Who knows how many masters of this summoning class are beyond their own level?

"Okay, I promise you.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, and the power of the contract filled the entire Inquisition: "Give you a fair duel.

"If you lose, you will become my Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!"

Pluto felt the power of the contract permeating the whole room, looked at Zhang Yang with astonished eyes, and then nodded slowly: "I won, I want your god of death position!"

"The stakes are too different. 35

An idea appeared in the minds of the two of them: "The weights are unbalanced.""

Obviously, there is a big difference between Pluto's request and Zhang Yang's request.

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