Only I Know The Options For Survival In The Wilderness

Chapter 409 The real...indigenous people!


The usual vitality has long been restored in Hanyun City. The first thing the surviving aborigines meet is to say goodbye to each other, and then to invite them to drink together.

Drink it until you can't drink it and you fall to the ground drunk!

It seems that in order to stabilize the people's mind, the Federation will distribute a large amount of alcoholic beverages for free after each tide!

Whether it is spirits or fruit wine, as long as you come to the street, someone will come to you with a car full of various alcohols, let you choose any!

However, except for the survivalists, most people seem to drink not to relieve their sorrows, but more of it seems to be a celebration!

Celebrate once again surviving in the tide.

As for those who died...maybe they missed each other a little during the first glass of wine, and when the second glass of wine was consumed, they didn't feel that way anymore.

This is actually not because of the problem of alcohol, but because of...their education!

There are many aborigines in this plane, and naturally there will be educational institutions instilling all kinds of knowledge on them, and the concept of ‘kinship’ is not strong in their minds.

After all, most of the people who raised them were not their real parents, but the welfare homes under the federal government.

Most of the aborigines here will get married at the age of fourteen and start family planning at the age of fifteen. They will take the multi-fetal factor produced by nuclear technology and try to ensure the quantity and quality of the babies born.

Even every prospective mother who is confirmed to be pregnant will be taken to a federally-affiliated professional hospital for care. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are of the highest standards!

It can be said that the period of pregnancy will be the happiest time for every aboriginal woman.

And after giving birth... the children born from their stomachs will be sent to the orphanage in the city.


People who grow up in this mode have no such concept in their minds!

So the people who get along with them most are not all kinds of blood relatives, or even all kinds of teachers in the orphanage, not friends of the same age, but...strangers.

Strangers you see today, strangers you see tomorrow, and strangers you see in the future.

They dare not have any other emotions towards strangers.

Because no one knows when that stranger will die...

Of course, they can also fall in love freely and register their marriage freely, but once they are over fifteen years old, men and women who have not registered their marriage will be forcibly matched by the system according to the distance.

If you are over sixteen and have not become pregnant, or if infertility is detected... then you will be sent directly out of the city!

This is the aborigines at the bottom of this plane!

As for those chimeras with high-grade embryos... it seems that they are not the same species at all.

They can enjoy Life and have a life span several times longer than normal aboriginals!

To those normal aborigines, they are like gods!

The gene of a high-level embryo is the ladder to become a god!

And everyone who is still alive in the city tonight who can still breathe is equivalent to getting a pass to that ladder!


Who would be sad like this? For a dead person who hasn't known each other for a long time?

Or a blood relative who has never seen each other and doesn't know how long he has been dead?

Not at all!

This is the one who survived the tide!

Of course, some of them are hidden in their pre-prepared ‘home’. Although those people have no chimeric embryos, they have experienced countless tides.

Those guys are either already chimerased with a certain gene, or someone in the family is a high-rank Transcendent who provides them with shelter.

Most of them will not participate in this carnival.

Because in the eyes of these people, this rare carnival is actually just an ordinary routine.

"This is wiping out humanity."

With a glass of champagne in his hand, Hu You looked at the noisy and laughing crowd in front of him, but couldn't laugh at all.

He had communicated with the Holy Lord a long time ago after the script, and after a sleep, he planned to go out and walk.

But it seemed too boring to walk alone.

Shang Yun was busy practicing swords, and Han Ruier was busy building robots. Neither the old professor nor Senior Sister Zhou looked away from the flat peach seedlings. Only Luo Jin looked at nothing, so Hu You forcibly pulled her out. .

As for Bai Weiting and others...

After the rain stopped, before they woke up, Shang Yun sent them to a safe place.

Luo Jin held a pink cocktail in his hand and did not drink a sip: "Perhaps it is easier to live like this than to know the truth."

"That's true."

Hu You did not refute Luo Jin's view.

A group with an average life expectancy of less than 10 years is actually no different from a pet in the eyes of Transcendents who have a high-grade embryo.

It's just that this pet looks the same as them, has the same genes, and the same soul. The only difference is lifespan.

Instead of giving them that kind of illusion, it is better to ban their thinking and make them think that it is normal, so as to avoid their pain.

This may not be the right choice, but it is indeed the most appropriate decision.

Hu You drank all the wine in his hand and set the glass aside.

He glanced around at the average teenagers around him, really couldn't bear to break their carnival, then turned his head and looked at Luo Jin: "Go back.

There is nothing to shop around here. "

"Would you like to look outside the city?" Luo Jin suggested.

"Outside the city?"

Hu You couldn't help frowning: "I guess there is no one there anymore, right?"


The black cat's voice suddenly sounded, crouching on Hu You's shoulder, and answered his question: "According to the data, after night falls, the Federation will send some people out of the city."


Hu You frowned: "Alive?

They have gone through the tide. If they are still alive, either they are background or have been genetically chimerized. How can they be sent out? "

"Because of genetic instability."

The cold voice of the black cat sounded on his shoulders: "After the neutralizer was sprayed, some people were still in the cocoons, causing uncontrollable genetic changes.

Some people will become the upgraded beasts you see, and some people will successfully chimerize embryos and become a first-order Transcendent, but most people will have uncontrollable changes.

Some will become upgraded people with some characteristics, and some will become ordinary people, but they can no longer assemble any embryos, including many other changes...

These people with uncontrollable changes will be concentrated and sent out of the city.

Judging from the data report, the number of people tweeted this time was about 1,468. "

The number of people is not large.

Hu You was also a little curious about those people. Just when he was about to tell the black cat to leave, he saw a person in the crowd!

That is……

Do not! She can't be here!

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