Wow, that figure is just unbearable!

After Zhang Yang left the Chaos Refuge, Dill's infinitely beautiful figure still appeared in his mind.

I have to say, Dill is worthy of being a devil, he just understands people's preferences!

Especially to understand Zhang Yang's preferences.

Those long legs!

Those boots!

Simply Zhang Yang's favorite!

Back at the fortress of demons, Zhang Yang began to deploy some undead legions on various maps to help him level up.

In this case, he doesn't have to stay in the Infinity Tower all the time.

Unlike the fourth floor of 29, there is nothing hidden in the eleventh floor.

So just brush the monsters every day.

After doing all this, two days have passed.

Zhang Yang returned to reality and started to deal with things in reality.

The first is the good news from the Death Legion. They have conquered the Andromeda galaxy and are currently heading to other galaxies.

Zhang Yang told Savika that he didn't have to be so anxious for the time being, it was not too late to consolidate the victory first, and then go to other galaxies.

Then there's condensed ice.

Zhang Yang told her that she needed to train her legion well before making other plans.

Today, her legion is already well-known in the universe. Although it relies on the help of the blood race, there is also his own reason for it!

A demigod, he is already a third-rate master in the entire universe!

In general, the demigods of the small races are already considered ancestor-level figures, and even among the top ten large races, demigods are the mainstay.

After all, becoming a god is not so easy to become a god.

Then there is his arrogant knight Arthas.

Today, Arthas and Onyxia have led the Alliance and Horde, while Deathwing has occupied the other three dragon clans, leaving only the bronze dragon clan, and there is no way to solve it for the time being.

Because when the bronze dragon encounters something wrong, it will enter the eternal river of time.

There is no way for Deathwing to enter, and there is no way to control the Bronze Dragon Clan.

Now, the entire Azeroth has fallen into Zhang Yang's hands.

Of course, except for those ancient gods sleeping in the ground.

Now. Arthas, the Countess Onyxia, and Deathwing have been ordered by Zhang Yang to begin eradicating the hidden threats from Azeroth.

For example. The giant sea monster in the endless sea, and the ancient god sleeping deep in the ground.

Only after these threats are eliminated, can the entire planet be truly controlled by Zhang Yang.

Of course, there are also those titan ruins and sleeping titans. These are threats to Zhang Yang's rule and need to be eliminated.

However, if the meal needs to be eaten bit by bit, Zhang Yang is not in a hurry. 753

Because there is still a long time to go before those plots start, and it is even possible that this world does not have these ancient gods or these threats in this time period, Zhang Yang is just taking precautions.

Then there are the gluttonous knight Riel, the lazy knight Mephisto, and the lust knight Andariel who integrate the troops in their respective layers.

They each integrated all the existences capable of fighting in their respective ages into an army for Zhang Yang trend.

Before you know it, a big net starts from the Tower of Infinity and spreads into reality, including the entire universe.

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