The long knife points to invincible, although Casillas' strength cannot be doubted.

As one of the 13 apostles, his strength is among the 13 apostles. Can be considered strong.

Although he was defeated by Kahn, it was only because he could not break Kahn's defense.

Self-confessed failure.

Saying so, in fact it is on a par with Kahn like any other master and apprentice.

Tianjiao Prey can tie with Kane.

Casillas is no exception.

Facing a mere, unnamed mobs.

How could it be Casillas' opponent?

Swords and swords flashed.

The woman didn't even scream, and was directly divided into atomic forms.

"Are there any other enemies?

Casillas said: "Only this one is really not enough to fight."

Facing Casillas' question, Zhang Yang angered at the remaining 2 coffins.

When Casillas looked over, the remaining two coffins had already been raised.

"that is?"

Casillas recognized the last skeleton to emerge from the coffin, and the weapon in his hand.

"It's Sword Saint Kane.""

Casillas ignored the strong man who came out of the second coffin, and 800 stared at the third one with all his attention.

The skeleton holding a strange magic sword.

"I'm still curious, where did you go? I didn't expect you to be controlled by the magic sword. 55

As an apostle, Casillas also knew the story of the magic sword, and even knew that the power in the magic sword originated from Sherlock, one of the apostles.

Kane managed to speak, he just held the magic sword and challenged Casillas.

"Ha, I just like to fight against the strong."

Casillas said so.

Then he drew out his long sword and aimed it at Kane.

The battle of the strong is about to break out, but there is a guy who can't see the form clearly.

The little thing that appeared in the second coffin wanted to attack Casillas first.

Yes, the one that emerged from the second coffin.

Casillas is just a knife. The knife light flashed, and the entire lamentation cave lit up.

If it weren't for the characteristics of the copy, I'm afraid that the entire cave of fate would also be divided into two under this knife.

Although the lamentation cave was not divided into two, the guy's body was divided in two, and the blood bar on his head instantly returned to zero.

"It's just us.

Casillas pointed to: "Kane. Come on, let me see the power of Sherlock.

Kane didn't speak, just waved the magic sword in his hand.

Attacked Casillas.

There are many occupational inheritances hidden in the magic sword.

All the professional skills of ghost swordsmen can be blessed by him, which greatly improves their edicts.

In the hands of Sword Saint Kane, the power of the magic sword was brought into full play.

Blood-red blood boiled in Kane's body, and he didn't know where one of his skeletons got such boiling blood.

This is a shattering slash.

Casillas recognized the move.

This is the ultimate move of the most violent berserker in the ghost swordsman profession.

The power is so strong that a single strike is enough to shatter the mountains and the ground.

Casillas did not dodge, but he also wanted to taste whether the so-called slashing was as powerful as the legend?

He clenched the long knife in his hand and made a move.

Two powerful forces collided.

Earth cracks. Numerous cracks continue to spread around with the two as the center.

Zhang Yang looked down.

Floating directly in the air, quietly enjoying the battle between the two powerhouses.

When the two swords collided.

The huge roar shook the space.

The air was instantly emptied and then poured back, creating a hurricane.

The strong fight against each other is so terrifying.

"Enough. 35

Casillas smiled boldly: "I have to admit, Kaian, you are among the enemies I have ever met. As one of the special humans."5

Kane didn't speak, just waved the magic sword Apophis in his hand again.

This magic sword that absorbed the power of Sherlock. In the hands of (cjfe) Kane played unimaginable power.

The skills of the four occupations of the ghost swordsman are continuously released in the Kane Society.

For a while it was the Phantom Sword Dance.

For a while, it was a smashing of the mountains.

After a while, the tombstone fell from the sky again.

Or maybe a Fudo Mingwang came directly.

Six beads with lightning lifted Casillas up and bombarded her body in a mess.

The battle was fierce, and Zhang Yang felt it was very lively, but he didn't mean to disturb the battle.

Because of Casillas' character, he knew it.

He is now sending someone to help her. Not to be seen as helpful, but as humiliating.

As a battle fanatic, what you want most is a close battle, and that's exactly what it is now.

In order to prevent his power from being too powerful, Casillas even suppressed his power to the same level as Kane is now, the peak of the quasi-god realm.

Because the attack displayed by Kane holding the magic sword Apophis is also divine.

So at this point the two stand on the same starting line.

The battle intensified.

The blood strips on the head are constantly falling and falling.

Only, Casillas is always called.

The body has a lasting time limit here.

"Old man, my time is almost up."

Casillas took a look, knowing that the time to let himself exist is about to end, and said to En, "Let's win with one move!"

Kane didn't speak, just raised Apophis in his hand to make a charge.

"Kill a thousand ghosts."

Casillas resorted to his strongest move - Killing Thousand Ghosts.

In an instant, the figure came to Kane's back like a ghost.

Countless swords followed.

Kane held Apophis in his hand and made a blocking gesture.

clang clang

The sound of countless metal collisions appeared.

A little crack appeared on the top of the magic sword Apophis.

This is a very scary thing.

The material of the magic sword itself is not ordinary, plus it absorbs the power of Siroc.

It can be said that it is an artifact, and it is not an exaggeration.

However, the material of the artifact level actually cracked under the attack of Casillas, which is enough to prove it. Casillas' strength is terrifying.

You must know that Casillas suppressed his own strength to the same quasi-god peak as Kane, and did not use his real strength to make strength crushing.

This is hard to come by.

Casillas looked at the long sword in his hand. Finally slowly return to the sheath,


And Kane also wiped the magic sword Apophis on the ground and looked back at Casillas.

He lost.

Even with the magic sword Apophis in hand, he couldn't resist Casillas' killing of thousands of ghosts.

The difference in swordsmanship between the two is actually not that big.

but. Kane, who has become undead, has always been affected.

Kendo, the difference is an inch, and a thousand miles are lost. It is because of this that he is now defeated.

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