Only I Know The Options For Survival In The Wilderness

Chapter 409 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The fourth hundred and seventh chapters slip?

No, it should not be!

Hu You quickly rejected the conjecture in his heart.

The tremor just now passed by in a flash, not a continuous shaking like an earthquake.

He raised his eyes and looked into the air, and found that a cloud resembling smoke had been launched into the air, spreading towards the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It only took about ten seconds, and that cloud of mist enveloped the entire Hanyun City!

In the next moment, a pour of colorless and odorless rain came down!

The rain was weird, but Ling Xuan and Liu Xusheng seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and they didn't know where they took out two big black umbrellas to cover themselves tightly.

And Tu Sheng...

He was stunned for a moment, and his entire face became extremely ugly.


This is rain!

All of them are staying in the barrier now, showing them to the two guys outside, but they are all projections!

Projection meets rain... Will it get wet?

Obviously not!

If the IQ of the two guys outside is lower than 60, they would naturally not doubt anything, but... one is the city lord and the other is a researcher from the Biological Museum. Their IQ may be lower than 60!

Just a glance!

Ling Xuan found a clue and looked at Hu Projection Jue strangely: "Sir, good means, you have already reached the Realm where Yuluo doesn't stick to your body."


Hu You awkward laughed twice, then bit the bullet and replied: "This is not my own ability, the main reason is because... this is just a projection.

As I said earlier, I am a timid person, so how can I let me come to see you? "

"Even if you are afraid..."

Ling Xuan's eyes quickly fell on Han Ruier's body: "The one with nuclear technology is also afraid of it?"

"of course not."

Han Ruier seemed to be under the influence of someone, and subconsciously blurted out: "This technology is provided by Nuclear Science and Technology.

In exchange, we don't need to provide tickets like you do, and at the same time...we are the first people to see the Holy Lord. "

nice shot!

Hu You couldn't help shouting to Han Ruier in his heart!

This reaction speed is absolutely amazing!

Even if she gave Han Rui'er the script, she couldn't say that she had this kind of effect in such a short time!


Ling Xuan did not continue to ask, but thought about Liu Xusheng who looked aside: "Deputy Captain Liu, have you heard?

If your tickets are not delivered sooner, I can suggest to this gentleman to visit the goods in advance. "

"It's coming soon."

Liu Xusheng did not raise any objections, but smiled: "The neutralizer has already been launched, can the tickets be far away?"


Hu You was a little strange.

He looked up at the sky above and found that the rain seemed to be able to dissolve the pink mist in the air, turning the air back into a transparent appearance.

Is this the result of Senior Sister Zhou's research?

"Neutralizer is a kind of medicine against tides."

Liu Xusheng explained in a slightly proud tone: "This is a medicine exclusively developed by our Biological Museum.

For different tides that affect the gene chain, different targeted measures can be made.

Like this kind of D-level tide, it only needs to use a neutralizer once to reduce its influence to F level.

Although there is still a part of the impact, as long as you wear a mask daily, there will be no major problems.

Look at this most two hours, the city will return to normal again. "

"It's a good project." Hu You praised sincerely.

Although the Biological Museum is quite abnormal and has kidnapped Xiao Bai from his house, in a sense...

What they did is worthy of the name of the three giants.


Liu Xusheng suddenly turned around and looked at two figures not far away.

Just like what Hu You said, five hundred meters!

Five hundred meters away, the other figure stopped, and only one figure was riding a floating motorcycle, galloping towards here!

Liu Xusheng immediately stepped forward, took the four black-cloth-shrouded containers from the man, turned around and walked towards Hu You.

He came to Hu You's projection all the way, did not directly put the embryo on the ground, nor did he lift the black cloth, but asked strangely: "Sir, I just had one thing I wanted to ask.

I don’t know...Can you answer the question? "

"Just ask." Hu You couldn't help frowning.

"Since you here are just projections, where did you get the embryo that City Lord Ling gave you just now?"

Liu Xusheng took another step forward, only half a step away from the projection: "Or... Actually, the projection is not far from your position, or even you are here?"

Depend on!

These guys are not as good as the deceives of the previous planes!

Hu You's heart trembled, but on the surface he was pretending to be calm, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I don't quite understand what Captain Liu meant.

Do you no longer want to hand in tickets, or are you not interested in Holy Lord? "

"None, I just..."

"Since there are none, then this ticket..."

Hu You forcibly interrupted Liu Xusheng's words, and then asked: "Are you going to give it or not?"


Liu Xusheng gritted his teeth, knowing that this guy is from the left and right, but he has no other way not to follow this guy!

If you miss the true Holy Lord because of a suspicion, then your own head...I'm afraid I will have to soak in formalin in the future!

"That's good."

Hu You was relieved and turned to look at Shang Yun. The latter immediately understood, and immediately manipulated Zhan Lu to bring in the four embryos wrapped in black cloth!

"Hurry up and take a look." Hu You said, covering his mouth.

Naturally, it is impossible for the black cat to use projection to spread this sentence, and Shang Yun immediately opened the black cloth...

Four kinds of embryos!

In addition to the three I have seen before, there is another...Western Dragon!


Shang Yun didn't quite understand, and couldn't help asking everyone, "This... didn't they say that there is no Western Dragon?"

"There must be some."

Hu You explained: "That Liu Xusheng knew that he was trapped in Yangmou, and it was impossible to get out.

Since we have to bear the anger of that Emperor Qin no matter what, it is better to drag us off the horse.

This dragon embryo... is their reins!

I now have the Holy Lord in my hand, and if I use a dragon embryo, I can bargain the price for the so-called emperor and let him let him go.

But if you use this second one... I'm afraid it will only be on the opposite side of them. "

"While you are calculating others, they are also calculating you."

Luo Jin slowly uttered a word behind everyone, and the look in Liu Xusheng's eyes had changed: "This Liu Xusheng is a good method."

"Don't look at the way he talks now..."

Hu You also turned his head to look at Liu Xusheng outside the barrier: "The first glance this guy looked at me seemed to be looking at a corpse."

"Now what?"

Han Ruier asked from the side: "The embryos are already in hand, do you really show them the Holy Lord, or do you slip the number?"


Hu You's mouth showed a kind of'kind' smile: "The auction hasn't started yet!"

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