Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

27: The Army Of The Undead Was Formed At The Beginning, And The Sword Pointed To The Dark Forest!

Before entering the [underground passage], Zhang Yang glanced at the newly unlocked skills on the talent tree.

The first is the two skills of the Summoning Department.

God Dominate the Stone Devil (lv.1): Passive, increase the speed of all stone devils by 100% and life by 50%, make the stone devil gain an additional frenzy aura, and increase the speed of all nearby units by 30% and life by 10%, Lighting requires: Dominate the Stone Demon skill book, 1 skill point.

God Skeleton Mage Resurrection (Lv.1): Consumes 20 magic points, using the nearby corpse as a medium, summons a boss-level skeleton mage with random element attributes to fight for you, the number of summons will increase according to the skill level, the current maximum summoning limit : 1, no cooldown, light up requires: Skeleton Mage Revival Skill Book, 1 skill point.

Zhang Yang is still very satisfied with the effect of God Dominating the Stone Demon. After all, there is a group halo, and the combat effectiveness of the undead army under his command has been improved.

However, the recovery of God Skeleton Mage made him very dissatisfied.

After all, he has Summoned by God and Undead, which has been boosted three times. This skill can be said to be a super weakened version of Summoned by God and Undead.

Zhang Yang sighed, anyway, there is no skill book now, and he can't order it, it doesn't matter.

Next, it's the poison and white bones, and only one skill is unlocked.

God Bone Cage (lv.1): Consumes 100 points of mana to create a cage with white bones. All enemy attributes in the cage are reduced by 20%, and they cannot move normally until the cage is broken. Lighting requires: Bone Wall skill book, 1 skill point.

This ability works well, and is the only hard-control ability for Necromancers.

But the same problem, he has no skill book and can't light up.

Next, there are two skills of the curse department.

God Iron Maiden (lv.1): Consume 100 mana to curse a group of enemies, causing them to deal damage and also receive 200%+(0.01*magic attack) reflected damage, duration: 12 seconds, cooldown: 5 seconds , Lighting requires: Iron Maiden skill book, 1 skill point.

God · Fear (Lv.1): Consume 100 magic points to curse a group of enemies, let them flee in fear, receive 5% + (0.01*magic attack) points of damage every second, lasts 10 seconds, cooldown: 10 seconds, Lighting requires: Fear skill book, 1 skill point.

The skills of the curse system are not bad, Zhang Yang expressed his satisfaction.

But there is no skill book now, and he can't light up the skills, so he can only leave it first.

"I hope the underground passage can produce this skill book."

With this thought in mind, Zhang Yang stepped up to the entrance stairs of the underground passage.


Like the evil cave, the environment here is particularly dark.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang comes with a 10-point lighting range (the hidden effect of lightning blessing), which can illuminate a 10*10 range and dispel the darkness.

Now Zhang Yang is level 12. After supplementing the summons, the current lineup is: 15 skeleton summons, 1 stone demon summons, 10 dark knights, 3 dark shamans, 3 dark summoners 1, King of the Dark Knight 1, a total of 34 summons.

The three dark summoners also have their own summons, and each summoner has summoned 1 boss-level zombie warrior, 10 elite-level hungry zombies, and 100 ordinary-level zombies.

This is another 333 summons.

Now, Zhang Yang can command a total of 367 summons!

It broke through the triple digits directly! ! !

As for the reason why the skeletons summoned before did not disappear after the skill evolution, Zhang Yang felt that it should be attributed to his occupation and talent reasons.

367 summons sounds like a lot, but when you actually see it, it is even more shocking.

The 10 dark knights of the dark series are dressed in pitch-black full-body armor, and the skeleton horse under the crotch is also fully armed, with only the eyes flashing with ghostly fire, which is full of oppression.

The 3 dark shamans are tattooed with mysterious patterns that do not know what they symbolize, and they hold wooden staffs with skulls covered with unknown creatures, giving people a mysterious feeling.

The three dark summoners, like the rumored black wanderers, wore black robes and held a magic book with a black six-pointed star array on the cover. Behind them were their respective summons.

The Clay Golem stood quietly in the center of the team, using his halo to increase the combat effectiveness of all summons.

So is the king of the black knights.

Zhang Yang looked at the army that was so full at the entrance that it almost couldn't fit, and was very satisfied.

"Find the Frozen Crow!"

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