Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

317: The Salvation Society's Choice!

Everyone was stunned.

You must know that after obtaining the expelling shell code-named [Death], they tried their best, but they couldn't activate it.

But because of this, they found out how to use this expelling shell safely.

Originally, they thought it would go on like this forever, but they didn't expect that today, they heard the news that [Death God] was activated?

"Just kidding!

No. 13's tone was trembling: "According to the conjecture of the Salvation Society, this expelling shell is at least the main god, and even the existence above the god king has been activated?"

"According to the latest assessment of the scientific research team, the lower limit of this expelling shell is the emperor!

No. 1 directly threw a heavy bomb, making everyone present dizzy.

God Emperor!

In all the heavens and the world, the emperor who is hard to see once in thousands of years is actually right in front of their eyes?

Since they knew the realm of the heavens and the world, they have been carrying out various scientific research work with the goal of the realm of the gods.

At present, they have been able to create an artificial demigod-level existence.

But there is still a long way to go before the quasi-god.

Now, the dispelling shell they control turned out to be a God-Emperor-level existence?

And, is it a lower limit?

However, this can also explain why any artificial god created by Salvation will not be able to carry the power of this shell.

God Emperor!

The king cannot be suppressed, the emperor cannot be bullied!

No wonder.

"It's activated, will it still be under our control"~?"

At this time, Three suddenly asked a question: "If... I mean if...

"After death is revived, will he slap us to death?"

No. 3's words were like a cold wind in winter, instantly freezing the souls of everyone present.

They opened their mouths to speak, but found themselves unable to say anything.


Will a strong man who is at least a god emperor accept that he is driven by a group of ants?

If it were me...everyone shuddered.

"So, we need to find a way to control [Death] before he fully recovers."

No. 1 looked at the strange energy that was competing with the recovery power of [Death]: "At the very least, this strange energy must be replicated to suppress the recovery rhythm of [Death]!


"Agree! 95

Everyone nodded.

They don't want to be shot dead ants.

They are the ones who want to achieve eternal life!

Sunshine Apartment.

""|| This Salvation Society, is there some way?

Zhang Yang touched his chin after receiving the news from Foyego.

Whether it is to give people a soul or something else, this Salvation Society can be said to have walked in front of the Blue Star civilization.

Even the blood race and wolf race, the top 100 races in the heavens, cannot give people souls at will.

At most, it is expending energy, using its own blood and flesh as the guide, and attaching to the target who wants to revive, so that it can complete the rebirth.

If there is no soul (Zhao is good), even the old wolf god Savika, or the old blood god, cannot resurrect it.

Even Savika, who was once known as Hades, could not revive others without relying on their souls.

Unless it is to enter the long river of time, use the traces of the target in the long river of time as an introduction, and use the power of the supreme rule, it is possible to resurrect it without relying on the soul.

In other words, the power mastered by the Salvation Society can be regarded as the supreme existence in the heavens and the world.


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