Only I Know The Options For Survival In The Wilderness

Chapter 461 You...have his breath on your body.

"she says……"

With the resentment on Shang Yun's face, he uttered angrily: "If you can be baptized by the Lord himself, the probability of your own casting will definitely be much higher.

I hope that as her good sister, I will not stop her path of casting! "

Hu You: ∑(O_O;)

Well, this explanation is reasonable.

After all, even Eve, who has a plane of computing resources, only guessed at the beginning of the abilities she possessed, and was not sure.

A small sword, Loli... can't be better than Eve, right?

"Well, but I don't necessarily guarantee success."

Hu You smiled bitterly, reached out his hand to take the sword stone, and Zhan Lu also automatically leaned in front of him.

The sword body trembled slightly, like a little girl waiting for her boyfriend for the first time.

"are you ready?"

Because it was not own sword, Hu You still asked Chao Zhanlu in advance: "I'll start."


Zhan Lu trembled slightly, as if answering his question.

Hu You raised his hand and put the sword-washing stone on Zhan Lu's body, and a reminder box that he had only seen before came into view.

He glanced casually, and just as he was about to rule out the third option again, a new option came into view!

Hu You was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The real function of the washing stone is this, Xiaojin has suffered from the material loss!



Kunxu secret realm, at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

A broken stone stele stopped a group of people in front of the snow-capped mountain, and everyone stopped by agreement.

The frost blew their armor, everyone was wrapped in black metal armor, not even an inch of skin was exposed.

The headed person walked slowly to the stele, and touched the mysterious words on the stele with fingers that were also wrapped in metal gloves.

"It's Oracle, yes."

This person's voice is very special, as if it can penetrate directly into the hearts of creatures.

If Hu You were here, she would definitely be able to call out her name... Luo Jin!


Luo Jin chanted the secret realm name casually, and put his hand back: "Is it sure that the two words on it are Kunxu?"


There was a response from another pair of armor, and the voice was also a woman.

"This is a fact that has been verified by multiple parties, but the stone tablet is incomplete, and it lacks the right piece.

Rumors say that only by finding the missing stone stele can we arrive at the Immortal Palace unharmed and be recognized by it. Other creatures will die if they enter! "

"It's just a rumor."

Luo Jin uttered four words and looked up at the passage behind the stele: "Isn't there still a rumor that someone has seen the fairy palace in person after entering here?"

The people behind did not answer.

"All right."

Luo Jin clapped his hands, turned around before the stele, and looked at the eight people in front of him: "Now you can make a decision.

Turn around and leave, or...

At the risk of death, follow me in to find the rumored fairy palace. "

Everyone hesitated, but the voice that responded to Luo Jin just now sounded: "The chairman meant..."

"Your president let you listen to me."

Luo Jin forcibly interrupted the opponent, a pair of amber eyes emerged from the gap in the armor, and one by one swept everyone in front of them: "Now, my order is to let you decide to stay."

Everyone didn't speak, just bowed their heads and stood still...

"……never mind."

Luo Jin waited for a while, then turned around and walked towards the stele on his own: "I don't know how the girl raises the people, how come they are all dead brains.

If she is allowed to continue to behave like this, she is afraid that another tragedy will repeat itself.

After going back, let's talk to her well. "

When the eight people behind Luo Jin saw her leaving, they immediately followed.

The four people walked a little faster, and went straight to Luo Jin to clear the way for her.

The other four walked a bit slower, but in pairs, with their backs pressed against their backs and moving forward sideways.

Luo Jin is no stranger to this, and just now she came here all the way under the protection of these eight people...

They are all arranged by Gu Weiwei.

And each one is an aboriginal who was born and raised on this plane!

When Gu Weiwei sent her back to the base area last night, he told Luo Jin about the situation here.

Under the mutual confirmation of the two, they got an extremely absurd fact...

Gu Weiwei has lived on this plane for seven years, building a mercenary association from scratch, and the time she disappeared from reality...

It was only two hours away from Luo Jin!

From Gu Weiwei's news channel, it is said that almost all the survivors she has seen crossed over on the same day, but the timeline of coming to this world is different.

The survivor known to be the longest in this world came to this plane about 239 years ago.

There may be longer ones, but Gu Weiwei doesn't know.

The nonsense that she had been listening to also participated in the corroboration. She came to the world for a total of 28 days, but disappeared in about the same time as the two.

After exchanging known information with each other, and sending the mischief to her base area, Gu Weiwei handed a token to Luo Jin.

No matter when and where, as long as you show this token where there is a mercenary association, you can get all the help of the mercenary association.

Luo Jin naturally had no reason to refuse.

After she woke up after a rest night, she came to this place called Kunxu secret realm.

She found the gathering place of the survivors as quickly as possible, and used that token to get extremely high treatment, and got all the news known here.

Including the survivor must stay here for three full days before the next transfer, including the rules for hunting wild beasts to earn points, and...the legend of the fairy palace!

The legendary fairy palace is now on the D-level plane. When it fell from the C-level plane, it fell on a fragment of the E-level plane.

Among them, there are countless elixirs, weapons, props, and even the Kunxu secret realm, which is just a derived realm outside it.

As long as someone can find the fairy palace and get its recognition, that person can become the next master of the Kunxu secret realm.

Similarly, he is also the master of these countless wild beasts!

At that time, let alone the three giants, even if the Holy Lord is alive, he can only avoid his edge!

After so many years, there are countless people looking for the fairy palace, and countless people stepping through the stone tablet and entering the gap, but only one person came back...

At that time, a total of twelve of them embarked on the journey to find the fairy palace, ten Transcendents of the tenth order, and two Transcendents of the eleventh order.

This is the exploration team formed by the three giants who have just subverted the rule of the Holy Lord!

This configuration, placed in any period, is enough to make any one of the giants take it seriously!

Everyone believes that the rumors of the fairy palace will be confirmed or falsified when the team returns.

But in such a team, only one person came back, and it was still the weakest in the team.

It is said that he saw the legendary fairy palace, but was not recognized, nor entered it, just got a spiritual pill from the fairy palace and ate it on the spot.

At that time, everyone suspected that it was because he was timid and afraid of death. He did not enter the stele, but stayed outside for a period of time. After confirming that other people were dead, he returned by himself.

He did not explain, but left the Kunxu secret realm through some means.

Three days later, at the council meeting where the Holy Lord ruled shortly after they got rid of, there was another position... the emperor!

The closest to the twelfth order in the legend!

This is also the fundamental reason why the fairy palace legend has endured for a long time.

But it was not the reason why Luo Jin was looking for the fairy palace.

Dominate the E-class plane? Get the recognition of Xiangong? Gain the rule of countless wild beasts?

It's not that Luo Jin doesn't want these, but knows that these things are out of reach.

What she asked for was nothing but a spiritual pill.

A... a spirit pill that can wash away the genetic chain in the body!


With a cry of exclamation, Luo Jin immediately pulled away from his own thoughts and raised his eyes to look in front of him...

A burst of white mist suddenly rose, and at the same time the visibility plummeted, the eight people immediately moved closer to Luo Jin!

Luo Jin glanced around, immediately drew out the weapon on the side of the armor, and examined the eight people leaning on own: "Password."

"What password?"

Eight people uttered four words at the same time, and their tone was surprisingly dazed.

Luo Jin was relieved.

‘No password’, this is the password she set to eight people before setting off. It is used to prevent someone from being disguised after they leave the line of sight.

In a sense, this kind of password without logic is the most secure.

Fortunately, at least everyone is fine.

"Pay attention to protection, go ahead."

Luo Jin replied to everyone and planned to move on.

But before she took a step forward, there was a thunderous sound...

Do not! Not thunder!

This rhythmic sound seems more like a four-hoofed animal approaching here!

Is it some kind of wild beast?

But in this place, there is no desolate beast within a hundred li, why does desolate beast appear behind the stele?

Before Luo Jin could understand, a black shadow came out from the white mist!


Luo Jin wanted the eight people to form a defensive posture, but she only uttered a word, and she froze in place!

The eight people wearing the same armor disappeared by her side almost at the same time she yelled the word!

Quietly disappeared!

Now, she is the only one still standing in the white mist!


An unfamiliar voice sounded from the front, Luo Jin couldn't help but look up, watching the black shadow probe from the white mist, and its name suddenly appeared in his heart!

At this time, the other party also looked at her, and while the front feet were slowly falling, the second half of the sentence was also spit out from his mouth: "He has his breath on the body."


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