Soon, Zhang Yang came to Dougri, the king of dolls.

This king of puppets is not much different from ordinary puppet masters, but looks more... weaker.

As if a gust of wind could blow it away.

Zhang Yang glanced at it without any nonsense, and immediately condensed Jack's bomb, ready to send it into Samsara.

But before Zhang Yang finished condensing, a figure suddenly appeared behind Zhang Yang.

It is a very rare dark elf - an assassin doll.

As soon as the assassin doll appeared, he used his skills to attack Zhang Yang, and used his control skills to control Zhang Yang787.

However, Zhang Yang was directly immune to this control skill, and the attack of the dark elf assassin puppet did not break the defense at all.

But Dougri, the king of dolls, also achieved his purpose.

He knew clearly the power of Jack's bomb, and naturally he would not let Zhang Yang condense.

After completing his purpose, he shot again.

A Paladin doll who has completed the job transfer stiffly released various blessings, and the other dolls that were summoned together began to flash the light of BUFF.

Even the fighter family puppets have started to release the skill of the sword of light, which makes people head (cjfe).

A series of BUFF blessings are completed in just a few seconds.

Under the blessing of BUFF, these original elite dolls not only regained their flexibility, but even stronger than when they were humans.

"kill him!"

As the owner of the doll, Dougry also flashed all kinds of buffs.

His strength has also improved.

Under his command, these buffed puppets attacked Zhang Yang in a swarm.

Facing this scene, Zhang Yang didn't panic, just started to summon again.

"Contract Call: Freed!"

Zhang Yang directly summoned the greedy dragon cub.

But with the formation of the magic circle, a huge figure gradually appeared.


This figure showed his true appearance, the armor all over his body, the hideous appearance, the terrifying aura... Zhang Yang was very familiar.

"It's you?

This figure is impressively the dragon that destroys the world, Neltharion known as Deathwing.

"why you?"

Zhang Yang was speechless.

He just wanted to go the way of an ordinary summoner, but look at what existences he is summoning now?

The second sister came out who wanted to summon Mechanic Held.

If you want to summon the element elves, the element lord comes out.

Now, he wanted to summon a young dragon, but what appeared was Deathwing, known as the strongest dragon king

Is it so difficult to want to summon a calm one?

"Great master.

Although Nesario is one of Zhang Yang's old husbands, facing Zhang Yang, he calls himself a servant: "Please indicate where the enemy is, and I will destroy any existence that dares to be your enemy!"9

"It's that little guy."

Zhang Yang pointed to Doug, the king of dolls who had been frightened, and said weakly.

Tired, destroy it.

Neltharion turned back and looked at the weak little guy, a black question mark appeared on his head.

This kind of existence can be destroyed with a single blow from its owner, namely Zhang Yang, but why did he summon himself?

Although Neltharion couldn't understand it, he would not refuse Zhang Yang's order and go straight out.

Just stomping his feet violently, the huge force directly shattered the entire room.

Under this power, the King of Dolls instantly shattered like a porcelain doll.

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