In a bush.

"It seems we are lucky."

Gu Weiwei turned her head to look at Shang Yun not far away, and when she turned her eyes, she fell on Loli Zhanlu beside her: "You two..."

"She is my sword spirit."

Shang Yun didn't intend to conceal it. With the information that Gu Weiwei had, it was easy to know the information of the D-level plane, especially when he knew that the washing stone was auctioned.

"No wonder."

Gu Weiwei responded, took out the Feng Shui compass before, and after determining the direction, she set off again: "Are you with me or looking for that man?"

"There is no difference between the two."

Shang Yun replied casually, and followed Zhan Lu: "He is going to find Luojin Little Sister. Sooner or later, he will walk on the same road with you. It's just a matter of time."


Gu Weiwei showed a strange smile: "How did you meet Luo...Luo Big sis?"

Shang Yun didn't care about the word'Luo' that Gu Weiwei spit out, but thought it was a simple slip of the tongue: "I was Hu You who met first, Luo Jin Little Sister...I think she is a poor person."

"Who in the world can't be pitiful?" Gu Weiwei asked back, then stopped talking, just rushed on her own.

The two are not familiar with each other, and the only point of communication is Hu You and Luo Jin.

Now one doesn't want to talk about Hu You, and the other doesn't want to talk about Luo Jin, so naturally there will be no topic.


Gu Weiwei didn't go far, and stopped, stretched out her hand to touch her waist, and took out the dagger.

"...It's Hu You."

Shang Yun closed her eyes slightly, raised her eyes and said, "I can remember their taste."

"Are the three stone talisman all together?" Gu Weiwei frowned, seeming to be suspicious of something.

"is there any problem?"

"The problem is big..."

Gu Weiwei spit out four words and walked in the direction she perceives: "But it's useless to panic."

"What do you mean?" Shang Yun didn't quite understand.

"One of the many legends in the wilderness, it is said that there is a Demonic Beasts of the D-class plane imprisoned here."

Gu Weiwei furrowed her brows, but she didn't seem to panic: "Illusory demon, as a D-level plane, Miss Shang should be no stranger to this, right?"

Shang Yun's pupils trembled, did not speak, but immediately distanced herself from Gu Weiwei!

Illusory demon! One of the high rank Demonic Beasts!

Unlike the desolate beasts banned in the Kunxu secret realm, Illusions are a real Demonic Beasts!

Although not comparable to ancient races such as iron-eaters, they are also among the best among Demonic Beasts. They usually use illusion to confuse humans.

If there is no special distinguishing method, even legends may fall into the hands of perfection, but... this kind of ethnic group should have disappeared now.

The last Illusory Demon recorded on the D-level plane seems to have died 430 years ago. Because of the war of extermination, the records are particularly detailed in the ancient books.

Unexpectedly... I would meet here unexpectedly.

"Don't worry, I am not an Illusory Demon."

Gu Weiwei spit out helplessly, without even looking at Shang Yun: "I also know you are not.

After using the stone talisman, the body will carry a special aura, and I can distinguish this aura. "

"Then how do you prove that you are not?" Shang Yun asked back.

The horror of the Illusory Demon is that it can imitate any person you know based on your memory, even the details you have already overlooked, it may be exactly the same by the Illusive Demon!

Moreover, Illusions above the epic level will also master the Realm talent, so that their abilities are not limited to individuals, but a complete illusion is simulated!

There was once an epic phantom monster, and a team of legendary survivors died alive.

Because it created a world, a survivor traveled through the world before, so that the other party had to sink into it!

"Can't prove it."

Gu Weiwei simply uttered four words: "So you stay away from me, maybe... I made up that special breath to deceive you."

Shang Yun:? ? ?

You are so frank, you won't be able to give me the whole thing!

"Someone is coming!" Gu Weiwei called out suddenly.

As soon as the voice fell, Hu You's figure appeared in the eyes of the two of them. There was a ray of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was still holding a bone sword in his hand, and there was a trace of black inflammation on the blade, as if he had only experienced a great battle. Looks like...

As soon as he saw the two of them, he took the lead to retreated a step. As Long Tong opened up, he held the bone sword in front of him: "Don't move, go back first!"

"...Stop acting."

Gu Weiwei frowned, then turned to look at Shang Yun: "He doesn't have the aura of stone charms! I want to kill him, don't move!"

Do not move?

How can it be!

Shang Yun immediately grabbed Gu Weiwei's wrist, but before she could react, another Gu Weiwei suddenly appeared!

She didn't even say a word, and directly wiped Hu You's neck with a dagger, standing in front of the disappearing corpse and looking at them, especially the other herself.

"Shang Yun, step back."

Shang Yun: ∑(O_O;)?

Shang Yun didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately retreated to a safer distance from both Gu Weiwei.

She kept looking at two identical people, but she couldn't tell the difference at all.

Illusory demon... horrible!



Above the abyss.

The Tier 5 Desolate Beast, against the level of the Transcendent, is just an entry to the excellent level.

Not to mention Shang Yun, even if Gu Weiwei is left here alone, it is estimated that there are ways to easily solve them.

Why not do it? It is entirely because it is not in the interest.

Her first goal is to find Luo Jin, there is no need to waste too much effort on the Abyssal Cold Bat.

But Hu You is different. There is an advanced task hanging on him. Don't do it for nothing, don't do it!

not to mention……

Desolate beast, doesn't it also have a soul?

He drew out the bone sword, the little golden image resting on his shoulders sensed something, and immediately got into the bone sword.


Hu You took a deep breath and exhaled black inflammation covering the bone sword.

He stared at him intently with a bone sword in his right hand and a stone talisman in his left hand.

It's fake to say it's not nervous!

If it is placed outside the barren woods, as long as the opponent is Tier 5, even if the number is ten times more, he won't be embarrassed!

But this is in the barren woods!

Heiyan that is cut out will be judged as a projectile, and only when Heiyan is really brought into contact with the abyss cold bat, can it be damaged!

Therefore, if Hu You wants to complete the advanced tasks and collect a large amount of the souls of the abyss cold bat, two conditions must be met!

One is to get in close contact with the other party, and the second is to allow the black flame to cover as many abyssal cold bats as possible in a short enough time, so that the flame will have a spreading reaction!


Hu You swallowed, frowning slightly, and at the same time estimated the speed of the abyssal cold bat and calculated the contact time between the two sides.

Five seconds...

Hu You could already smell the nasty rancid smell.

Three seconds...

The true face of the Abyssal Cold Bat is exposed to the sun, far exceeding the size of a normal medium-sized dog. It is really hard to believe that it is a bat and not a large bird.

The green eyes that were originally only the size of mung beans are now at least the size of a pigeon egg.

Hu You also put away Long Tong in advance.

One second...

It's now!

Countless cold bats finally met their first food, and all attacked him with their fangs open!

Hu You opened the dragon pupil again, and the coercion brought by the high-rank creatures instantly swept the audience, causing the cold bats in the first row to lose their minds for at least 0.5 seconds!

At this time, even a normal person can at least swing a sword forward with full concentration!

Not to mention Hu You?

The black flames above the bone sword exploded, slashing to the front row of cold bats with the force of the tens of thousands of troops.

But it's not fatal, it just splashed a layer of black flame on them!


The harsh scream exploded in an instant!

Hu You didn't hesitate at all, he retreated with one blow, crushing the stone talisman in the palm of his left hand.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already come to a place he had never been before. There was no green color around, only countless grayish-white rocks.

From the geographical point of view, it should not be three kilometers back.


[The advanced task is completed, congratulations on getting the excellent blessing bag*1]

Hu You tucked the lucky bag back into the warehouse, extinguished the black inflammation on the bone sword, and held it tightly in his hand.

Although there is already a Tier 5 wild beast Death, the gold pattern on the sword hasn't moved.

After all, even if it was Black Flame Burning Body, it would be difficult for him to meet the soul requirements for the derivation of the golden pattern in such a short period of time.

The most important thing now is to find them fooling around first!

The strength of this girl is not high or low, even if she has the means to save her life, she is not as good as Shang Yun and Gu Weiwei.

Hu Yougang wanted to take out his notebook and contact Hu Nao and Gu Weiwei.

But before he could do anything, a familiar voice rang from the front...

"Brother? Is that you?"


Hu You was stunned for a moment. He was afraid of causing some trouble in the deserted forest, so he didn't shout when he got to the new place.

But I didn't expect... the nonsense is really nearby!

He raised his eyes to look in the direction of the sound, and he saw a figure: "Making a fool?"

"It's me, brother!"

The noise of mischief sounded again, and the figure slowly walked out of the thick fog, exposing himself to Hu You's field of vision.

Hu You just wanted to step forward to meet him, but just as he lifted his left foot, it stiffened in place!

This...what the hell is going on!

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